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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. So true, c3k. My wife may have had me reported, but she hasn't had me fixed.
  2. Thanks to John Kettler for the following link: http://www.nam.ac.uk/waterloo200/200-object/the-devil-to-pay-or-boneys-return-from-hell-bay/
  3. FOR A GOOD TIME CLICK ON THE LINK: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119049-celebrating-the-200th-anniversary-of-the-defeat-of-napoleon-at-waterloo/ (Please, Burkey, I'm trying to direct future posts to this other thread, since that's where most of the "traffic" has gone).
  4. In another thread sburke writes: "Corsican, smorsican, it was the FRENCH EMPIRE! Though one of the best meals I ever had was a Corsican restaurant in Paris. http://www.lavillaco...rive-gauche.php Not sure if it is always on the menu, but I had the Wild Boar. I'd have ordered a second entree if I had the room in my stomach." To which I reply: And what has the French Empire done for you lately? Those who have no future are destined to live in the past.
  5. And what has the French Empire done for you lately? Those who have no future are destined to live in the past.
  6. My new motto: More berets, less* Berettas. * For the purists, "fewer" would be more grammatically correct. However, the short "e" in "less" and "Ber-e-tta" create assonance. Like the monosyllabic "more", "less" creates a symmetry in scansion that the word "fewer" cannot. Call it poetic license.
  7. I can just hear the enemy now: "Damn. Here come The Boys on Bikes Brigade. ***EDITED BY CHRISND***"
  8. Panzerfausts? Those aren't Panzerfausts. Those are martini shakers. If you were riding to the front line on one of these you'd need a stiff drink, too.
  9. Notice the Recon Version on the left. Its the one kitted out with the advanced illumination system.
  10. And then there was the ever-popular UniZycle. The Allies dubbed it the EunichCycle. Sadly there are neither pictures of this piece of innovative engineering nor former operators of said equipment.
  11. @ Squatdog "Perfectly capable of knocking out any tank in service." They don't actually have to knock out a tank. Just outrace its shells.
  12. Next stop, Le Tour de France. "Vee vill infiltrayte zee enemee zyclists. Und dann vee vill ovahtayk zee peleton! Vee vill konkur Europa, von rayce at a teim!"
  13. Too funny, Reiter. Tank riders...minus the tank.
  14. And no, I've never had to pay for it. Of course, I could be hanging out with the wrong kind of sheep.
  15. @ Sequoia As I suspected, Napoleon didn't show up. 'ow verree French, n'est-ce pas?
  16. Besides Burkey, technically Napoleon was not French. Any self-respecting Corsican will tell you as much.
  17. In another thread, sburke writes: "Wait, we are celebrating? The defeat of the French Empire? I mean think about it, do you prefer Beef Wellington over Corsican wild boar. (Hint I had wild boar at a Corsican restaurant in Paris and it was one of the all time best meals I ever ate). No sir I say we commemorate in memory the end of our beloved empire. Piss on the English, German etc counter revolutionary clique. Viva la France!" To which I reply: And yet here we are, conversing in the language of Wellington. Long live the Queen!
  18. FOR A GOOD TIME CLICK ON THE LINK: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119049-celebrating-the-200th-anniversary-of-the-defeat-of-napoleon-at-waterloo/
  19. Burkey, technically Napoleon was not French. Any self-respecting Corsican will tell you as much.
  20. Thanks JB. BTW, this thread isn't so much about War and Peace as it is about War and (Taking-the-)Piss.
  21. I assume you'll be ordering the duck (everyone has the duck at La Tour D'Argent). Speaking of duck, that's what Napoleon spent most of his time doing at the Battle of Waterloo. Anyone for Dodge(cannon)Ball?
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