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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Do us all a favour, George. Google "full penetration" and send us the results. While you're at it, enjoy your "enforced vacation".
  2. Talk about your "massive tracts of land"...
  3. Will Kate be making an appearance at the COMBAT MISSION CONVENTION? If so, I expect you'll need to get yourself a bigger state.
  4. The Management extends its apologies to those who thought they were in the CM:BN Forum. It appears as if the OP was away the day they studied European Geography and/or History. As a result, the battlefield at Waterloo now extends all the way to Mont St. Michel. (You can look it up). As for misplacing our enthusiasm, we assure you that it will not happen again.
  5. Which is why I chose the rambling title... Don't worry Seedorf, by the time 2177 rolls around ABBA will no doubt hold its own bicentennial celebrations. And we're all invited!
  6. Looks like we've got another Python fan. "And now for something completely different."
  7. You're killing me, Burkey. (Settle down Emrys, it's just a figure of speech.)
  8. Good stuff, Jason. War is fought not only temporally but linearIy as well. I guess we're so used to "fighting the clock" that we forget to see the battlefield in three dimensions.
  9. I've never "Ceased Fire" nor have I (yet) "Surrendered" to the Almighty AI. Still, I did learn something here, as we talk about playing into The Red Zone of extra time. The clock's never gone beyond +5 minutes for me. Didn't realize you could get 10 let alone 15 minutes added on. Some bastards have all the luck.
  10. kohlenklau wrote: "...and you are a nephew of Robert! aka Bob's your uncle." Kohl Buddy, it's no fun if you have to spell it out for 'em. Make 'em earn their stripes.
  11. They say that timing is everything. These words certainly rang true for my father-in-law, now 94 years of age, who recalled the following scenario. He arrived at Peenemunde on August 19, 1943, the day after the famous raid on the V1 test site. He served as battery commander of six "Acht Acht" or Eighty-Eights. Because of a certain aptitude level he had been selected to attend Radar Schule which ultimately saved his life in two ways. First, if he had not been one of "The Chosen" he would have been posted to the Halle Peninsula during that fateful raid. Second, his training allowed him to detect a follow-up bomber incursion soon after this first attack. By alerting his superiors to the oncoming formation, the anti-aircraft defenses were successful in repelling the aerial onslaught. He was subsequently awarded the Iron Cross for his actions.
  12. As a first-generation American, Guido had been researching his family tree prior to landing in Sicily. It was only a matter of time before he put down roots of his own upon returning to The Old Country.
  13. Way to go, Burkey. Thanks for raising the bar for the rest of us.
  14. Sounds like a " hurtin' " song, that's fer dang sure. I wish you a speedy * recovery, Michael. * but not in a "speeding pickup" sort of way.
  15. @ c3k "Ja, ist true. Und dat ist vy Mommy must date udder men." So, you mean, like, "cowboys" then?
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