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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Does anyone foresee a time when CM will restrict fuel as it does ammo?
  2. I hate to split hairs Burkey, but is that green or olive drab?
  3. BFC have decided to postpone release of "The Bulge" in order to bring you the most timely of epic battles. Waterloo: The Sequel. Got my "Wellies" on.
  4. Not so terrifying, really. It was just a series of drills. Brace yourselves, but to cap it off the Germans decided to probe the cavities of their enemies in search of military intelligence, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in the process.
  5. Enough of the idling vehicles already. Haven't we done enough damage to Dear Old Mother Earth?
  6. Forum? Did someone say forum? +1 signed, Resident Troll
  7. So, it can be done. Good to know, though it is of little consolation to me at this point. There is no way a bridge made of toothpicks should have withstood several direct hits from 81mm mortars. (Perhaps the game engine "abstracts" the Russian sappers' ability to repair said structures using "SuperGlue".) Incidentally, those last five rounds were of the smoke variety. I managed to salvage something of the fiasco by setting up an ambush in which one Tiger and two Panthers destroyed nine T34/85's. You might say it was the Russian armour that went up in smoke.
  8. Slightly off topic (from me? who'da thunk it?), I expended 55 of 60 rounds of 81mm mortar trying to take out that rickety old wooden bridge. That's all the arty you get in this scenario, so yeah, it was a big gamble on my part. Despite several direct hits, the bridge is still standing. WTF? It works on buildings. Why not bridges?
  9. Banesy, you are a beauty. Didn't anyone tell you that talk is sheep?
  10. @ Kohlenklau A brand new forum! A brand new forum! Think of the opportunities to troll.
  11. Jorge, as always, I am digging your ability to compose. Allow me to decompose...no, not in that way. (I'm to young to die). Check out the visual balance created by two small tanks on the left and the larger one on the right. Then there's the struggle between a lone Tiger and two T34/85's. To top it all off, we have the tension between victor and vanquished as two gun barrels intersect. Only one will win the day. I'd say that's about a thousand words.
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