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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. If you zoom in you'll often see traces of the tank's exhaust. If that tank happens to still be in motion you might get lucky by leading with an HE round. At the very least, the barrel of your gun is already pointing at the enemy if/when he reappears.
  2. One of my favourite tricks is finding the exhaust fumes of tanks which are otherwise "invisible". You can often find a target this way by hitting them where they ain't. Just be mindful that your loader will select an HE shell instead of AP which, although it won't likely penetrate armour will often suppress the enemy long enough to get eyes on him. At the very least it will create a cloud of dust, impede his ability to see you and generally stop the bad guy in his tracks.
  3. Oh, there'll be pints to go around. And John himself offered to be the Designated Driver.
  4. Womble, my good man, while I love to root for The Underdog, I feel the need to ask. Were you high?
  5. True that. Kettler's mere presence in this thread has lent it a new-found credibility of which I could have only dreamt. We love ya, John.
  6. The majority of my Pixeltruppen spend the bulk of their time "flailing" about during a given mission. I wouldn't blame it on Crabs though.
  7. @ Warts 'n' all There's nothing better with which to wash that waffle down than a little Belgian bevy. Leffe and Hoegaarden are two of my favourite brews. And while we're on the subject, do we have any Kriek * fans out there? * not to be confused with "Krieg" (that's German for "war"). I would assume we're all fans of that. Which brings us back to the OP. I was disappointed to learn that the site of the famous battle at Waterloo bears little resemblance to the field on which the battle was fought. Would anyone care to describe their impressions? Observations?
  8. Waffles anyone?* * Waterloo is in Belgium, home to one of the most delicious creations known to mankind. Mmm. Taste the irony.
  9. Haven't you ever seen soldiers practicing Tai Chi?
  10. As far as I can tell Bil H. never "plays". He takes his war very seriously.
  11. Damn, that Kettler is resourceful. Someone should make him the Forum Archivist !
  12. You might have been thinking of the Germans' annexing of Austria and The Sudetenland, where they were welcomed with open arms.
  13. In the words of Theodore Roosevelt, "Speak softly and carry a Big Ol' 50 cal".
  14. Disclaimer: I have absolutely zero authority to make anyone an "Honourary Canuck". In fact neither would the Prime MInister, if we had one.
  15. If it's out by Canada Day (July 1st), I will personally make you an Honourary Canuck! (And yes, despite what Spellcheck says, that is the correct spelling of "honourary").
  16. Speaking for the Canadian contingent, we would be even happier should The Bulge come out at Thanksgiving, since that means it'll be out in October.
  17. OK, Ian. Now that we all know where your mind is at, can we please get back to talking CM?
  18. And then there's the tank-on-tank action of Red Thunder. Either way, you really can't go wrong.
  19. You guys are killing me. Sorry, Emrys. That's just an expression that those of us who do not suck sometimes use.
  20. Keep those pictures that do not suck coming!
  21. In that case, I look forward to BFC faithfully replicating battery charging stations in its next release. Lends new meaning to "Charge of the Light Brigade".
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