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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. I look forward to reading it. Hopefully soon. Do you mean after the 4.0 engine upgrade or the new module Rome to Victory? Or a review for each?
  2. Correct. For US 57mm and 76mm ATGs. Don't think I tried it with other ATGs but AFAIK they are the same.
  3. I have read, here on the forum, that using just two waypoints works best. Place one immediately before the bridge begins and one immediately after the bridge ends. I do this and very seldom have problems. This is the only "trick" I am aware of.
  4. Well, I thought someone might have a brilliant answer and I was waiting to see what it was . This is the only way I know of. I just wish I would have saved each one so I could refer back to it next time I wanted to see something about it.
  5. Thanks @Erwin. Interesting article. I googled it before asking but kept getting articles about Mercedes-Benz .
  6. Well, there goes my idea for buying conscript UAVs I guess . In CMBS a spotter inside a command or observation type vehicle will have quicker call times than if the same spotter was on foot. There is a link below to a discussion with some times included. Thanks for testing and sharing.
  7. That relationship would be interesting to know about. I suspect the detection ability may be based on the ground controller and if the observe mission is an area or point mission, page 11 of the CMBS game manual (not engine manual). Please post anything you find out. On the subject of JTAC they are very good at working with all aircraft but not so much with the UAV / artillery combination. One of the things UAVs do well is to call in artillery on spotted OpFor. However the JTAC FFE times are much longer than a FO with the same soft factors. A different FO with a PDA or vehicle link to the JTAC controlled UAV would have to do the arty part. Also JTACs are another expense. I often just use FOs.
  8. Found one more small difference. The time to fire a Hellfire missile is about 35 seconds faster for elite over conscript. Still have not noticed a difference in the Hellfire accuracy but did not look at that very much. There is a pretty big difference in QB purchase and rarity points between conscript and Elite .
  9. Welcome back Bullet. I was starting to wonder where you had got off to. Interesting rule of thumb.................. not sure what I think about it but as usual you are thinking outside the box ............ .
  10. The only difference I have noticed so far is the time it takes the UAV to get on station and start observing. Even this difference does not come into play if you order the UAV to observe during the Setup phase. During the setup phase they get on station and start observing the first turn. However if you waited and ordered the UAV up later in the game (maybe when you thought all the OpFor Tunguskas were destroyed) there would be a small difference in the time it takes to get on station between the different experience levels. With a veteran FO and no TRP an elite Gray Eagle takes 6 minutes to get on station and a conscript Gray Eagle takes 7 minutes. (The game rounds the time to the nearest minute in the UI.) I have not seen any difference in the time it takes to adjust the observation area or artillery FFE times. Maybe artillery accuracy? Or, in the case of the Gray Eagle, maybe the accuracy of the Hellfire missile?
  11. Yes @womble is a very knowledgeable, helpful CM player. He has gone silent as of late. But, maybe like Beetlejuice if we tag his name enough he will show up .
  12. It is still true that mast sight systems don't work . So a crew member on the Brad had to do the spotting/shooting. Below I paraphrased something Steve said in 2014. Thought you might find it interesting. There are 5 ground heights in the game in terms of LOS, LOF, and Spotting: Prone, Kneeling, Standing/Small Vehicle, Tall Vehicle, Very Tall Vehicle. LOS is from the eyes of your unit to a fixed position 1m off the ground.
  13. I think the motivation level may have played a role in this. The higher the motivation the more likely the team will stick to your orders. As an extreme example, a fanatic team on Hide will often (always?) allow an OpFor team to walk up to and shoot them without disobeying the Hide order. So the higher a teams motivation with a short 360o Target Arc the more likely they would Deploy the MMG. Since their orders are to Deploy MMG and ignore threats outside of the Target Arc. This can also have an obvious downside if for some reason it is in their best interest to disobey the last order and do something different. Just curious, do you remember what the motivation level of the MMG team was?
  14. That's right, what was I thinking. That's why if we use a folder inside the mods folder it is a Z folder!
  15. You may already have that exact same mod in the Z folder or you have two different mods (probably for the same thing) and they have the same name. For example you downloaded Grunts Panther mod and Erwin's Panther mod but they are both named Panther mod. Normally players would just have one in the game at a time. If you leave them both in I think the game will randomly load one of them. I also think this is true but then which mod file would the game load? I think it would be random. So at one sitting he would see Grunts Panther mod and the next time he started the game he might see Erwin's Panther mod........... or am I missing something............
  16. To enter a mod into a game you first download it. It is usually in a zip file. Place the zip file in a empty folder on your desktop. Right click on the zip file and select extract here. (you must have some type of un-zip program.) After extracting into the folder you will sometimes have a PDF or other type of file that explains things about the mod. You can delete these after reading if you want. Open the location in the game where the mod is installed. On Windows 10, I use: This PC - Documents - Battlefront - Combat Mission - CMFB - User Data - Mods. Inside of the mod folder you can create an additional folder and name it Z Folder. (you don't have to in CMFB but you can) Now go back to your extraction file on your desk top and either drag or copy the mod files from the extraction folder into CMFB Mods folder. (or into the Z folder) You do not overwrite any files. Repeat this for every mod you want to add. If the mod also works in a different CM game you can copy multiple times and paste it into the proper location in the other CM games. After you do this you never have to mess with the mod again. It is there forever unless you choose to change it or maybe upgrade to a new computer. Now it occurs to me you are using a mod manager as we discussed in a different thread. I think this manager might be complicating your life instead of making it easier. I'm not sure how many people on here use a mod manager. You may need to talk to someone who uses your particular mod manager to figure out your specific mod manager problem. Installing mods in a Combat Mission title is pretty easy. The only problem I sometimes have is getting the mod downloaded because of band width or some internet type problem. Once I have the actual mod it is easy to install & use, often in multiple titles .
  17. There was talk in the last Christmas bone (2015) that BFC was working on plans to take CMFI to the end of the war. That talk was awhile ago. That may be why there is speculation/anticipation about just not CMFI 4.0 but something more. 6. The next Fortress Italy module is in the early stages of development, at this point primarily artwork by our 3D artist Cassio. This new module will push the timeline for the Italian front all the way from June 1944 to the end of the war in May 1945. The main operations covered will be the race north following the capture of Rome, the fighting on the Gothic Line, and the Po Valley offensives in 1945. The following services will be added: British Indian Army, South Africa, French Expeditionary Corps (including Moroccan Goumiers), and Waffen-SS. Of course, existing services will be filled out with all of the new formations that have been created for other Combat Mission titles since the last Fortress Italy module released: Gebirgsjäger units, Luftwaffe Field Divisions, flamethrower units, etc. All currently existing formations will be updated to 1945 TO&E. Also: US Mountain units. 3D work has already been done on the following equipment for the module: Sherman III Kangaroo, Churchill NA75, Sherman IC Firefly Hybrid, StuG IV, M1917 Enfield rifle, M1935 and M1982 French pistols, FN/29 French LMG, Gewehr 33/40(t) rifle, T32 37mm AT gun, and the GebG 36 75mm mountain gun. These are just the start of the work on new equipment. The module will also incorporate all of the work done on the Combat Mission engine to date since since Gustav Line launched... that's a LOT of stuff to add to Italy. Off the top of my head, that includes features, units, and equipment from: Engine v3.0, Red Thunder, CMBN Vehicle Pack, CMBN Market Garden, and Final Blitzkrieg. Fun PRE-ALPHA image of a new soldier for the Fortress Italy module:
  18. Thanks, maybe I will take a look at that. But I am sometimes resistant to change .................
  19. I see you haven't got a response so I will try to help out. I don't use a mod manager. Not really sure what one is but I do have all the CM games (except Afghanistan) and have dozens of mods in each game. Some mods are game specific and not interchangeable. The mods that are interchangeable I just copy. So you only have to download a mod once, usually from CMMODs III http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/ I put a copy of the mod in each game, where applicable and keep a list of what mod is in each game on a Word document. Then generally I never mess with a mod again unless an updated mod comes out or I come across one I like better. When I get a new computer I transfer copies of the mods from one computer to the other either via Dropbox or a flash drive. Some of the mods I downloaded about five years ago and have used them on three different computers and am still using them. So there doesn't have to be shuffling around of mods except when you are moving them to a new computer. Hope that helped.
  20. I guess a new thread would be good since we have strayed a ways off the original topic . The CMFB forum will work since I think that's where your testing was done. Although the results probably apply across all the CM titles.
  21. I think it was probably the terrain however that makes understanding speed a little more complicated. I didn't test in light forest. But I thought that the same type of infantry unit moving over the same type of terrain (everything equal) the one on Hunt would always be a little faster than the one on Move. Seems maybe it is not that easy . Very nice tables. Thanks again for doing this.
  22. Correct. In addition to an FO the Air Controller team also triggers LWRs. It does not matter if they are in a vehicle or on foot (but always out of LOS) they still trigger LWRs. The US M7A3 BFIST (ERA) also triggers LWR when it controls a UAV and calls for a precision strike (with no FO or Air Controller Team inside, just the three man crew). Same with the Russian Artillery Observation Vehicle PRP-4M with only the three man crew inside. I suspect all FO type vehicles may trigger LWR but I only looked at the US BFIST and Russian PRP-4M. Even an FO controlling a ZALA with a conventional Point Target (since a ZALA can't do precision) will trigger LWRs. But of course HQ teams controlling a ZALA with a conventional Point Target will NOT trigger the LWRs.
  23. @akd FYI. @cool breeze if your using the previous information in PBEMs. An update and probably unintended behavior (bug) identified. In the old experiment I used a combination of HQ teams and FO teams to control the UAVs and call in precision strikes. During a PBEM I used my original data from the OP to try an figure out what was setting off friendly LWRs but the results did not seem consistent and did not match what my opponent said he had. I did some more experimenting and learned that it is not the type of UAV that determines if a LWR is set off but the type of team controlling the UAV and calling in the precision artillery. In summary: When a HQ team is controlling the UAV and calling in a precision strike it will not set off OpFor LWRs. When a FO team is controlling the UAV and calling in a precision strike it will set off OpFor LWRs. I apologize for the inaccurate info in the opening post.
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