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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. BTW, the sheep doesn't vacuum. But it does do windows.
  2. You certainly earn points for persistence. I'll give you that much. That wouldn't happen to be the latest in French fashion sitting on top of your head, would it?
  3. Coming soon... Someone who actually cares (hint: it isn't yours truly).
  4. Now, this one's beyond the pail: http://www.nam.ac.uk/waterloo200/200-object/chamber-pot-with-napoleons-head/
  5. Too funny, Ken. FWIW, I wouldn't worry so much about the sheep carrying STD's. Wink, wink. Bah, Bah.
  6. Considering what I am willing to pay for a lap dance from a Scottish sheep, what BFC charges is a steal. It also lasts a whole lot longerrrrrrrr *. * spoken with a brogue
  7. Yo, Kettler. I think I can get you a lap dance. Are you up for it?
  8. I'd pay double if the sheep spoke in a Scottish brogue.
  9. Burkey, from where I'm sitting: sheep+lap dance=bulge
  10. As for Agincourt, you'll have to start your own thread for that. May I suggest the Fortress Italy Forum.
  11. Consider this thread my gift to my British Brothers. And to those who never made it off the beaches of La Normandie. Besides, with the UK leaving the EU, this will be as close to Continental Europe as The Brits will get. Hey, we'll always have Paris (Ontario), eh?
  12. Here is a somewhat more flattering portrayal of the Tiny Emperor: http://www.nam.ac.uk/waterloo200/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/186254-devil-print.jpg
  13. In all fairness to Brother Mord, I believe he was simply empathizing with another forumite's computer woes. In effect, what he was saying is: "This is what happens when one's hard drive goes floppy."
  14. Not just any sheep, Banesy. If it isn't Scottish, it's crap.
  15. Steiner, save yourself a lot of grief. if it's one thing I've learned from playing this game it's this: War is Hell. Don't get too close to your troops. They'll only end up breaking your heart.
  16. Yet another masterpiece from Jorge. Keep 'em coming.
  17. *** SPOILER ALERT *** I always thought the Germans were pretty tight. Here's your proof. A Budding Bromance in the heat of battle @ 13:56 "Hast du Zigaretten? Ja, mein Lieber. Aber nicht fur dich." "Do you have any cigarettes? Yes, Lover. But not for you."
  18. Can you feel the love in here, Michael Enema? (If this doesn't get a reply from him, nothing will.)
  19. Depends on which "port" you choose. Or not. As they say, "any port in a storm."
  20. @ John Kettler Having a father who never gained access to his own emotions, I can appreciate your efforts to enlighten us about your personal challenges. I dare say it is something we, as males, rarely summon the courage to do. And writing about it in the Forum is both cathartic and empowering for you. Consider this a form of communal therapy. Those who are quick to criticize you would do well to channel that negative energy into something resembling empathy rather than scorn. Because a post describing one man's plight is really the story of the human condition. What has happened to you could happen to any one of us at any moment. Remember this: John Kettler at 50% is still better than most of us at 100%.
  21. Too funny, c3k. For the record, my wife keeps mine on the mantle. Just her way of reminding me who's the boss. Let this be a warning to all you single guys. "Growing a pair" is not as easy as you might think. My advice to you: RUN!
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