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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. Good to know @MikeyD. Thank you.
  2. VICTORY!! I got the tag to work. I had to rename the .bmp file before it worked. It originally had the file name of 5ab3e4b951487_penetrationdecalglow I looked at another decal penetration mod I had and named the glow .bmp in a similar way: penetration decal [glow]. I think I'm starting to understand this. This has some cool possibilities................. Thanks @Pete Wenman
  3. THANK YOU Pete!!! That was very nice of you to go through the trouble of including the attachments. I will give the attachments a look at and see if I understand everything now. +1, +1 Thanks again.
  4. Nice AAR!!! This is frustrating. I will often give my AT teams a 360o Armor Target Arc so they don't waste missiles/rounds. If they come across something besides armor that I want them to shoot at I drop the Armor Arc and give them Target. The Armor Target Arc will keep them from shooting at infantry with rifles and giving away their position until I decide what shot they should take (if the shot is something besides armor).
  5. I did some digging around reading forum posts, looking in the Editor and looking at mods at CMMODS III. The below is what I have found so far. I think the below is correct but i'm still trying to understand it. So any correction / guidance would be useful and welcomed. Also, I'm going to tag @umlauthere since my research indicates he may be able to shed light on the mod tag issue. Mod tags first came out with Engine 3.0 in August 2014. Since engine 3.0 all the games (except CMSF1 & CMA) have had the mod tag selection added in the editor under Mission. CMBS and CMFB were released after mod tags were added and as a result make more use of them in scenarios than the earlier titles. Information on stock mod tags are included in the game manuals for CMBS & CMFB, not the engine manual (as far as I can tell). CMBS game manual page 143. CMFB game manual page 125. The below in italics is from the CMFB game manual: Mod tags are used by scenario designers to force selection of textures tagged with the appropriate label. For example, a scenario that has the "[whitewash]" mod tag will always attempt to use any textures with a file name containing "[whitewash]" (without the quotes) when the scenario is loaded. Mod tags are also used automatically by the game when certain conditions are met; for example, if the Region of a scenario is set to Germany, the game will automatically load textures with the "[germany]" mod tag in the file name. CMFB stock mod tags: Note: Ardennes region art is used by default for environmental art, if no mod tags are selected. [germany] - German environmental art. [france] - French environmental art. [holland] - Holland and northern Belgium environmental art. [autumn] - Autumn environmental art. [winter] - Winter environmental art. [snow] - Snow unit and environmental art. [cold] - Cold environmental art. [muddy] - Muddy unit and environmental art. [whitewash] - Adds whitewash camo to vehicles. Whitewash tagged art is used automatically by the game when the date is January or later, and there is Light Snow or heavier on the ground. [whitewash snow] - Combination of Whitewash and Snow mod tags. [rubble] – Heavy Rocks terrain tiles will now resemble piles of urban brick rubble. [rubble snow] – Same as the [rubble] tag above, but snow is mixed in with the rubble. I think the mod in the mod folder gets the [tag] and the scenario gets the tag in the mods txt document eg: [snow] goes with the mod at the end of the mod’s file name. In the scenario the word snow goes on the txt document under Mission – Mod Tags. Or the mod might also be made to appear if the conditions of the scenario is set to light snow, heavy snow or blizzard. So maybe two different ways of making some mods appear? In addition terrain tiles can be used for a second purpose if the tag is placed in the txt file in the scenario Editor. Tile Tag Notes lawn = Dirt red tile changed to lawn rubble = Heavy rocks changed to pile of bricks rubble snow = Heavy rocks changed to pile of bricks with snow trash = Hard changed to pile of trash trashsoft = Sand changed to pile of trash (trash & trashsoft look exactly the same to me) In addition the tag night on the txt file gives troops camouflage faces. I also found tags on txt documents that seem to be related to the scenario: meijel, stoumont, hatten, wingensurmoder, sessenheim, Bastogne, wiltz, herrlisheim, singling, stoumont. Not sure what these do or how they do it yet..............
  6. Does anybody have an understanding of mod tags and how to use them? I looked in the 4.0 Engine manual and found a section on mods but not how to use mod tags. Maybe I missed the section so if you know where in the manual and can give me the page number or something that would be great. In one of the game manuals, I think CMBS, I found the following: Mod Tags for most graphics. This allows for multiple mods for the same item without the need to move items in/out of the Mods folder. So does this mean that mod tags are built in and hard coded? I think you can change heavy rocks to building rubble with the use of a mod tag. But it is limited to what BFC coded? It can either be heavy rocks or building rubble? It can’t be changed? I also found a post that said to change the heavy rocks to rubble you had to create and import a txt file. Are there instructions located somewhere on how to do this? I also found in a game manual the following statement: There is the ability to specify mods be used for a specific scenario. This may actually be what I’m looking for (the ability to specify mods be used for a specific scenario). I just released a scenario for testing and before I send the finalized scenario to the Scenario Depot in a few weeks I might want to have the scenario grab and use a handful of specific mods. This is different from the hard coded mode tag ability above I think? How do you specify a certain mod to be used by a certain scenario?? Any guidance on all the above would be appreciated. Or just point me to the reference that explains it. I don't mind reading up on it I just can't find much detail on it. Just general information that mod tags exists.
  7. Yes. @Kieme(ITA) created civilian vehicles as flavor objects for CMBS. I'm not a modder so I don't know how he did it. This mod is available at CMMODs 3. Some modders here on the forum probably know.
  8. Flavor objects can be pushed inside a building by holding Shift and then left clicking on the object. So place any flavor object near a building and then Shift / Left Click to push it into the building. Once inside the building you can move it around turn it etc........
  9. I think you will really enjoy CMFI. Not sure if you are aware but Battlefront is working on an expansion (Module) for CMFI, that will take CMFI to the end of the war. So CMFI will cover the most time of any of the WWII games, July 1943 to May 1945. It will also include some new nationalities.
  10. Interesting. What made you use supply platoons to build units around? If you don't mind giving up any secrets.
  11. Cool!!! Just looked it up and it was released in the US yesterday. The trailer looks good. Will be taking the family to see it in the next week or two. Don't care much what the critics say anymore. Actually I find that the more some critics dislike a movie the better the movie is and the more I like it. I'll go see it and make up my own mind. Military type movie followed by a meal at the Texas Roadhouse. Life is good .
  12. Yes. This would be a lot of fun. I don't remember Battlefront talking about North Africa for CM2 but I hope it's on their list. +1
  13. @Sgt.Squarehead It's for CMBS. Actually I had a question I was going to ask you about it. Its about lights out here so I will send you a message tomorrow.
  14. That's funny. I was just thinking if a taxi could be modded to look like a Mercedes and if some modular buildings could be stuck together and modded to look like a cargo plane. Then put the Exit zone in the cargo hold . The Mercedes & friends would probably have to start unloaded just off the ramp........... But I have a scenario now that is about ready for testing. It has all kinds of triggers and new experiments with the game engine. Can't get distracted.
  15. That reminds me there is a new movie coming out about the raid/hostage rescue at Entebbe. Now something like that would be a cool scenario.
  16. Nice work. Very scenic. Just needs some pillars of smoke rising from destroyed vehicles and the sound of Hind gunships in the air ................
  17. This. About three years ago in a CMRT PBEM I had a 105mm artillery shell land on the back deck of a T-34 Tank and knock it out. At the time I was just trying to make the TC button up so my tanks would have a spotting advantage when they pulled up to their firing positions. The interesting part of this story is that this occurs so rarely that I remember this event from three years ago. I have not seen it happen again except for precision munitions in CMBS. Artillery against open top vehicles (halftracks) can be deadly for the crew & passengers. Having said that I would generally not use the time and resources to point target an OpFor halftrack with my artillery. I might try to predict where the halftrack was heading to and hit that area with an area fire mission to try and catch the OpFor troops dismounting.
  18. Just watched Hyena Road on Netflix last night. Good show. Not perfect but still good to see. I enjoyed it. The wife and I also had to catch up on "Victoria" and "The Crown" first. Or I would have seen Hyena road sooner. Next I think I will try to watch "A War".
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