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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. I've not tested this but the behavior doesn't surprise me. The ammo sharing distance is 16 meters (2 action spots). This distance is determined on the horizontal plane with the vertical probably ignored. So in an extreme case a fire team at the top of a 14 floor building in CMBS could probably share ammo with a fire team (same platoon) outside on the ground and within two action spots of the building. Same for the case you are showing in the screenshot which is easier to believe than my extreme 14 floor example.
  2. +1 Yes this. The replay ability of WeGo is very useful for both entertainment purposes and lessons learned. I can't count the number of times I've had something bad happen and thought "How did I screw that up?". Then I watch the replay a few times, figure out what/how I screwed up and come away with another lesson learned for my AAR notes.
  3. Also the Taliban mod is tagged!! Very useful!! Looking in the editor and at my below screenshot made me realize I did not have all the mods. The editor shows the following tags as imported on the txt file: trashsoft, rubble, mudhouse, mudwall, poppiesyellow, ANA, taliban I don't think ANA will work capitalized on the txt file. It would have to be imported as ana. So I found and have all the mods in the scenario txt file except: trashsoft, rubble, ANA Or maybe trashsoft and rubble are BFC tags that ship with the game???? ...................... I don't remember off hand. Is there a ANA mod somewhere? (which I think would need to be renamed ana on the txt document)
  4. + 1. Nice work. I will have these loaded while playing your scenario.
  5. Nope. Not modeled. A few years back there was a thread where the effect of looking into the sun was briefly mentioned. The consensus was that looking into the sun, in the game, did not effect the pixeltroopen. However it might irritate the eyes of the human player looking at it on his computer monitor.
  6. My understanding also. Vehicle weapons are greyed out while reloading. For infantry it will say in the status block (green print bottom left of screen) what each soldier is doing, cowering, spotting, aiming, firing, reloading etc. So if the LMG is empty, causing the soldier to fire his pistol at close by OpFor, the next opportunity he gets his status should change to reloading.
  7. @RockinHarry interesting stuff. I really like your maps also. +1.
  8. From the briefing: 4 DECEMBER BRIDGE: The 4 December Bridge (named in honor of the release date of CMSF2) is in the southeast area of the city (Grid: 46092510). It is the only intact bridge spanning the River of Martyrs. A military force (Battlegroup East) from the city of Al Mout is looting a suburb east of the city. Your (friendly) 2nd and 3rd Platoons are part of Battlegroup East. Battlegroup East is expected to be recalled to the city to assist in crushing the coup and are expected to arrive at approximately 0500hrs. The battlegroup will need to cross the 4 December Bridge. The battlegroup composed of 2nd and 3rd Platoons (friendly) and units loyal to the regime are expected to arrive in the area east of the bridge at approximately the same time. The bridge has been rigged with IEDs. A triggerman (rebel or regime) could detonate the IEDs as opposing units crossed the bridge bringing the entire structure down. The destruction of the bridge would prevent any units east of the bridge from playing an effective role in the coup. Units that reach the west bank could influence the outcome of the coup. An IED is detonated bringing down the entire bridge cutting off the flow of reinforcements from the east.
  9. There are so many things it could be it would almost be easier if I could look at it in the editor. First I'm assuming you are using Terrain Objective Triggers and not Orders Triggers. Also I'm guessing your problem is where you can't see the "wait for" and time limits. In the below steps you can see the "wait for" and time limits can effect the trigger. The below must be done with every AI group [A2] [A3] etc. that you want to respond to the trigger. They can all use the same trigger, no problem. The way you have the time, up above, they should move when the trigger is touched or 40 minutes into the scenario. Really need more detail to give a more detailed answer, my friend. I hope the below helps. Edit to add: Just noticed something, the wait for time would be 00:40:00 to make the unit wait until 40 minutes into the scenario if not triggered earlier. 1) In Units assign the AI units to groups. (CTRL and F key) 2) In Missions – Terrain Objectives: paint a terrain objective trigger. Select type of trigger. Name the terrain objective trigger. 3) In AI select the plan and the Group you want to be triggered. Paint a setup zone unless you want the unit to deploy in the exact same location every game. Click Add to add orders. (A unit can be triggered from its setup location however setup is not the trigger. In this case order #2 would be the trigger (setup is not an order but does take the place of order #1)). Click Can Trigger to the destination order (units can be triggered to move here) Paint the area on the map you want the unit to move to or shoot at when triggered. Make selections in the four categories of orders. Go back to the previous order/setup and click Wait For. A window with a dropdown will appear. Click on desired trigger and click OK. Check the times on the Wait For order. The exit time should be set to zero (00:00:00). If you only want the unit to be triggered and never use the timer set the “….and” to a time past the end of the mission. 4) Click Save. Example: Exit between 00:00:00 Wait For (name of assigned trigger) …and xx:xx:xx If not triggered first this is the time the unit will move.
  10. This sounds very interesting as I really like sandbox type scenarios. Also the "very different results" is probably a good thing for re-play purposes. The random objective system is intriguing. I don't really have time to play it now (I'm putting the finishing touches on Coup d'etat). However I think I will at least open it and read up on the random objective system. I'll probably need to wait a little while when I have more time to play it all the way through. +1 for creating a scenario.
  11. I guess you could be joking. Also I didn't get what you were talking about until I read RockinHarry's post. But, in case you're serious: I don't think most players would notice any resemblance unless it was pointed out to them. I guess with a little imagination and if you think about those things and happen to be at the right zoom level, it might cross your mind. Even then, I don't think it looks exactly right. Why would someone go one step further, take a screenshot, and make a forum topic of it? I really doubt the original intent was for a Nazi symbol. Is that what you think? What do you want done about it? Why does it have to be German's that built the road? What does that mean? Probably more to do with how curved roads work in the game. I hope you are not truly triggered by that map, my friend. Of course maybe you're just joking around or something......
  12. Could those troops have been in a state of panic and running for their lives? I think this basic idea works. They just need some light armor vehicles to shoot at. But I probably wouldn't use a armor target arc with OpFor infantry close by. Both the 7.92 and 7.92 AP can be used with Kar98ks, as well as MGs and the G43. The 7.92K round is only for the MP44. The AP ammo can penetrate light armor. It also penetrates walls and other cover more effectively. However, I'm not clear on which type of ammo the AI will decide to shoot. So if the fire team has both standard and AP and it spots a halftrack does it fire the AP? Or does it have to burn through the standard 7.92 before using the AP? It would be interesting to know if you observe their behavior in regards to ammo use when infantry have this choice.
  13. I just replied to our PM. Yes you can have multiple tags. However I'm not sure if you can have numbers in the tag. @rocketman tried to use tags with numbers, for the 28th Infantry Division, if I remember correctly and had problems.
  14. I remember reading on the forums that giving a vehicle a Hide command cuts the range at which the vehicle can be heard in half. However I've not read anywhere what the full sound detection range is (and then figure out what the half is). I suspect it may also vary by vehicle. I'm to lazy to test all that but if you already had the data I was more than willing to get it from you.
  15. +1 That's a good idea. I'll often do the same thing when playing a game and recording orders on a Word document for different platoons. Since Combat Mission doesn't have a grid system to use. Example: Secure Miller Farm in order to bring direct fires on the stone bridge etc.
  16. I try to refer to all "?" contacts generically as tentative contacts. Tentative contacts are then divided into previously spotted and pure sound contacts. The sound contacts are further divided into the sound of movement and the sound of shooting. At least this is my understanding. Your detection range for an infantry sound contact is interesting. So, for an OpFor infantry "movement" sound contact to appear you must have a friendly unit in about 50 meters of the OpFor unit? And this would be an OpFor infantry unit that was moving as opposed to stationary or stationary & Hiding? Do you have sound contact ranges for other things? Vehicle movement? Infantry shooting? etc.?
  17. Found this: the British Royal Air Force’s Avro Vulcan bomber was due to be retired. However, the Falklands conflict gave the ageing nuclear bomber a stay of execution and pushed it into combat service. The Vulcan was not only used in anger for the first time in April 1982, but it also took part in what was the longest successful bombing run in history: a round flight of almost 13,000 kilometers, between Ascension Island and the Falklands (Blackman, 2014).
  18. Okay. I'll have to add this to my growing list of notes. Thanks again.
  19. You HEATHEN!!! In a scenario it is up to the scenario designer to setup and arrange things (within the ability of the editor) to play out as intended. In a QB I guess it would be agreed upon what / how much to purchase and then followed up with house rules during a QB PBEM. It can be an interesting task during a scenario to have supply trucks that need to reach a black on ammo platoon or something like that. Or have crates of ammo show up as reinforcements on a drop zone or HLZ. I think the system generally works pretty good. Between scenario design, pre-battle agreements for (PBEMs) and house rules the details can be worked out. I would like to see more noticeable consequences for overloading troops and the ability to return ammo. Also more flexibility with the Acquire command. So the first team to Acquire has a choice to take 100 rounds, if the player wants, instead of being forced to take a large number like a 1000 rounds.
  20. Okay, something else with tags I'm not understanding. First, I guess the question is, can the force specific background screens for CMSF2 be mod tagged? These are the loading screens for scenarios. In CMSF2 for the US side they will show one of three images, A Stryker, A Bradley or an Abrams while the load bar fills up. If I put three mods for these three stock screens in the mod folder they display with no problem. The file names are displayed below: force-specific background blue 1 force-specific background blue 2 and force-specific background blue 3 The problem is If they are just in the mod folder and not tagged they show up in every scenario in the game not just the scenario they are appropriate for. As a result I gave them the below tags: force-specific background blue 1 [coup] force-specific background blue 2 [coup] and force-specific background blue 3 [coup] However after being tagged the mods no longer show on the scenario load screen but do still show up as background for the briefing / designer note screens. I used RezExplode and looked at the original stock file names and have attempted different tags removing other mods etc. Below are some screenshots: This is the stock scenario load screen (force-specific background blue). Here is one of the three mods that replace the stock scenario loading screens. Below is the briefing screen. The mod will show on the briefing screen when tagged (as it should) but will not show up on the load screen where the stock Stryker, Bradley & Abrams show. Any ideas?
  21. Wow, not that looks cold. I thought we were having a rough winter here in the upper Midwest USA. And you do that on purpose?
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