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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. I just did a quick test in thick haze with a US Shadow and Grey Eagle. I was not impressed. The Shadow was shot down by a Tungusta as usual. The Grey Eagle spotted maybe two out of every 10 OpFor vehicles. What surprised me was that it spotted stationary vehicles while it did not spot OpFor vehicles dashing about in the open. You might want to do your own test but if the fight is in thick haze I think I would spend the points on Abrams.
  2. So as to put him on ice ......................... Sorry, couldn't help it.
  3. Thank you ........Had to google it but I learned a new acronym. SEAD. Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses. I think we knew it as wild weasel when I was in.
  4. IMO US aircraft are not at all safe in the game. If the Russian player has two Tunguskas backed up by 3 to 4 Igla-s troops the air is usually denied to the US side. The one exception is the Gray Eagle in the observation role calling in PG rounds as explained above. However the Gray Eagle is often to expensive for the US player to purchase. It is kind of ironic because I think in RL the modern US in known for air power. However in game the US strength is on the ground with the Abrams and Javelin.
  5. Especially before the 4.0 engine upgrade, with the combine squad order, this was a good use for the lone survivor of a fire team. Still can be depending on circumstances.
  6. If the troops are stationary that turn you can use the instant Pause command a permanently Pause them. If they move during the turn and you assign the Pause to a waypoint then you have to use the Special Pause command and give the Pause in increments. The following turn you can go back and permanently Pause them with the instant command.
  7. I can see them from my Tactical Operations Center in the Midwest USA.
  8. Hey MG . The Russians have the Tunguska which will shred two of the three US UAVs and all US aircraft both fixed and rotary. The only thing the Tunguska cannot shoot down is the US Gray Eagle UAV as long as the Gray Eagle remains in the observer role (it is vulnerable in the attack role). However the Gray Eagle costs so many points (to include rarity points) it is often not worth it. As a result I usually will not bother with any US aircraft. If I do take US aircraft it is a Gray Eagle (you will only be able to afford one) and at least two platoons of 155mm Paladins that have 12 precision rounds each to be used with the Gray Eagle. I take some stinger teams for the Russian aircraft. However if the Russians have a Zala UAV you will not be able to shoot it down. The Zala cannot do precision strikes but can observe your units in a 400 meter area and spot for conventional artillery. The US strength is the Abrams and the Javelin. I take a combined arms team well equipped with Abrams & Javelins. Good luck and make Tank Hill Fort Jackson proud.
  9. Wow ........... . Even the roof is stone. I had no idea.............
  10. Welcome to the forum. Both are at game engine 4.0. CMBN has been out longer so has had more content added over the years but you pay extra for some of the extra content: vehicle pack, Commonwealth, Market Garden etc. User made scenarios and campaigns are free for all titles. CMFB does not yet have as much content but has newer equipment and tank riders. Both are excellent. Can't go wrong with any CM title. I recommend getting them all as time, money and wife allows.............
  11. They're called Instant Commands. Page 62 of the 4.0 Engine manual.
  12. I'm glad you were able to fight through the bug. Just FYI: The Evade command is useful in WEGO for getting pinned troops to move. Pinned troops will take but ignore all movement commands while pinned except for Evade. Evade will generate a Fast movement waypoint that can then (since some upgrade, I forget which one) be moved to a different location if the player so desires. One of the few times I will use an instant command.
  13. I think the morale part of this situation is probably correct. However the HT and troops not being able to move sounds like a bug. Even rattled troops can respond to movement commands. Maybe the trigger for the bug was that the troops became rattled in mid dismount? Should probably try to get a save of that turn into BFC. Maybe a work around: Did you try the Instant Command of Evade for the troops? Maybe that would give you a movement waypoint. Also if possible can the company commander move to within close visual contact of the troops and get them back in C2. Just possible work arounds for what sounds like a bug. As for the morale part, if any unit in a platoon takes a casualty this can negatively effect the morale of any other unit in the same platoon. The other teams and squads do not have to be in C2 or line of sight of the team taking the casualties to be negatively effected. (So even if there is no way for them to know that their buddies were just KIA they may still take a negative morale hit)
  14. Nope, stock from a panzergrenadier battalion with winter appearance selected.
  15. I downloaded CMFB Faces and they are an improvement. However based on the below link I'm not sure this is a final version. @Jace11 has not been on the forum for awhile so I'm not sure he will be around to comment on the status. Vanilla Dirty
  16. If you get that saved turn file to @akd he has the ability to review and route it to the proper BFC internal location. They will get it figured out.
  17. I agree with you that the behavior you describe is perfectly realistic. In my experience the behavior has a wide range of effects that is generally not as realistic. Also this conversation gave me the excuse to post the below screenshot again. Said screenshot is from a PBEM. My opponent had a Panther tank destroyed. About 7 game minutes later the below fire team shows up. Somewhere along the way they did buddy aid and picked up an MG42. I was so impressed I took the screenshot.
  18. Nice photo. So many cool captions could go with this.................. It would even make an interesting desktop wallpaper. Thanks for sharing.
  19. I just did a quick test with three different US infantry fire teams. All three had breach kits. I used the Blast command and everything worked as expected. They made the Blast into three different building and then ran in through the breached walls. Not sure why your having trouble. I know in a different thread we already talked about the elevation difference and ruled that out. You may need to post a saved turn so other players can try to figure it out. Or even get a ticket at the help desk. Okay one more idea. Were these Quick Battles originally started under engine 3 and then continued after the engine 4 upgrade? (The last patch for engine 3 removed the breach kits from fire teams and engine 4 returned them)
  20. The below link may have information you would find interesting. And to paraphrase something @akd posted 15 January 2017: Building textures are just textures and don't directly tell you anything about cover (every building has multiple textures to provide more visual variety). Building cover is tied to the model itself, and generally larger, more urban structures (e.g. Large modular, church) provide better cover than smaller, more rural structures (e.g. Small barns are worst cover).
  21. In real life of course this is possible but in the game, for whatever reason, the Ops, XO, 2IC teams can't be used this way. This is interesting information since topics come up every so often about how best to employ the Ops/XO/2IC teams. The best general use I have found for the XO/2IC teams is posted about five posts above. The problem with my method is not all XO/2IC teams have artillery calling authority.
  22. There is an in game difference between HQ teams and XO/2IC teams. As long as the CO is alive the only authority a XO team might have is to call for artillery. The XO team does not participate in the chain of command unless the CO is KIA (kind of like Game of Thrones). As an example page 67 of engine manual 4 relates that a company HQ team can provide voice and close visual contact to a fire team when the platoon HQ is unavailable. This is possible for HQ teams not XO teams and is why your 1st Bat. Ops team was unable to provide C2 to Alfa Company. Also you may be thinking of section HQ teams that are in some on map medium mortar platoons. Page 70 of engine manual 4 relates that section HQs enable the mortar platoon to spread out over a greater distance by extending the C2 chain of command between the mortar platoon HQ and the mortar teams. However these section HQs are still considered HQ teams not XO/2IC teams. I like the way you isolated the type of C2 by keeping the Bn. HQ moving so the Bn. radio would drop off the net. Interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing.
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