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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. ...and the truth. Don't forget "the truth".
  2. Then maybe they'll make a proper war movie. Maybe even call it...i dunno..."Fury"?
  3. What a find! Thanks for sharing. Anyone perusing this 33 page document will be richly rewarded with every camouflage pattern known to man.
  4. And to think my future father-in-law could have changed history. While manning a Flakvierling at "The Wolf's Lair" in Rastenberg, he caught a glimpse of Der Fuhrer about a football-field away. What was the range of those things again?
  5. Now, Gentlemen. No need to start a war of words over such a trivial thing as a war on democracy.
  6. Either the collecting or the confiscating of these goodies constitute a "war crime". You decide which.
  7. "BFC, vee haf vays uv mayking yew tawk."
  8. "Conga Line". Too funny, Bulletpoint. Might I suggest naming it in the spirit of "Dancing With the Stars"? Only I'd call it "Hanging With Benito".
  9. As they say, "the difference between men and boys is the rarity of their toys".
  10. How big was this guy's basement? (Just kidding. This is further evidence of the importance of reading the entire sentence before jumping to conclusions).
  11. What I'm suggesting is that there is a definite bias when playing the AI as the Germans. I have noticed that this happens consistently throughout all the scenarios shipped with RT. The Russian AFVs are in fact "destroyed" (smoking carcasses, big red crosses flashing, dead crew members strewn about...you get the picture). My point is the actual choice of wording here. I would rather "destroy" the enemy than to simply "knock (him) out".
  12. Why is it when I eliminate enemy armour the hit text reads "Knocked Out", yet anytime I lose a tank it's labelled "Destroyed"? I would like to actually "Destroy" an enemy AFV, just for once.
  13. Why is it when I eliminate enemy armour the hit text reads "Knocked Out", yet anytime I lose a tank it's labelled "Destroyed"? I would like to actually "Destroy" an enemy AFV, just for once.
  14. You said it. "Fool". Your words not mine. What I think of you can't be printed in this Forum. And just because you don't get the joke doesn't give you the right to call someone a "troll". You are the one stooping to name-calling. I call it hypocrisy. And you are a hypocrite. You can look that one up too while you're at it. So before you start telling someone else to "grow up" you might want to ask yourself the following question: did you even finish school or did school finish you?
  15. And while George no doubt saw the humour, Luke couldn't spell the word. As tempting as it must be to play god, perhaps we should let the public be the judge. I stand by my comments.
  16. FWIW, he did provoke me. I certainly hope LukeFF gets the same warning. I would hate to think there might be a double standard when it comes to "internal discipline".
  17. I'd love to. It appears, however, as if Luke has flown the coop.
  18. Bang on, Mr. Burke. Draught Guinness produces a better head. Need I say more?
  19. I sooo want to be like you when I do grow up. In the meantime, try getting a life. (P)resident Trollâ„¢
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