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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. "Jorge MC, come in. Do you read me?" It appears as if you meant to post something. I'm just not sure what.
  2. There are board gamers and then there are bored gamers...
  3. By all means. Let us declare Jihad on the SpamBots !
  4. Colour me speechless. (She's that good.)
  5. All in all I'd rather be watching videos from The Eighties.
  6. Maybe while they're at it they'll throw in a module...
  7. "Ich lieb' dich nicht, du liebst mich nicht...da da da" Some things never get old.
  8. And to think we could have had this for the next thousand years. What's not to like?
  9. I'll take that as a "Yes".
  10. Glad I could bring a little joy into someone's life. Teaching Middle School does have it's advantages when it comes to low-brow humour.
  11. Why can't you hear a pterodactyl relieve itself? Because the "pee" is silent.
  12. At 2:22 Boney turns to his Old Guard. A rough translation from the Russian subtitles: " Learn zees now, mes amis. 'ow do you say, Run Away! "
  13. Beaver it is. Would you prefer the two-legged or four-legged variety?
  14. Thanks for the offer, Kuderian. Perhaps when I've graduated from playing the AI to playing humans I'll give you a shout. 'Til then, carry on, Soldier!
  15. Thanks for the offer, Kohl. You're a class guy. If only the US would take our Canadian dollars at par. Still, what a great idea. And truly a chance of a lifetime. Here's hopin'...
  16. My apologies for the previous post ^^. I had been following this thread until your (Kuderian's) last post, some five months ago. It does get frustrating to invest in something only to play the waiting game. Perhaps I should learn to curb my enthusiasm. I do, however, appreciate the time and effort you and your partners put into an entertaining, if infrequent, DAR. And yes, I must admit, I will continue to follow this thread with interest. Patience, BLSTK.
  17. Now that's hitting a little too close to home. After all, my man Kohl is from those parts.
  18. That makes this irrefutable proof that Napoleon was the world's first "pothead".
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