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Everything posted by agusto

  1. LOL i am 24 and i accidentially deleted my posts for so many times on the old forum. It has nothing with age, Seedorf81. Maybe the amount of mouse-throwing and keyboard-hitting becomes less with the years, but accidentially deleting your posts happens to everyone i guess.
  2. . Since the end of the cold war the austrian armed forces have shrunk by factor of 5, from 250,000 total mobilized strength in 1986 to approximately 50,000 total mobilized strength in 2014. Demobilized strengh is currently about 14,000 men, of which approximately 5000 could be considered "combat worthy" when compared to the conventional troops of the the worlds leading military nations. Theoretically there would be some capabilities to participate in a conflict abroad, but there is absolutely no political will to do so.
  3. Well you posted a screenshot* 1 or 2 turns ago where it looks like the most forward vehicles of 1st and 2nd MRC are maybe 150 - 200 meteres away of the most forward edge of the area you expect pnzrldr units to arrive. It is difficult to judge LOS/LOF from this high above the map, but the only truely save area for his reinforcements to arrive seems to be near the workshop, the area you designated as 2. Anyways, i am sure you wont play unsportsmanlike, i was just speaking my mind. IIRC you yourself asked for our thoughts on how the game went so far . *http://community.battlefront.com/topic/116715-cm-black-sea-–-beta-battle-report-russian-side/?p=1565038
  4. He has a point though, Bil. I am afraid too that you fast advance will put you too close to pnzrldrs reinforcements when they arrive. It would be quite gamey IMO if his reinforcements, all bunched up and in parade formation, teleport right in front of your guns and you open up at them with deadly firepower at the very moment they arrive. I am sure you are aware of this though and you wont exploit it.
  5. I think you have done very, very well so far. But you should defniately not rest on your laurels, i dont want to spoil anything, but we are only like what 10-15 (?) minutes into the battle, and pnzrldr definately has an ace in the hole.
  6. Yeah, that looks like a brutal battle to me pnzrldr. Very nice, i love that.
  7. What is wrong with that, choosing the country you come from i mean? I would totally understand it if somebody does that, i would love to see the austrian Bundesheer too, despite it beeing laughably small and badly equipped when compared to countries like Germany or the US. I also prefer to play as Germany in the CMx2 WW2 titles because it was my grandfathers army, you know, i can somehow relate to that, and i even have a pair of binoculars from back than. I think it is absolutely normal to pick that country or faction you can relate to most, weather it is the US, Germany or New Zealand. I am absolutely sure for example that most if not all USMC veterans on the forum are going to pick the USMC module as their personal favorite.
  8. Actually the whine sound you hear in many movies when aircrfaft are crashing does not appear in reality. What you are hearing in those movies are the Jericho-Trumpets, large sirens that were mounted on the WW2 german Stukas in order to instill fear among the enemy troops on the ground. Those Jericho-Trumpets were burnt into the collective memory of hundereds of thousands of people during the war, so that today still many believe that crashing aircraft cause a noise like siren. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jericho-Trompete EDIT: Regarding the audio message when aircraft get hit by SAM fire, i would prefer to hear a readio message, something like this at 1:45: "Dodge 2 is hit, Dodge 2 is hit! Bail out! Bail out! Bail out! ~inaudible~ BAIL OUT! BAIL OUT! - Okay i marked the position on the INS, coordinates blablabla" or "Dodge 1 on guard. Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Dodge 2 has just been shot down." Take this and add some cockpit beeping from a radar warning indicator, or maybe some 'nagging nora' computer voice commands: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/home/video-8946/How-voice-Nagging-Nora-sound-battle-conditions.html
  9. Oh, yeah, you are right. I tried that to but as it appears i hadnt been patient enough .
  10. I bought all CMx2 games except Red Thunder. It is odd, kinda, because the Eastern Front in WW2 is said to be the holy grail for most war gamers. Although Red Thunder did capture my imagination, i kinda felt like i wont play it much. I ve always been more interested in modern war games than WW2. I thought about getting it anyways to keep my collection of CM games complete, but i was low on cash, so i decided against that as well. With CMBS, on the other hand, i feel like i cant wait for it . To me, it is like the best of both worlds: the eastern front + modern equipment. I hope BFC will make module that introduces the Bundeswehr, that would be most awesome.
  11. Log in (you cant access member profiles if you are loggeg out). Click on the members profile to open his profile page. On his profile page, locate the name of the member right to his avatar. Below his name, there is the join date.
  12. Ha, well that would be great if you writre military sci fi . It is my favorite sub-genre of scifi fi. I can only encourage you to try it if you like writing, you certainly do have some talent (as far as i can tell from your AAR)
  13. I always vote your AAR posts up. Right now you probably have more up-votes than anybody else on the forum.
  14. Taking no prisoners is also a waste of ammunation, not only of human life. If you take prisoners you can use them as human shields or for mine clearence. Even just executing your prisoners later is still much more cost-effecient than killing them on the battlefield. Although, of course, if you care about morals you shouldnt really do any of the above.
  15. Out of 20 voters (23.12.14), 16 said they would like to have a a dedicated Tacticts and Strategy sub forum. That is quite a clear message IMO, i hope we will get one too. Isnt that already part of Maps and Mods? Anyways, i will add it as an option to the poll as soon as i have figured out how i do this.
  16. I just wanted to try out and raise awareness for the Poll-feature the new forum software offers. So, the question is: Which sub-forums do you want? If you want me to add options just post your idea in this thread. This poll is not official. I have no influence on what sub forums we will actually have. I hope though that Moon or Steve or someone with the magic admin powers will see the poll and respect the wishes of the community.
  17. I would give you a +1 for that if i could.
  18. I would like to have a tactics subforum too. It is not a bad thing to have all tactics related threads in one place. When i was new to CMSF (my first CM game) many of the threads in the CMSF tactics sub forum provided me with great help and i certainly wouldnt have learned the game as fast as i did without the tactics forum. When i look at CMBN, on the other hand, you ll have to look through lots and lots of forum page to get to the tactic-relevant threads - something not everybody does. So, given that it is litterally just 5 clicks for the admins to make a tactics subforum, i would say the gain from having such a forum significantly outweights the effort of making one.
  19. I think what s new is the ability to embed youtube clips.
  20. I am very happy that there is a mobile version of th forum now BTW. Currently i am typeing from my phone and I find the new forum to be much more comfortable for use with small mobile devices. Big plus.
  21. I just noted a something that could be unintended and/or maybe a future problem: Wehn you go to User CP->profile customization->background it allows you to upload images of unlimited size. I just uploaded a 1,6 MB image. I am not sure but couldnt this be used by an attacker in a DoS attack? Choose a 500GB file, click 'upload' and block all traffic.The lack of a limited for the size of an expendable background image also strikes me as odd given that the maximum attachment size is 500kb. I 'd rather have unlimted attachment size but a 500kb limited for my profile background.
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