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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. +1 Cool video. On closer inspection it looks like he was repelling not falling. So no injury. Maybe some rope burn. Don't think he was wearing gloves.
  2. Understood. Ah, so it is. Very good. Looks more like a proper SitMap with the OpFor icons displayed doesn't it? . I was hoping the "No OpFor Icon Mod" might address a few issues like area fire and the player's god like view. However I've just been playing around on a test map and have not attempted an actual battle with the mod. If the mod turns out to make play to difficult I think the area fire rules in your PDF will work very well. A blacked out unit info box................. interesting......... that might be an even better solution. Yes, very good. This should work well. With the two movement legs this rule is probably workable in most situations. Another thing I failed to think of is the time frame. This is two movement legs per minute. Doesn't sound as restrictive when thought about within the time frame. Hmm, I read the newest rule set v2e and if I understand rule #5 I don't think this will work as explained. In the orders phase (even on Iron) all friendly units icons are visible all the time. It is only during playback phase where friendly units are not visible or only show as a tentative contact etc. So this method could be used if checked in the last few seconds of playback. But here is a situation using the rule during playback. During the last second of playback the 2nd platoon HQ and the HMG team are about ten meters apart. But there is a tall wall in-between them. If you click on the HMG team during playback it will show a FOW icon for 2nd Platoon HQ and vice versa. Even though they are only 10 meters apart and all the organic fire teams are automatically in C2 out to 50 meters away (again ignoring the Hide stance). If you click on the HMG team during orders phase it will show show a full icon for 2nd platoon HQ if the HQ is 10 meters away or 500 meters away. And yes, having the HQ team return a reasonable distance to the HMG team to give the HMG team new orders is an interesting, realistic challenge. It makes the limited HQ teams on the map even more valuable and helps to maintain the integrity of platoons. A player is less likely to have fire teams and attached units scattered over a wide area if this will result in them being out of C2 when playing with these rules. I use the 50 meter 360o Target Arc on my Platoon HQ. Any organic teams and attached teams that are in the arc are considered in C2 and can be given orders that orders phase. For teams that are not in the arc the Lt may have to run 20 meters in their direction and give them their new orders next orders phase. Keeps the Lt.s in shape. Link to a thread about Skill Level Iron: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119218-skill-level-iron/
  3. Ah, that's to bad. So what is the proper way to use the Effects NIGHT mod? Does the Effects night folder have to be manually moved in and out of the User Data / Mods folder? So drop it in during a night operation and remove it during daylight? Okay, cool. I Look forward to it.
  4. Interesting mod. It would be nice to have this mod in the modern titles also .
  5. Is this one over? What were your thoughts on the invisible floating icons for the OpFor? Did they work well and would you use them in the future?
  6. HARD CAT RULES v2 1b. Once placed indirect artillery cannot be cancelled. If I understand what this one means. A player is two minutes into a fire mission that will last for a total of about six minutes and decides to cancel the remaining four minutes? I’m just curious what the thought process was for not being able to cancel. I seldom cancel, usually preferring to adjust. The few times I do cancel is usually when I have a poorly spotted fire mission and the impacting rounds are about as much danger to my advancing troops as they are to the OpFor. I think a real life commander could in most cases get a fire mission cancelled. So it’s not a big deal since I think it rarely happens anyway. Just trying to understand the thought process. 1d. Follow Rule 4 for all Area Fire by artillery or (indirect firing) mortars. I think this rule means no indirect fire on turn number one (rule 4a). The following turns can use indirect fire if the requirements of 4b, 4c or 4d are satisfied. This seems workable in most situations. One situation that comes to mind is the attacker in an attack vs defense scenario. Would this mean the attacker would not be able to call artillery during setup which could (depending on chosen parameters) impact on turn number one? Or maybe he could call it but have to give it at least a five minute delay (so it doesn’t impact on turn #1)? 3a. Players CANNOT click on enemy icons or units during the game, only visual examination allowed. This one is pretty cool. There is a related mod created by @RockinHarry that makes all OpFor contact icons and markers (those triangle things along the top of the screen) invisible. The mod could facilitate rule 3a. Friendly icons are still visible. Just FYI since the rule reminded me of the mod and vice versa. Link to forum thread is below. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/134532-cmbn-invisible-floating-unit-icons-mod/?tab=comments#comment-1780103 4d. AF-Type 3 i. Players can order a unit to area fire on an AS that a superior of the team has a positive or tentative contact in, as long as the unit is in C2 with said superior. I wonder if this one allows too much leeway. If a player has a battalion HQ on the map and is doing a good job of maintaining C2 that Bn HQ will have a lot of tentative contacts all over the map. Much the same god like view as the player except mostly tentative instead of confirmed contacts. This will probably result in multiple fire teams and vehicles being able to area fire into an AS that they don’t have an OpFor contact in. And possibly their platoon HQ and company HQ don’t yet have a tentative contact in that location. As an example the players Bn HQ gets a tentative contact for an AT gun. The player then might have several teams and vehicles, without the contact info, area fire into said location. 5d CMSF 2 – Irregular Forces Movement – these units can ONLY plot SINGLE leg movement paths regardless of their C2 status. I don’t know the thought process behind this one. IMO insurgents are generally viewed as having the advantage of being one with the land and population. Having grown up, lived and fought in the area for generations. A fish in the sea bla, bla, bla……. It seems the irregulars are having one of their few advantages (mobility in familiar terrain/culture) taken away. Maybe it would be the opposite. Irregulars can plot multiple leg movement paths regardless of their C2 status? But I don’t know the thought process so I might be missing something. Also irregulars in CMSF 2 would probably include, Fighters, Combatants, Spies, VBIEDs etc. 6. Attached Units – If a support team has been attached to a formation other than its organic HQ, it is considered to be within C2 as long as it can fully spot the HQ unit that it is attached to. So when clicked on during Iron playback phase (not orders phase) the HMG team needs to see a confirmed floating icon of 2nd Platoon HQ. This will probably prove more difficult than desired. Imagine fighting in an urban area with buildings and walls etc. or even the bocage of CMBN or any large woods. The default in game C2 for voice contact is 50m unhidden, 20m if a unit is hidden. It is automatic as long as the distance is satisfied even with a tall wall between teams. It may be better to go with the default distance for attached teams. An easy way to check the distance is to give the platoon HQ a 50 meter 360o target arc (for simplicity ignore Hide postures). If the attached HMG team is in the arc it is in C2 just like the platoon’s organic fire teams. I haven't got to the advanced rules yet. A lot of interesting things are getting talked about in this thread. Thanks for taking the time to do this.
  7. +1 Congratulations!! Will you try to restore it at all? And a very interesting story that comes with it.
  8. I had the below paraphrased summary in my notes. I located the original link (bottom of this post) that I took the information from so it could be viewed in its entirety. Thought you might find the last paragraph of the attached post interesting. It is from 2008. CM's Action Spots are squares for the most part, customized shapes in special circumstances. By default soldiers treat the direction ahead as the threat area. When the unit advances into an Action Spot it chooses positions that would be defensively good if the enemy were directly ahead of it. This can be overridden by a FACE Command. In this way you can move a unit north and have it set up positions to defend to the south instead of the north. Flavor Objects provide cover but not concealment. The degree of cover is dependent on what the object is. A soldier will get a lot more cover lying behind some tires instead of standing up behind a sign post
  9. Nice work. I downloaded Beta Two and have been experimenting around with the following: zz Effects DAY Small Arms (realistic, balanced). Effects NIGHT ----------------- Which I will probably tag [night] I think adding the tag [night] should work? I know you said you weren't crazy about the speed of the MBT muzzle blast but I think you did a great job with it. Also there was one file named explosion_gradient that was not in a folder. Does this file go with one of the folders? I took it just in case but I'm not sure if it is needed or what it does. Will there be more work on this or will Beta 2 be the final?
  10. +1. Very interesting stuff here. It will take a little while to read through, think about and experiment with a few of the concepts.
  11. +1. Very cool. Back in the day @LongLeftFlank had a pacific mod for one of the CM titles (CMBN?). He might find this interesting so I tagged him.
  12. +1 Very, very cool. You should post this at grogheads and maybe other places to advertise CM.
  13. +1. Interesting stuff. Thanks for taking the time to share this.
  14. +1 Seems like only five or six months ago . You do good work so I am very happy to be able to follow this again.
  15. It is a very cool game. Alt I will get rid of the floating icons. In the bottom right of the User Interface (UI) hit menus. In menus there is a button labeled HOTKEYS. All kinds of keys listed under HOTKEYS that will improve the gaming experience. Edit to add: Shift + Escape will get rid of the word PAUSED across the top of the screen (so it won't show in screenshots). You only have to hit Shift + Escape once to get rid of PAUSED for the remainder of that gaming session.
  16. Only off map mortars and artillery have the delay option. It has always been this way so I believe it is intended behavior and not a bug. I don't know what BFCs reasoning for this intended behavior is but it has been consistent.
  17. Units responding to the foot chase 500 block of 14th Street take a slow down. One subject in custody. Zone 10 radio clear.
  18. @Sgt.Squarehead Demo teams clearing a room en-route to a Heist.
  19. +1 Nice screenshots. I noticed your Separatist does not have a helmet. What mod is this?
  20. +1. Nice map. Nine square kilometers. A lot can be done on this map.
  21. +1 Very cool idea for a scenario. Thanks for taking the time to make this. Unfortunately the Proving Grounds doesn't seem to get much traffic. If you think this scenario is ready to go you might want to consider publishing it at the Scenario Depot III.
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