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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Woah there. I completely missed that at first glance. Didn't realize The Vistula was infested with alligators. Or was that a "Crocodile"?
  2. You nailed it, womble. That was the title of the BAR - Before Action Report. You might say Warts and I raised the "bar". And then lowered it.
  3. Looks like I've finally met my match. Hmmm. What does "Rubbish Times Two" look like? We'll have to play H2H sometime to find out. And don't worry about the "human" part in "opponent". No one has ever accused me of being that.
  4. You've got it all wrong, agusto. That's what we in the west call a "mercy killing".
  5. There's kill. And then there's "overkill". Sounds like The Boss wanted the guy over-and-over killed.
  6. I believe "Trilling" was the musical version.
  7. Good one, Banesy. Goose. Feather. Oh, never mind.
  8. Alright, Kettler. I'll take the bait. How 'bout CM:Das Boot Hat Ein Leak Gesprungen?
  9. EDIT: unable to delete above references EDIT: inserted intended reference womble wrote: Unfed trolls depart. Fed ones hang around. One must embrace one's inner troll. (P)resident Trollâ„¢
  10. Talk about subliminal advertising. Now if you'll excuse me, I feel the need to goose step.
  11. My apologies, agusto, for straying off topic. Congrats on your new rig.
  12. Your dad wouldn't happen to be Officer Wiggum, would it? Ralph, is that you?
  13. To answer the original question: I have seen the lurker and he is us.
  14. Methinks he needs more hat, less doody. He is Putin, after all.
  15. I dare say the developers would be anything but flushed with pride over this little glitch.
  16. No s*h*i*t Sherlock. (Just kidding...I couldn't help myself).
  17. Great action, Paul. That final sequence was absolutely "killer"...if you know what I mean. If I might make one suggestion, there are times when a close-up can be a little too...close-up. That makes it difficult to put some of the action in context of the bigger battle. Better to zoom out a little from time to time.
  18. Blame the neighbours. Sounds like someone moved into the 'hood, looked at the stuff the old guy next door had and realized if he couldn't have it, no one else could either.
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