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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Am I the only one who wishes Jason would write more Combat Mission Haiku? Of course I'm only half kidding. Consider me a fan, regardless of writing genre. But, since you mentioned it, I give you Combaiku (courtesy of John Kettler): http://community.battlefront.com/topic/14342-combaiku/
  2. Dear John: Are you saying you no longer write poetry? Nonsense. Your posts are nothing if not poems in prose form. I hadn't read Jarrell's poem before. Powerful stuff, to be sure.
  3. I'm pretty sure Kettler is too far into his Combaiku writing to devote the amount of time required to do any justice to a proper cost analysis. And rightly so. I mean, war poetry is where it's at, man.
  4. Pshah. Who needs FIFA when you've got Monty Python? And Now for Something Completely Different:
  5. Your computer may say "No" but your eyes say "Yes".
  6. Dear John: A propos of nothing: We have books-on-tape for a reason. I wonder if we could get Kettler-on-Tape. Life is short.
  7. Burkey is the Rodney Dangerfield of forumites. "I can't get no respect."
  8. I, for one, would pay good money - minimum wage, even - to see Burkey performing his version of "Stomp".
  9. Oops. Didn't mean to call you a zombie, DW. Does Walmart provide singing lessons? Clearly their tribal drum and chanting lessons have already paid off for your fearless leader (front and center in the video, leading his men and women into battle, as it should be.) Perhaps you might make a suggestion during the next round of contract negotiations?
  10. What do you expect when your pick-up line is: "You remind me uv Eva."?
  11. You'll notice more people in the video have chosen to abstain from the brainwash reinforcement drill than are actually joining in the fun. And you can bet that management is taking names. How about the zombie on background vocals? Not a whole lot of enthusiasm there, either. Oh well, it was on company dime, after all. Now back to your mindless jobs...or we'll start a union.
  12. Hitler, 2015: Looks like the girl on his left just informed him that his side lost the war. Or as the Russians said back in 1945: "Deutschland unter alles!" (mostly rubble).
  13. I know you're checking your list, BFC. And maybe I'm not on it. Oh well, such is life. Deep down inside we all have it in us to be naughty. Some of us are simply more naughty than others. But there are others out there who are on the Nice List. Do it for them.
  14. Et voilĂ ..."Loch Lomond". Sung by a Canadian, no less. Mind you, John McDermott was born in Glasgow. And we all know Glasgowsmiles Better!
  15. For a moment there, you had me singing the words to "Loch Lomond". But then the sun appeared...
  16. That in itself makes for a pretty "rough estimate".
  17. When I play versus the AI, I have zero control over placement of its troops, especially vehicles. And it is always with the AI defending. One would think the AI would want its armour facing the enemy. But this is not happening. How can I correct this behaviour?
  18. So it isn't just me? Glad you brought this up, BP. I'm finding this as well during QB versus the AI. My units work hard to to attain LOS, only to find the enemy armour is facing in the opposite direction. Now, don't get me wrong. I like to win as much as the next guy. But not like this.
  19. Back at ya, Buddy. The avatar speaks to the genius of Stanley Kubrick. It's also a metaphor for my outlook on life: "Damn the torpedoes!" Actually, you just gave me an idea for my next avatar...
  20. The "I haven't had any complaints yet probably because I simply haven't met the right woman who wouldn't think twice about complaining before having her sweet a*s*s kicked to the curb" one.
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