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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. .30cal M1Car is used in the M1 Carbine .30cal M2 is used in the M1 Garand, M1919 MMG, M1917 HMG, M1918 Springfield (scoped, bolt-action marksmans's rifle), and BAR. .45cal ACP is used in the Thompson, M3 Grease Gun and the M1911 pistol The armor piercing round in .30-06 (same as M2) is also designated M2. So the Springfield-chambered weapons in #2 above can fire two different kinds of M2 ammo.
  2. The manual can be a little confusing sometimes. Engineers can both discover mines and may also Mark discovered mines allowing other infantry units to more safely navigate the now marked minefield. Of course any unit can discover a minefield by detonating some of the mines. After the mines are discovered (however the discovery was made) engineers can Mark the minefield. A discovered, active, non-marked minefield displays a red skull and crossbones sign. A discovered, active, marked minefield displays a off white (yellow?) skull and crossbones sign. A neutralized minefield (all mines detonated) displays a green sign with a white X. To further complicate the issue CMSF2 has a fourth minefield type called IED Mine. So in addition to AT mines, AP mines and mixed mines there is IED minefield. This is different from the cellphone, radio and wire IEDs. An IED minefield looks and deploys like a minefield. See the below screenshot. The difference may be the ability to "discover" the IED minefield. There is a different topic here on the forum where players were discussing the problems with discovering the minefield in the Task Force Thunder campaign, scenario one. I suspect an IED minefield may have been used in this scenario. Possibly an IED minefield falls into unconventional settings with civilian density etc which makes them difficult (impossible?) to discover without detonating. Since this scenario is in a campaign and not a stand alone scenario I can't open it in the editor to check. Just a possible idea as to what is going on ....................
  3. I was wondering if you had smoke turned off............
  4. Not sure what this means............. my understanding was that Europe was a very diverse, multicultural society and becoming more so all the time. So, I don't really follow what this means. Not sure about this. I think we might both agree that Europe should spend more money on their armed forces. I don't see them forced to do so. Wouldn't the money to do so need to be re-directed from another part of their fiscal budgets? What other part of the budget would the citizens be willing to take the money from? I think this basic question remains, whether the Americans remain or not.
  5. Sorry, my friend. I was trying to be funny but that was kind of snarky. A thin line between the two sometimes. Interesting. I Googled some of the things that @Aragorn2002 posted and it seems the military establishments in Europe are already merging forces. The German-Dutch Corps etc. I guess the Dutch and German parliaments must have voted and approved this merger? Just my outsider opinion but it seems like the EU is moving towards an EU Army now.
  6. Everything has advantages and disadvantages including an EU Army. That is for the citizens of the EU to decide. IMO since the EU is a bureaucracy, (which grows or dies) it is inevitable that if the EU remains the EU it will have an EU Army someday. I think the link provided by @Aragorn2002 had an EU official state that it was inevitable that the EU would have an EU Army someday. So, it would seem after the question "Could that thing be used against us?" is asked and answered the EU citizens will eventually get an EU Army. Then we will find out how well funded it is and how it is used. I guess the Italian widow in the village will get at least two votes on said use along with the Greek pensioner . If they actually have a meaningful impact on funding / use of a future EU Army I suspect the Army will be underfunded since the widower and pensioner will have other spending priorities. Interesting topic.
  7. Well, if true, that's good for her. Way back in the day we use to have many separate state militias ect. with a very small regular force. Since we now have a very strong, centralized (Pentagon) standing national Army (which I served in) it is possible that the vote would be ignored and the military would enforce the ignoring of said vote if necessary (as in the 1860s). Out of curiosity, what would happen, if the EU had a standing Army and Greece had riots over austerity, refused to pay what they owed, or whatever............. maybe that's not a good example but you probably understand the concept................ IMO they might do what unified Armies do............... keep the unity.
  8. Bureaucracies are like the Roman empire, expand or die. Iv'e seen many examples of a small government office established to deal with some issue. Staffed by a handful of people (many of whom are temporary hires) and crammed into a small office space. Return to that same office a few years later and it will probably be expanded to dozens of full time employees, a suite of offices and plans to move to a new office building to accommodate all the future hires promised in the next fiscal budget. As long as there is an EU it will continue to expand and do more and more things to eventually include an EU army. I don't know if an EU army is "needed" or not or if it is a bad thing or not. But it will be a thing. Might be 20 years from now but it will be a thing if the EU stays the EU. Having stated above that I think there will be an EU army someday (as long as there is an EU). There will probably always be the competition for funding between social welfare programs and the military. At present it seems that the individual military establishments within the EU are losing this competition and are under funded. I don't know that this will change. If it does not change it is likely the future EU army will be underfunded and under equipped with a low state of readiness. However, I guess it might be useful to use internally for quelling unrest resulting from various EU imposed austerity programs etc. Admittedly I'm an outsider looking in but I find the whole topic of Brexit and the EU interesting and have been trying to read up on it and understand it. It seems the EU voice from Brussels can punish some old widow lady in a small village in Italy for not properly recycling her garbage? I'm not sure if the widow lady has a say in the election of this voice or not. It seems they do have some type of elections in Brussels but maybe internal not direct? So does she have a choice in listening to said voice? .............. not clear on that yet.
  9. Just found this part 2 video of TOC posted over at The Few Good Men. Thought I would link it here. Part one was posted by @Pericles several posts back in this thread.
  10. It could be done by using low count mortar ammo supply dumps that show up (reinforcement) at different locations. Compelling the player to move his mortar team close enough to the ammo dump to fire off the supply and relocate to the next ammo dump and repeat. I suspect ammo supply runners might be a way for the player to get around this. Having said all that I generally prefer to provide the player with command decisions that have benefits and consequences. The player can then play the scenario to his style & tactics as much as possible within the game mechanics. Back in the 1980's I was working a detail with my platoon at a Division capability demonstration (I think that's what it was called). Different weapon systems were live fired out at a range at Fort Bragg before a large crowd of dependents, invited civilians and visiting VIPs. At one point a 120mm mortar towed behind a jeep came racing out of the woods to our right. They unhooked, setup and fired off several rounds. They then picked up, hooked up and raced off the field to our left (this was a huge field). After watching Sheridan tanks fire main guns etc. I was not very impressed. A few minutes after that mortar crew disappeared their rounds began to impact down range ............... Then it dawned on me what they had accomplished. No counter battery fire was going to get them. That mortar demonstration turned out to be very impressive and I remember it to this day. .
  11. That's funny! The video and screenshots did closely resemble each other.
  12. If it is not clear who the victor in the coup attempt is by 0615hrs (or if the player just wants to) the player can choose to award the AI controlled regime 200 VPs and continue to fight on. The USMC will then be available for the player's use. Of course this overt outside intervention will trigger a nationalist backlash in the streets of the city........... Command decision. Below are some screenshots following a decision to fight on. Chaos continued to grip the city with no clear victor emerging. The task force stationed off the coast became impatient with the continued chaos and escalating threats to their consulates and citizens in the city. The command decision was made.
  13. Yes, but this time I probably mean it.......... as far as I know.
  14. +1. Very nice. How did you blind the M1s with AT-3 Saggers? Knocked out the optics maybe? Or do you mean distracted them? Just curious in case it's something I can use.
  15. Regular infantry would work. I was in the 82nd Airborne Division G2 in the 1980s. Back then the Division had the Dragon AT and the Sheridan tank . But yes, today they have the Javelin. I think the 82nd has the same number of Javelins as leg infantry but I'm not sure. Also the 101st is Air Assault now (helicopters) not Airborne. Since the game does not have helicopters etc. I guess it doesn't really matter. @IICptMillerII made some cool Airborne mods. Good luck.
  16. A cease fire stops the game and gives the points out as they have been earned up to that point in the scenario. A surrender awards all points to the other player (AI or human) even if all objectives have not been secured.
  17. In the editor a bridge can be placed inside a building. This allows a vehicle to drive through a building. It takes some experimenting to get it the way you want. Originally I was just using the bridge building combination for gate houses to compounds like below. Then I tried it with buildings in water for ships with well decks. Loading up inside the well deck of the USS Wasp.
  18. Thanks. I think this will be a fun scenario to play. AAV-7s and LAV-25s head for the beach. Us Marines prepare gear on the deck of the USS Wasp as the first assault wave passes the port side.
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