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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. +1 Now that is an interesting vehicle. I probably could have used that in the scenario Coup d'etat.
  2. Depending on what artillery assets you have one thing you can try is to use adjusted fire. Request a large (slow to call) mission shooting at a low tube count and a low rate. Some assets firing 2 tubes at "Light" may last about 45 minutes of FFE. As long as you keep the FO safe, you can "walk" the fire round the map, hitting targets with a few minutes' delay. Generally sweep them out with direct fire. (Don't send troops in unless there is no other choice). Again it depends on the assets you have. In a perfect world a tank firing HE into the building would normally get good results quickly. I often have infantry fire at the action spot just in front of the building. The OpFor in the building will receive suppression along with the OpFor on the 2nd & 3rd floor. @RockinHarry did some interesting vertical suppression tests with this. However It is also possible to pin the OpFor in the building. They need a chance to run. If they're so heavily suppressed that they're pinned you will have to kill them in place, which may be difficult (unless you have a tank). Ranges are listed in the SF2 game manual (different from the engine manual). It varies with all the different weapon systems and what the conditions etc. are. IMO a general rule of thumb is 300 meters for small arms and about 800 meters for MGs. Someone with an 11B MOS may have a better answer on this one.
  3. +1 Nice. I've modded the signs but I see you even changed the shape and size of the signs. Interesting stuff.
  4. Thanks for taking the time to type all that out. Interesting stuff. I was wondering what I could do with the blank bmp file attachment. I've been wanting to get rid of some ammo pouches on my Chiraq police officers. So I took the blank bmp and tried to disappeared them. It WORKED!!! Now I just have to mod tag it and drop it in the police folder. And paint over that gray bib looking thing.
  5. Rescuing & evacuating diplomatic staff from a US consulate that is in danger of being overrun. That brings back some scenario design memories.
  6. +1 More civilian vehicles are always welcome. In the modern titles in urban terrain civilian vehicle flavor objects are very useful. Interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing. Where is your channel?
  7. The biggest original flavor object I can think of is probably the two CMBS Kiosks. The sheds in the WW2 titles are a bit smaller than the kiosks but a decent size. Actually I think CM Afghanistan probably has the largest flavor objects. The shelters which are a little bigger than a CMBS kiosk. There are also two large (for CM) farm wagons.
  8. I think that may be with @Pete Wenman's Black Sea to Shock Force 2 flavor object transfer mod. Where he took objects from Black Sea and added them to some of the empty slots in CMSF2. Vanilla CMSF2 only has Aircon slots #1 & #2 filled. IIRC Aircon #3 through #9 were added by Pete. So Aircon #3 is a concrete barrier if you have Pete's BS to SF2 flavor objects. I think he transferred 30+ flavor objects from BS to SF2. And, of course, all the cool kids have it.
  9. Scenario designers will use both the desert and temperate mod in both game titles. One of the interesting things about third party scenarios is the ability to leave the official story line. In this way we get cool scenarios set in different countries, on different continents and in slightly different time periods. What might be useful is if a base mod Heco barrier was placed in an open flavor object slot (say the desert one). Then a tagged temperate Hesco barrier was made that could replace the desert Hesco barrier when the tag was used. Or something like that.... Thanks for all your hard work on this.
  10. Black Hawk down!!! Several mods in the following screenshots made by @Pete Wenman, @37mm, @Aquila-CM on a map made by @LongLeftFlank. Sorry if I forgot anybody. Some really cool stuff when it is all brought together.
  11. Yep this can work. I already did a test with it. The big flavor object cargo ship is placed on top of a modular building ship. This cargo ship mod is so big it actually dwarfs some of the ships I have on test maps. But it does work. I also connected a cargo ship flavor object to a port using @RockinHarry bridge inside a building trick and then a cargo ship flavor object over the modular building ship. We just need the correct looking ships. Roll on roll off (or LST like) ships with big doors where the bridges can be connected to. Then of course warship flavor objects to be placed over the warship modular buildings. Probably a lot of work but it is possible.
  12. In WWII titles personnel airburst rounds must be requested during preplanned bombardment or in range of a TRP to work. In CMFB a (VT) equipped asset can fire personnel airburst rounds anytime without a TRP.
  13. +1 You are cranking these out faster than I can download them and place them in scenarios!!!!!
  14. These mods are really cool and make a cool game even better. Thanks @Aquila-CM.
  15. +2. Thank you very much. I've just started to check out all this content and the potential that comes with said content. Very, very cool. Thanks again. When you make the @Mord appear and then also make him run out of exclamation points you know you have created something very cool. Thanks for the heads up. I'm going through it now.................... cool sheet
  16. Careful, my friend. Your going to get in trouble, get yourself grounded, and not be able to come out and play.............. .
  17. This is true. Having said that I must repeat what I've said in the past. You, @Bulletpoint and several others speak / understand English better than some native English speakers. Until you advised otherwise, on some post, I had always assumed you were a native English speaker that had relocated to the Netherlands for work or something. Very impressive. If you are not already an interpreter of some sort I'm sure you could get a job as one and do very well at it.
  18. True dat (from the hit HBO series, "The Wire"). I know I buy all the product BF slings on the street corners. I'm getting the shakes just thinking about it. And yes, I also wish they would sling faster.............
  19. I think Elvis was trying to be funny reference the CM addiction. Drug dealers (in the US anyways) will sometimes give potential customers a free "sample" to get them hooked on the product. It is a saying in some of the street sub cultures "first ones free". So the free demo gets you hooked on the CM product ................. . See what he did there?
  20. Just tried the PM. It said you could not receive messages? I know we have talked via PM before. Your in-box full maybe?
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