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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. I only bought RT recently. This is a great scenario with a gorgeous map. I managed a Major Victory despite having a Stuka take out one of my Tigers. Bloody flyboys..grrrrrrr.
  2. There is small hamlet called La Dune to the west of Vierville. Whether it was once called Dune St Pierre I couldn't say.
  3. I tend to find that if I give a German HMG team a "Slow" command into a hedgerow AS they will then fire from a prone position as they lay on the embankment/berm whilst in the "semi-deployed" state. Likewise having them "Hunt" into that final AS they will then fire from the shoulder. I'm no expert on weapon accuracy, but it gets the job done for me.
  4. That is just one more reason why I always play with the tress ON.
  5. Nice one Ian, although if you check carefully all might not be fixed i.e the next line down.
  6. It is certainly good advice. I have what I call my "Mod House" which is where my mods go when I first download them. I then check the "read me" and the individual bmps before they go over into my "z" folder. It also comes in handy for storing mods that I only need for specific battles or campaigns.
  7. Love the ice skating Firefly in the Movietone footage.
  8. I've played this recently, first as the Axis, then as the Allies. A great map, an interesting challenge, and a lot of fun to play. Thanks George. Carius at Malinovka 22nd July (Axis) - Minor Victory K.I.A. - 16 W.I.A. - 2 Tanks - 5 Carius at Malinovka 22nd July (Allies) - Total Victory K.I.A. - 3 W.I.A. - 1 Tanks - 2
  9. Is the "breading season" when the little birdies go off the bake loaves?
  10. Hahaha.... Not even Perry and Croft could have come up with that one.
  11. Could I make a quick suggestion? If you want non-forum members to have the chance see this it would help if you took the "s" off of the word Mission, then it will show up if people do a search on youtube for Combat Mission.
  12. Yes, I have to agree on this one. Normally I have no trouble with set-up zones. But I think in this particular scenario they are just a bit too similar, it took me a while to get my eye in before I could finally distinguish one from the other.
  13. One wonders who daubed green paint all over the Cattle Grid sign.
  14. Really good stuff George. Thanks for sharing them with us.
  15. Nice one ME.. Thankfully, in my case, they quite often override my stupid orders, and find themselves a target that I've missed.
  16. It looks good. I'll certainly be giving it a go once I get through a couple of battles that I want to play.
  17. "fiddle with his weapon".. Good to see that the art of the double entrendre is alive and well. Ronnie Corbett must be having a chuckle in comedy heaven.
  18. It would interesting to know just what goes on inside "our" tanks. As they decide whether or not they are going to obey us.
  19. I suppose that is one of the drawbacks of the net, the vast variety of download speeds, from one type of hardware to another, from provider to provider, from country to country etc. I'm lucky, mine only took 15mins. People like Bud have my sympathy. I'd be effing and blinding at my comp if a download took 4 1/2 hours.
  20. Vencini I don't think that you can accuse people of being impolite just because they enjoyed my comment. You are correct that certain things can be toggled on and off, but my views on toggling are quite well known. For example, I refer to tree toggling as playing the game in Telegraphpoleland. That doesn't mean I'm being rude to people who want to toggle the trees. For me the appeal of this game is it's realism. I can just imagine if my granddad had wanted the snow turned off. Paddy:- "Field Marshal, for the love of Jesus, Mary, Joseph and all the saints. cud yers not seez yer way to turning the snow off? Me Bedford keeps getting stuck in the sodding stuff." Monty:- "Ah,Private Fitzsimons, your Catholic God may perform miracles, but my father was an Anglican Bishop and in our church we don't rely on miracles. And that is why YOU have been provided with a shovel, Now go and use it."
  21. It is hard, reading this, not to paraphrase Mandy Rice Davies, but I will resist the temptation... Younger forumites can ask their granddads about her.
  22. Sound advice (pun intended) from ME. I'm happy to wait and hear too. I was well impressed with the overall look and feel of the game. And the sounds of the infantry walking in the snow was spot on. I doubt the bird song and the insects will feature in the released version of the game. I only tried the RT winter sound mod out of curiosity, and it was good to discover that it is compatible if needed..
  23. There are insects buzzing you're right. Now you know why the Belgians invented the Duffel coat, to keep their bumble bees cosy and warm. Of course, you can use the CMRT Winter sound mod if you really want to immerse yourself in a European winter.
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