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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. The vehicles have the same TOE as far as passengers. They are just from different squads. Example: vehicle one still has one LMG team but it is from 2nd squad instead of 1st squad. With limited seats it might be difficult to put the same (big) teams in one vehicle. Scout teams could go all in one but then the remaining bigger teams would not all fit in the remaining vehicles. One B team would end up on foot. I guess you could also intentionally do it this way for special circumstances but I've not tried it. I just ammo up and cross load so when it is time to dismount and take cover they are already split into teams (so cover is easier to find and there is no stopping to split in a more dangerous area).
  2. Judging from George's avatar, if he does have flowers, I bet they are edelweiss.
  3. No, IMO, not gamey. It is part of my SOP during the setup phase. Since in the setup phase you can freely move troops in and out of vehicles as many times as necessary. I wish that being loaded down with ammo was more noticeable in the troops movement & fitness. I also assign target arcs and sometimes pre-split the squads. I then cross load them so they don’t recombine. This also prevents the squads from redistributing ammo among teams. Example: A platoon has three squads that in turn have three teams. Unload squads & split into teams. B teams get back in same vehicles. A teams move one vehicle to right. C teams move one vehicle to the left. Then I don't have to dismount an entire vehicle if I just want one team for some task. Maybe a scout team to check out the farm house up ahead or whatever.
  4. +1 Yes. very nice. I especially like the first one, War Sound Effects. I think I may try it in CMBS also. EDIT: I changed the War Sound Effects to a Music Splash file and tagged it to play while the scenario TOC is loading. Cool.
  5. Interesting stuff and fairly easy to implement. Would just need to see what the results were in an actual game. I have found the plotting out of an axis of advance (created with a Paused unit & a line of movement waypoints) along with a command radius (created with a 360o Target Arc on the Platoon HQs) works fairly well when also combined with other house rules. Below is a link to some screenshots where the rules were used in a scenario. The axis of advance lines are a bit difficult to see because of the early morning partial darkness. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/133371-new-scenario-assault-on-port-cros/?do=findComment&comment=1776506
  6. This re-tasking, on the move, in the middle of combat is IMO one of the most unrealistic things that happen. I have house rules I use when I play against the AI. Every platoon is given a mission type order and axis of advance which is recorded on a Word document. The platoon must attempt to follow the intent of this order. For the order to be altered command must have reasonable knowledge of the new situation (contact icons), there must be C2, and time delays (mostly using the Pause command) to modify orders are enforced etc. In reality even my system is still to fast. @JoMc67 has some interesting ideas about using soft factors (unit attributes) to slow thing down. The soft factor idea may help with what you are trying to do. Just some ideas (since you asked) . I would stagger the arrival of friendly units. For two reasons. First, IMO, it can be a bit intimidating to open a scenario, look in the setup zone and view an entire battalion of infantry and attached units that need to be sorted, acquire ammo, target arcs, movement orders etc. The second reason is to slow things down. With less units on the map at the beginning of the scenario, but knowledge that reinforcements are en-route, most reasonable players would probably try to attack the objective in a slower more methodical way. Maybe one company at a time spread out over a time span that is reasonable for what you are trying to accomplish. Also, regarding the US units, I would consider the use of Unit Spot Objectives. The later arriving units would be unit spot objectives for the Germans. The later their on map arrival the higher their spot objective VP value (or whatever works best for your purposes). Example: B Company arrives 30 minutes into the scenario and is a 200VP spot objective for the Germans. C Company arrives 1 hour into the scenario and is a 300VP spot objective. So the more units the player throws into the meat grinder the more Victory Points it will cost him. Since if they enter the battle they will be spotted and cost VP. This will deter most players (who read the briefing) from quickly charging new units into the battle. They will be more reluctant and thoughtful (slower) about how and where to deploy the reinforcing units. You could also have most of the artillery arrive over time as reinforcements and maybe with less than full ammo load outs. The player would need to be more thoughtful (slower) with the use of artillery and resulting ground advance. I don't know what caliber artillery they used in RL but IMO the less US arty over 105mm the better. Give the German AI plenty of TRPs and FOs. Give the US Two or three TRPs or none at all. Use AP mines to slow the US advance and make the player cautious. Play up the presence of the mines in the briefing. Make liberal use of AP mines outside doorways facing the US side of the map. The German AI can still panic out the rear facing doors (hopefully) without running into their own mines. The US player would start to rely on demo charges for many building entries. The US engineer / demo teams could also be limited and spread out with the reinforcements. This would also slow things down. "I got two engineer squads coming in 20 minutes. I better wait on those guys before the next big push." Maybe have a German AI group or two composed of snipers. This AI group could be kept in relative safety from US firepower on the ground level of houses etc. When the US advance reaches a location, determined by you, it triggers the sniper group to move to the upper floors of their buildings and engage. This tactic could probably be repeated with different AI groups in different locations as the US advanced.
  7. Below is the translation I got: Dear brothers, there is a question to you - would you be interested in modifying the Ukrainian interface for this game? I ask Ukrainian because I want to understand how many Ukrainian commanders here. Thank you for attention. Glory to Ukraine! Слава Україні! 
  8. +1 Interesting AAR. I like the cutout closeup of the UI information panel showing the 7.92mm AP and the turning ability of the half track. Nice details. I notice some of your screenshots have the UI text across the top: Paused ESC to continue ALT-Q to quit etc........... There is a way to get rid of that if you wanted to. During playback instead of clicking Pause in the UI use the keyboard and click Shift + Escape. Shift + Escape will Pause the game without the text across the screen. You only have to use the keyboard and do this one time. After doing it once you can go back to using Pause in the UI. The text will not show up anymore. Don't know if you care about that but thought I would mention it in case you were not aware of that trick.
  9. Interesting. In the CMBS scenario Tactical Operations Center I tried to make the small ½ action spot barns preserve objective. However they would not go below ½ VPs. So if a barn was worth 10 VPs. It could be leveled and only cost 5 VPs. I had the same experience with taking out all the walls with demo charges and the building still stood with just the four corners holding the roof.
  10. Hmm, the engineers can walk across an AT minefield with no problem. Only vehicles will set off an AT mine (or large artillery). I think if engineers demo the barbwire they may also set off the mines under the wire. I think I tested this trying to find a way to clear a minefield. The problem is the engineers will take casualties. Maybe put AP minefields in the action spots around the barbwire but not in the same action spots as the wire.
  11. It works with a preserve objective in CMSF2. I used it in my current scenario, Coup d'etat. I made a one action spot tile a rebel preserve objective worth Victory Points. Then placed a huge or large IED on the action spot. The action spots typically contain a government vehicle or checkpoint etc. The rebels can detonate the IEDs but using IEDs will cost their rebellion legitimacy which is reflected by the lost VPs. So the player has a command decision - will the use of IEDs be worth the lost VPs? Of course just change who must "preserve" the terrain tile to make it work for what you want to accomplish.
  12. 1) I have never seen the U show up in the suppression meter. 2) A player only knows what the unit objectives are if he is told in the briefing. 3) That is frustrating. I tried that for a scenario and tested it but it does not work. I think I wanted a minefield to be a spot objective. The editor will allow you to assign the fortification a Unit Objective number however it will not be counted on the AAR screen. Agreed. Also, I found that barbwire works well for stopping wheeled vehicles at roadblocks. Tracks will crush it of course.
  13. I was thinking the same thing as I scrolled through the thread looking at the screenshots. If the danger area is narrow enough (typically a city street or a narrow area in bocage country) I may use both hand grenade smoke and Fast. If I need to cross bigger open terrain under fire I may use artillery smoke and alternating Quick commands for infantry. Vehicles use Fast. It is also important to give the smoke time to form a good screen. In general, if I think contact will be soon I have two scout teams (in function, not necessarily the administrative split) out front doing the alternating Quick, Pause, Quick movements with an over-watch. The remainder of the platoon can conserve their energy and use Move at a relatively safe distance behind the scouts. When something bad happens (which is usually inevitable) it happens to hopefully just one scout team. The other scout team and over-watch sees what happened and reports the situation (tentative contacts etc.) The remainder of the platoon should be safe from the initial shooting and with the fitness state of at least "ready". With this "ready", free to maneuver, remainder of the platoon we get to answer the next question, "now what do we do Sir?" Good luck with that.
  14. All vehicles, not just wheeled -- take damage from driving through obstacles. Just driving over rough terrain will not cause damage. Vehicles of all types can drive through light woods or rocky terrain without damage. However, railroad tracks can damage both wheeled and tracked vehicles.
  15. Interesting. I may try this. I'm not sure. I did a quick scan of the beginning of this thread and didn't notice any rules on this. However, they are playing with enemy icons off. I think this also means enemy tentative contact icons are off. I'm not seeing tentative contact icons in the screenshots. So if they are doing recon by fire it is really recon by fire.
  16. After the battle it would be interesting to know the soft factors of the 20mm AC halftrack. Is it luck, a really good crew or maybe both? Nice AAR.
  17. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +2 Good information. I was trying to swap the mod with something that did not exist in the stock game. Everyday is a learning day. Ah, clever. So I think this could also be done with stock building skin #8 to make the original stock #8 appear in the game again. So then the game (scenario) could have 11 total building skins three of which could be tagged.................. cool stuff. Thank you very much for your time and assistance.
  18. The storefront is number 8 and it works. The shot up building is number 9 and the mosque collonade is 10. After the shot up building and mosque collonade mods stop showing up (because they won't load when tagged) I can no longer get them to show up un-tagged. The old fashion way of just dropping an un-tagged mod in the mod folder no longer will make them show. Or even a Z folder within the mod folder. I have to physically go into the editor and use the shift key to cycle through the building skins to make the mosque collonade and shot up skins appear again. Maybe the game just won't load anything automatically past number 8 no matter if it is tagged or not? Skin number 9 and 10 must be manually selected in the editor??? Maybe if I made the mosque collonade number 7 and tagged it, it would then work?
  19. The building skin will defaults to one of the stock skins. But not always the same stock skin. Or so I thought, see below. Well, I just double checked. The building skin will sometimes show the tagged skin that does work. From the SHOPFRONT folder: facade8-exterior-bottom [ramadi]. So in summary: The building will not show the tagged skin it is intended to show but will instead show a random stock skin or different working tagged skin.
  20. Okay, I'm running into a problem I can't figure out so far. I am attempting to Tag a few mods for the new scenario Coup d'etat. Some are working as expected and others will not show up when tagged. Below are three examples. They are mods created by @LongLeftFlank for his Ramadi map. The first mod shopfronts works as intended. The next two Shot Up Building and Mosque Collonade do not. Below are examples of one tagged mod from each. SHOPFRONT: facade8-exterior-bottom [ramadi] This works, no problem. SHOT UP BUILDING: facade9-exterior-bottom [ramadi] This will not show up in the scenario when tagged. MOSQUE COLLONADE: facade10-exterior-bottom [ramadi] This will not show up in the scenario when tagged. The txt file imported in the editor shows: squalor, ramadi, coup Iv'e tried several things with no luck. Any ideas, suggestions or adult supervision would be appreciated. Edit: This mod was originally made for CMSF1. The mods do work when put in the CMSF2 mods folder with no tag.
  21. Never mind. Computer technical thing on my end. Sorry for the bad information.
  22. From the Briefing: GOVERNMENT COMPLEX: The Government Complex is in the western area of the city (Grid: 42112700). The Government Complex also contains the City Council Building (see City Council Building section). The Government Complex is a large occupy objective worth 100 VPs to whomever controls it. CITY COUNCIL BUILDING: The City Council was a group of 50 aldermen that presided in the City Council Building (Grid: 42042615), which is part of the Government Complex. The City Council was dissolved when Waleed’s regime seized power. Twenty aldermen are still alive. The regime confined 10 of the surviving aldermen at Fisbuk Prison. The remaining ten are fugitives hunted by the regime. The aldermen will support a coup against the regime and will use their knowledge and contacts in the city to obtain and provide intelligence to the rebels. Throughout the scenario fugitive aldermen will report to the Hotel Rasheed to convey intelligence to friendly forces. The intelligence is in the alderman’s name field and contains an intelligence code, location and time (see operational map area). The aldermen are regime unit targets worth 200 VPs (10 VPs each). The City Council Building contains a rebel exit zone. All twenty surviving aldermen must be safely brought to the City Council Building and restored to power (and they must use the exit). Securing the City Council building (it is surrounded by a touch objective) will persuade the city police (see police HQ section) to join the rebels. To secure the City Council building have rebel units reach the touch objective around the building. This is one of two ways to persuade a city police unit to side with the rebels. The City Council Aldermen enter the Government Complex while under escort by a British SF unit. The Aldermen enter the City Council building restoring democracy. The City Council Aldermen use the rebel exit zone inside the City Council building preventing the regime from earning 200 Victory Points.
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