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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. Yes. The information for stacking commands can be found in the tutorial sections of the individual game manuals. Example: CMFB game manual (not engine) page 32 & 33 Stacking Commands. A waypoint can contain one command each from the Movement, Combat and Special command tabs. Yes the UI will display both Hide and Deploy Weapon. But since they are both from the Special Command tab the AI will just Deploy Weapon and ignore Hide. I don't know why it always chooses Deploy over Hide since Hide displays at the waypoint above Deploy. One of the many mysteries of the UI............
  2. If ordered to Deploy and Hide at same waypoint on same turn the crew served weapon will ignore the Hide order. You should Deploy one turn and Hide on a later turn except during setup.
  3. It probably took the rest of the body several beers to catch up with the numb half face.............
  4. Another very cool semi-historic scenario, Assault on Port Cros, has been released by @Combatintman. It is available at the scenario depot (see link). http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy/cm-battles-for-normandy/assault-on-port-cros/ Below is a link to the forum thread discussing the scenario. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/133371-new-scenario-assault-on-port-cros/ Here are a few screenshots:
  5. I was expecting it when I saw the time limit. The latest a reinforcement group can arrive is at the three hour mark so with the length of this scenario I was guessing the trick would not be in play. It all made sense and worked out to be believable. /////////////////////////////////////////SPOILERS////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The modular buildings in the port objective were surprisingly tough. I thought I would get troops on the ridge above them and easily rain down death on all below. Of course the OpFor, in the buildings, didn't just sit there but shot back and with better effect than I anticipated. I also foolishly sent 3rd Platoon / 4th Company on a flanking maneuver south of the port. The map is covered with trees but does not have light or heavy woodland base tiles. I knew this from IPB but did not fully understand what I knew. I thought 3rd Platoon would come down from the high ground of Hill 137, through the woods and hit the OpFor 88s in the flank. However the platoon was visible to multiple OpFor positions including the previously mentioned modular buildings. If it wasn't for their smoke grenades casualties in 3rd Platoon would have been even worse. Out of the forts the first one, Fortin de la Vigie was probably the hardest just because it was first. I developed a system after that which made the other forts easier. But those d@%^ modular buildings...................... Good scenario. It made me think of Port Stanley in the Falklands. Having to maneuver forces across country to take a port from the land side............. you know with the amphibious ability in CMSF2 the Falklands could be an interesting idea...................
  6. //////////////////////////////////////////////SPOILER ALERT//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////SPOILER ALERT//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0817hrs OpFor surrenders, Total Victory. AAR map screen at 0817hrs. The naval gunfire team did an amazing job. As was mentioned in the PDF that comes with this scenario, there is a problem with the surrendering behavior. I don't know if it is just in CMBN or maybe some of the other titles also. These OpFor troops, at the Y Crossroads (see screenshot on previous page), have been surrendering since about 0730hrs. At the end of the battle 0817hrs they still have not displayed the white flag and disappeared from the map. Also there are more OpFor troops back at Fortin De La Vigie that have been surrendering for about an hour with no white flag. Knocked out 88. Just because it looks cool. Assault on Port Cros is another excellent scenario that I highly recommend. It is available at the scenario depot. See the below link. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy/cm-battles-for-normandy/assault-on-port-cros/
  7. If you stay on the same map (basically a very long scenario) this is sometimes referred to as a static campaign. A static campaign will also get you around the problem of persistent map damage since the damage from previous ambushes, artillery strikes, demo charges etc will always be present. They will be a constant reminder of past successes and failures. However, the maximum length of a static campaign is four hours. The way outlined by @Combatintman will also work and will allow for briefings for each operation/scenario. The static campaign is more of a sandbox with one long briefing. Multiple scenarios of a true campaign (added together) can be much longer than four hours and can have different environmental conditions Light vs dark vs rain etc. I like the idea of not having everything a pitched battle (like the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan). IMO scenario / campaigns where the player has choices to make that effect the possible outcome of various tactical problems can be very interesting. To meet with a village elder do I follow a goat path through the mountains or do I take the long winding dirt road? If a goat path which one? Or do I split my forces and take some combination? What type of intelligence do I have to base the above decisions on? This type of situation often makes me want to play just a few more turns (before I take a break for RL stuff) to see how my decision plays out and if my analysis of the intelligence was accurate. You already have some good, interesting, ideas and I look forward to playing your scenario/campaign. Below is a link to a thread about a static campaign where some of these ideas are discussed. It may give you some more ideas. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/126574-new-scenario-tactical-operations-center/
  8. //////////////////////////////////////SPOILER//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////SPOILER///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SITREP 0810hrs.
  9. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////SPOILER/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////SPOILER////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SITREP 0810hrs. Fortin de la Vigie secured. Fortin de L'Eminence secured. Screenshots of the fighting at the gate of Fortin De L'Estissac Engineers use Demo charges and hand grenades on a bunker.
  10. Very nice work for just "slapped together". Looking forward to the final +1
  11. //////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER /////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SITREP 0745hrs.
  12. ////////////////////////////////// SPOILER /////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fighting in and around Fort De La Vigie. Objective secured.
  13. +1 Looks very cool. I'm sure it will be an awesome MOUT map, right up there with @LongLeftFlank Ramadi map. I hope someday you will release the map to the public. I bet a lot of cool scenarios could be based in this map.
  14. Well ...................... the spelling was part of OPSEC to throw off OpFor agents so they wouldn't discover all the impressive information the S2 shop had compiled on their armaments. Next you'll be telling them about Bletchley Park..................... . Since you blew the cover off OPSEC I went back and changed it. Thanks.
  15. Okay. It's been awhile since I played CMBN. I have in my notes the German and US off map medium mortars would descend horizontal. Maybe I'll test (if I remember) after the new patch. I've not seen this horizontal fall in light mortars before. So, what do you do with the mortar bomb after you catch it?
  16. /////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SITREP 0731hrs 1) 4th Company destroys a bunker in the area of Fort De La Vigie. 2) 5th Company secures Y Crossroads.
  17. INCOMING!!!!!!!! The S2 pulls out his OpFor ordnance recognition & capabilities handbook and does a quick check. Identified as 50mm on map mortar. 45 rounds HE. Range 24 - 520 meters. Interesting......... the 50mm in the first screenshot (in the scenario) is falling a bit horizontal. That normally happens with off map medium mortars. Don't think I have noticed light mortars (which can only be on map) have a horizontal fall. @Bulletpoint IIRC you originally discovered the horizontal vs vertical mortar bomb fall for determining if an OpFor medium mortar was on map or off map. Have you noticed this with light mortars?
  18. ////////////////////////////////////// POSSIBLE SPOILER ////////////////////////////////////////////// As always your scenarios are very enjoyable. I probably went through a lot of work moving those TRPs around for not much gain. The naval gunfire should probably be reserved for the forts. There is not enough of it to hit the forts and whatever else I stumble upon during my nature walk west towards Port Cros. The 60s and direct fire can get some limited use out of the TRPs but in hindsight moving them probably won't change much. The maxed out harassing naval gunfire has done a number on the first fort however . To early to have BDA on the other forts yet.
  19. 1st Platoon, 4th Company crosses the line of departure and heads south to hook around Fort De La Vigie.
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