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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. This is interesting. Well the entire post was interesting but new tactics and game mechanics almost always get my attention. Is there a way to use ECM in the actual CMSF game or are you referring to RL? I gave the Unconventional Forces section of the game manual a quick scan but didn't see anything reference ECM.
  2. During the process when you were entering all the license keys, did you enter the one for Gustav Line? I had to enter four separate keys when I did mine (including the one for Gustav Line).
  3. I don't know if you saw the below. It was posted over at grogheads on March 25, 2017. I paraphrased the posting. I don't remember the handle of the original poster but he said he spoke to Steve at BFC. The post claims that a battle pack for CMBS will be released before a CMFI module. I thought the CMFI module was next. And it also has info about your CMRT question. For 2017 the big effort is a full revitalization of the entire CM Shock Force Family to current game engine standards. For the smaller releases you’ll soon see a Battle Pack for CMBS and not long after that a second Module for CMFI. The first module for CMRT might make it into 2017, but might be just over the line in 2018.
  4. Certain MGs can move up to four action spots without the pack and unpack time. This only applies to some and only when outside. This. Except when you can get the MG deployed in a building during the setup phase as the OP already said. Also give it a Target Arc that will hopefully keep it from changing windows on you. The new corner deployment AI that came with v4.0 also makes the outside/behind a building option more attractive. The gunner should move to and shoot around the corner. I admit I don't have much experience with this tactic so far but it is probably less frustrating than changing MG positions in a building after the game starts.
  5. IMO the OpFor on the outside of the back wall is one of the most dangerous aspects of building clearance in CM. When I don't know if the OpFor has LOS into the building/room I'm entering (which is probably most of the time) I have the entry team use Slow. They will still stop and shoot when using Slow and are more likely to do so instead of using Quick all the way to the back wall. I also have support teams Target Light into the building. Some of this Target Light fire will pass through the building and help suppress any OpFor behind the building. The friendly Target Light may also suppress your entry team to some degree but is generally useful if there are OpFor outside the back wall.
  6. In addition to Blasting into a building I also had engineers Blast through tall walls. The breach through the tall wall was the same size no matter if multiple demo charges were expended or just one. So while I did not do a proper test for a larger concussive effect I suspect there is no difference. I agree. This makes me curious as to how long un-split engineer squads have used multiple demo charges without anybody noticing/posting about it. As long as a player is splitting the engineer squad into teams this won't effect them. However I don't think this use of multiple demos on one Blast is intended behavior.
  7. I just did a quick experiment. An engineer squad used three of six demo charges to Blast. It then used two of three for a second Blast the following turn. Every time just one explosion was visually seen and heard. If anybody was not already splitting engineer squads into teams, prior to Blasting, they should seriously consider it now.
  8. That's interesting to know. I always split my squads so I never noticed. Now I have another reason to administratively split an engineer squad. Thanks for posting your observation.
  9. Sounds like their path might have been blocked. An elevation difference can cause this. If the building is on a slope and the covered side of the building is partially sunk into the slope this will cause an elevation difference between the outside and the interior which may block the door. This elevation difference can also block the path through a breach when using the Blast command. But you also said some troops were already in the house. Did they enter the house through the door on the covered side?
  10. The trucks in the convoy have ammo to loot. (I mean Acquire.)
  11. Sorry for the delayed response. Took the family to New Orleans while the kids were on spring break. I am now back in the TOC. Nice. This looks very interesting. I'm looking forward to this mission. Can't go wrong when you have paratroopers!!!!
  12. As @JoMc67 said I was just talking about the Assault Team split under administrative commands. If you make that your first split they will take most of the hand grenades and any SMGs the squad has. If you are playing a Quick Battle where you purchase your own TOE a scout team generally (maybe always?) gives you three troops with SMGs.
  13. I never heard of this game but found Vietnam '65 after following your link. Sounds really cool. So cool I just bought Vietnam '65 on Steam. If it plays as good as it sounds I will probably get Afghanistan '11 also. Thanks @Erwin!!!!!
  14. What @Cobetco said unless the building is on the objective and you have to clear it for VPs. From the screenshot I think you are talking about the building that is just outside of the objective. However if it is the building on the objective I would try the following: The building should have at least one door. I would set up several teams (MMGs would be great) on the door side and area Target into the ground floor. Vertical suppression will suppress up to the third floor of a building. Use this vertical suppression for two or three minutes and then switch to area Target Light. Breach one of the solid walls. Troops on the second floor are generally suppressed by a Blast on the first floor and often pinned. (Unless a very large building or something) Time the Blast (Regular engineers take 15 seconds to Blast) so you enter the breach with an assault team (a team with SMGs not the engineer team if possible) immediately after the Blast with support teams shooting on Target Light. Before entering the breach order the assault team to area Target the second floor. If possible use a second assault team with no area Target orders. Push the red button and start the slaughter . (Hopefully the OpFor is the one that gets slaughtered)
  15. I just did this about two weeks ago. I think I used WinRAR and had only one of those several files corrupted. I just re-downloaded the file that was corrupted (deleted the corrupt one of course). I un-zipped the newer one and it worked fine. I think they sometimes get corrupted in a long download process.
  16. I think this is just for certain nationalities. Engine manual 4.0 page 61: Syrian, Soviet & Italian Armies will suffer a morale penalty if split teams are out of close visual and voice C2 of the Platoon HQ. So generally farther away than 50 meters. This will also work and is good info to know. I find giving the infantry their own movement orders can be helpful, in certain situations, for getting them away from the vehicle if the vehicle stops due to OpFor fire. If they don't have a movement order and the vehicle AI stops they will remain in the vehicle and/or disembark but then remain next to the vehicle. With their own movement order they will have usually moved some action squares away by the time the WEGO turn ends and the player can intervene.
  17. Nice screenshots @Mark_McLeod. Looks like it was an intense battle. Thanks for sharing.
  18. They can't be split while mounted. What I do is split them in the setup phase where you can freely move the teams in and out of vehicles and Acquire ammo. After they are split I cross load them back into the vehicles (or they will re-combine). So 1st Squad A team goes into halftrack #2 while 1st Squad B team goes into halftrack #1 etc. Then you are able to do what you described above. For the M12 did you use the direct fire Target Smoke command? I just did a test on my test map and it worked.
  19. I think the Face command would rotate the hull. A Target Arc at the waypoint would only rotate the turret but also restrict fire.
  20. I just right click on the map. Usually next to the last waypoint plotted and then move on to the next unit. No minimum number of friendlies. You could have one walking wounded (yellow base) survivor from a tank crew hold it. However there can't be ANY OpFor units in the objective area.
  21. Okay. Must be medium craters then. I was thinking they looked big enough to be heavy.
  22. Wow. Big craters. Not only artillery but I'm guessing heavy artillery. I wonder if he has a TRP in the area since I don't recall that you were forewarned by spotting rounds.
  23. I still use Fraps. I was going to ask what you were talking about. Then googled it and learned Fraps has not been updated since February 20, 2013. That must be what your talking about. I had no idea....................... .
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