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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. Some screenshots, just for you my friend. The assault ship USS Wasp. View inside the well deck of USS Wasp looking towards the stern. The well deck is made possible by the bridge inside of a building trick discovered by @RockinHarry. The USS Wasp deploys a USMC beach assault unit with the USS Ticonderoga in the background. US Marines watch from the starboard hangar of the USS Wasp as the USS Ticonderoga engages attacking aircraft.
  2. +1 John. Interesting video. Thanks for sharing.
  3. Better use the Shift key + left mouse button to push that flavor object off the highway tile................ Be safe in your travels my friend and keep an eye out for the agricultural adviser in the hotel conference room...
  4. There is one internal door, as @Sgt.Squarehead said, between the room on the street (front room) and the OpFor room (back room). If the OpFor room contains an AI unit the unit will not have LOS to anything except the front room through the one internal door. When / If triggered the AI unit goes through the interior door, through the front room, to the outside an on to its destination.
  5. The game engines are kept up to date (except for Combat Mission Afghanistan) so no worries there. If you like WWII eastern front then CM Red Thunder is probably your first choice (you'll eventually be back for more of the titles). BFC has free demos up on the website that you could try out. Welcome to the forum. If /when you have questions return here and ask. This is a generally friendly, helpful group here. Speaking of friends, I just got ninja'd by @IanL while I was typing. Wow he has a lot of content in his post too. What Ian said.
  6. Well, no plan survives first contact. So now you get to demonstrate quick, flexible, instinctive thinking and issue clear, concise, timely orders while under fire. Or since this is a game go have another beverage of your choice and think it over some more. Either way, good luck.
  7. In the UI under ammo it will read something like 81mm HE 30, 81mm WP 8, for on map mortars. The WP 8 is the smoke. I only noticed screenshots of the US 60mm mortar. I don't think the 60mm mortar has smoke shells, IIRC. What unit are you attempting to use for smoke and is it on map or off map?
  8. The scenario features the “OpFor Room” located in buildings throughout the map. The OpFor room is a ground floor room with no exterior windows or doors where AI teams might be located. Some of the buildings, in residential areas, are arranged in a checkerboard pattern but others are not. The player will get tentative contact icons for some of the AI teams in these OpFor rooms. Some of the AI teams will cause no problems and remain in their OpFor room the entire scenario. Some of the AI teams will only come out if triggered and some are coming out (on a timer) to cause problems no matter what the player does. The player has no way of knowing which one of the three situations a tentative contact represents and some of the OpFor rooms are empty. It is impractical for a player to try and clear all of the OpFor rooms especially since many will never cause a problem (in game intelligence may report something in a specific building). The player is forced to conduct operations while surrounded by this AI population. Just as in RL he is never sure which one of these rooms OpFor teams might emerge from or when. A lot of cool stuff can be done with this setup especially in urban terrain. I originally used this technique in the scenario Tactical Operations Center. However the urban terrain of Coup d’etat allows for much more widespread use. Below are some screenshots. As an example: 1 = AI Group #1. This group will remain stationary (unless routed out by a nearby VBIED blast or airstrike etc.) They will shoot at friendly units that enter the building but will not initiate activity. 2 = AI Group #2. This group will emerge from their OpFor rooms to attack a target if the player hits trigger X. 3 = AI Group #3. This group will emerge from their OpFor rooms and attack a target on a timer. 4 = AI Group #4. This group will emerge to attack a target if the player hits trigger Y or on a timer whichever comes first. Some AI groups will conduct operations, move to an exit zone and leave the map. On a reinforcement turn the AI group will reappear with a fresh unit and conduct additional operations. Above, various AI groups are shown in "OpFor Rooms" waiting on a trigger, timer or combination. Some will never initiate movement from their location. Above, exterior view of an "OpFor Room". Above, a police unit and their Canadian advisers, conduct operations through feces filled streets while surrounded by an AI controlled population.
  9. Thanks for asking. It's my fault. We were about two days away from release but I keep getting ideas as I play through it. Then I add something which then needs testing / adjusting. As an example I modified it so if the rebels make a rebel broadcast from WTF Radio station while the political prisoners are still in Fisbuk Prison the regime executes the prisoners. Also there are now two different ways to have a police unit join the rebellion. Then at 0600hrs a USMC task force shows up off the coast.................... I will post some screenshots of the USMC task force later. I think this is an interesting addition. The player can still hit cease fire between 0600 hours and 0615 hours to end the scenario. However if the player makes the command decision to continue he can do so with or without using the Marines who are sitting offshore in the USS Wasp. As in most things in the scenario there is an advantage / disadvantage to the decision. With the USMC addition there is now the option for the player to evacuate the coup plotter and political prisoners to one of the ships in the task force that has an exit zone. I will try to make this the last addition to the scenario and get it posted at the scenario depot in the next few weeks.
  10. Thanks for the PDF file. Interesting stuff. On a very large wooded/jungle map, something like the TOC map. Supply trucks (representing valuable natural resources) appear as reinforcements in certain villages, across the map. These villages produce / gather the resource. Said trucks would appear up to seven times (7 reinforcement groups) in the appropriate villages. Each truck could be a RedFor destroy unit objective worth Victory Points. Different types of resources worth different VPs. Example: Jade truck worth 25VPs lumber worth 10VPs. The more valuable the resource / village the better guarded by OpFor. The player starts with a small insurgent force at a base camp in the woods / jungle. His goal is to control the province by controlling all the villages that produce the valuable resources. He captures his first small village and the BluFor supply trucks in the village. As long as he holds the village he will gain future supply trucks on future reinforcement turns. Since the trucks are destroy unit objectives he must smuggle them across the border (evading government, troops & rival war lords) to an exit zone across said border. Some of the bigger more valuable villages contain a trigger that would release additional forces to the player's control. These forces would become available across the border in the neighboring country. They would represent (reward) the player's military success (if he succeeds) in controlling the villages. As the player commands a bigger force he is able to go after bigger villages until he is warlord of the province. Throw in triggers, timers, AI groups etc........... Maybe spies used as refugees that must be dealt with......., maybe a modern Canadian led UN force in the area ............... .
  11. +1 Its like dominoes . I guess it could be used to simulate a few things. Maybe a conventional bomb drop by an airplane. With more of a fire look it could be napalm. Now I'm thinking about CM Vietnam............ .
  12. The text seems stretched (left to right) which I think also makes it look smaller. The text is also a little faded out. Maybe the fading out is done on purpose to mimic type from an old typewriter?
  13. Tunguskas are very deadly for Raven and Shadow UAVs. The only UAV that is safe is the Gray Eagle. The Gray Eagle is only safe if it does not use its Hellfire missiles. If I think the OpFor has a Tunguska, I make the Tunguska a priority target and try not to use air support. No UAVs (except Gray Eagle), no fixed wing & no choppers. In an ideal situation if I had a Gray Eagle I would attempt to locate the Tunguska with the Gray Eagle and destroy it with precision rounds. Then I would bring in my remaining air support. But dealing with a Tunguska (or two or three) can be a real PITA. Below is some general information on UAVs that might give you some ideas. Good luck. US UAVs: Raven shot down by AAA, Shadow shot down by AAA & SAMs, Gray Eagle only shot down by AAA & SAMs during attack. General UAV Information: UAVs are equipped with high resolution cameras and thermal imagers, allowing them to be used night or day. Experience of a UAV determines how long it takes to get on station (If UAV is deployed in setup it arrives on station 1st turn). Experience affects the observation/detection ability of the UAV and for the US Gray Eagle the time to fire a Hellfire. If a spotter has a satellite link, via PDA or vehicle, the spotter can call for artillery fire on any area observed by any friendly UAV. UAVs have three types of targets: Point, Area & Linear. UAV missions don’t need LOS & can be placed anywhere on the map anytime. Small UAVs (US Raven & Russian ZALA) have up to 400m area & linear observation. All other UAVs have up to 700m area & linear observation. UAV status: Receiving, Preparing, Observing. UAVs can be adjusted but the status will read preparing not adjusting. If the controller for a Raven or Zala UAV is KIA or incapacitated while the UAV is in the air, the UAV will crash. Larger UAVs auto cancel. Units that are spot objectives can be spotted by UAVs.
  14. It is a little hard to read but it looks very cool. +1 for the effort.
  15. +1 This is probably the best way to go about it.
  16. +1 Great stuff. Anyone interested in Command Guidelines should visit Peregrine's link.
  17. Hmmm, and another thing is that in the scenario we are testing the regime leader dude randomly shows up at one of three AI setup zones. There is not a "standard" RedFor setup zone anywhere on that map. And it works without a problem. He starts in the corner of the map. When the BRB is hit he jumps to one of the three zones. This is what I was thinking of when I first responded. I'm trying to figure out why there seems to be a difference.............. and failing. @Combatintman what am I missing?
  18. And the school lesson today is, look at notes first and then respond to a forum topic. NOT the other way around.
  19. Hmm, interesting. I found the below in my notes from a post made by @Paper Tiger. In the map editor you will have to 'paint' at least one set up zone (there are three) for one or both sides first if you want the AI to set up its own units. If you don't paint a set up zone for a side, the units will always start the scenario set up where you find them in the editor. Once you've painted the set up areas on the map, you can then 'paint' locations in the AI map editor within these set areas and the AI will then deploy stuff depending on the set up orders you gave them. It would seem he might agree with you....................................... Edit to add: You are right my friend. I generally place the initial starting deployments of AI troops as I want. They don't get to choose. However I have an old scenario, Consulate Evacuation, where I did allow the AI to place it's troops in a setup zone. I opened my old scenario in the editor and sure enough I have one big RedFor setup zone painted. Inside this big setup zone are smaller AI setup zones. My apologies you are correct.
  20. No, my friend, they don't need to overlap. If I understand what you are saying. You can have an AI setup zone with no standard setup zone on the map at all. The standard setup zone is for the use of a human player. In Human vs AI only scenarios the AI side will not have any standard setup zones (don't need them).
  21. +1 Nice! Thanks for making this. Also Fighters have the technical group (Heavy) which can now be made to appear with the combatant look instead of the Ninja pajamas.
  22. Oh, that would be better than what I was thinking. I hope your correct.
  23. Interesting stuff. I have many rules that are similar to yours. Mine are a modified version of @Peregrine rules. I keep adding to them and modifying them. Part of the fun. The below is my rule for a KIA CO. When a Commanding Officer (CO) of a HQ is KIA the new CO takes a 1:15 Pause. Order of succession CO, XO, next highest rank. If same rank the one with the lowest squad number, example: 1st Squad / 1st Team.
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