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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. I guess he could have unknowingly been playing on Scenario Author Test mode.............. .
  2. Many ways to do this depending on the circumstances. You could give the tank a Move or Slow movement order with a 10 second Pause order every 40 meters (or whatever distance you thought was appropriate). You could also give a different area Target order from every waypoint. Or let the tanks choose there own targets. Or a combination. The tanks will shoot on the move, even in the WW2 titles. Give them an area fire order (or multiple orders) at a distant target and a Quick movement order and they'll run and gun to the destination you set.
  3. Do NOT put the mods in the Mod Tools folder. The Mod Tools folder contains tools for making mods. Someday you'll learn that but it is probably a little early . CMBN works slightly different from the other titles. Normandy originally did not have a mods folder In the Normandy Data folder. If it does now (i'm on an older version as far as this folder thing goes)the mods go there. If not create a folder inside the data folder and name it Z. Place your mods in the Z folder. Also this is how it is done for Windows. I think it is different for Mac.
  4. The new site. https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/ The old site. This site still has some mods that have not been moved to the new site, http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/
  5. I didn't edit my post quick enough .... we already have SS & Luftwaffe in CMFB. I'm currently in the CMRT editor and am thinking about RT stuff. +1 A CM title that includes both Western forces and the Soviets would fantastic IMO. My hope is that the last release for CMFB will be an equipment pack introducing Soviet forces/equipment into CMFB. Call it meeting on the Elbe River or something. Then the US, Commonwealth and Soviets would all be in the same Combat Mission game. No BFC created scenarios would be needed. Just an equipment pack of already designed equipment ported over from CMRT. Scenario designers and mod creators could do all kinds of cold war, neo-colonialism stuff. Patton goes east 1945, Fulda Gap 1948, Korea, Suez Crisis, etc. Just put them in the same game.
  6. Steve from Battlefront posted the below: CM Final Blitzkrieg Module will take the Western Front from the Rein to the Elbe. I hope this might include things like Kriegsmarine, Commonwealth and Pershing tanks.
  7. Fictional scenario inspired by 5 Commando and the African bush wars. The problem is that I got myself distracted and have three scenarios, from three titles, in the works. I need to focus on just one and get it done. From modern day policing in CMSF2. To CMRT (this one is the fault of @theforger and his Mission to Maas scenario).
  8. There are a few forum members who know how to make the map conversions. @sbobovyc and @DougPhresh are two that come to mind and could probably provide guidance. Below is a link to a thread discussing map conversion and I think it provides instructions and tools.
  9. Maybe he has been playing a lot of CMSF lately and assumed it must be against some ROE to target a religious building.
  10. It was in CMRT, a Soviet BA-64B armored car. I think it was unbuttoned at the time but I'm not 100%.
  11. +1. This would be very useful. I seldom take the time to use it now unless I know I'm going to have a long session in a single player game.
  12. Just yesterday I had a troop throw a grenade from inside a building (1st floor) and hit an armored car that was within grenade range. But maybe that just counts as a grenade throw and not a close assault...? I guess that kind of muddies the water.
  13. From HARD CAT RULES v2. 3. AREA FIRE a. No Area Fire (AF) allowed on turn 1 b. AF-Type 1 – Area Fire Against Empty Terrain i. Players can order area fire on an Action Spot (AS) that DOES NOT have ANY positive or tentative contacts known by any unit ii. The Platoon Leader (PL) must have LOS to the AS to direct fire from its squads and any squad to be given an area target order must be in (Command & Control) C2 with the PL c. AF-Type 2 – Area Fire Controlled by Squad/Team Leader i. Players can order a unit to area fire on an AS that has a tentative contact that is known only to said unit ii. The unit leader is directing fire iii. This rule is intended to give independent units freedom of action d. AF-Type 3 – Area Fire Controlled by Platoon Leader i. Players can order a unit to area fire on an AS that the immediate superior of the team has a positive or tentative contact in, as long as the unit is in C2 with said superior. ii. The PL is directing fire e. EXCEPTION: independent squads (even split)/teams/vehicles performing a scouting mission are exempt from rules 3.b through 3.d Formations (i.e. Recon Platoon/Company) performing a scouting mission AS A formation must still abide by these rules
  14. It is recommended. Just drag the mod folder onto the desktop. Upgrade. Start the game and give a quick look to make sure everything is running as it should. Drag the mod folder back into the game and restart the game with the mods. Having said all the above I forget to take out the mods folder half the time and have not had a problem.
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