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Bud Backer

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    Bud Backer reacted to The_Capt in CM Cold War - Beta AAR - Soviet Thread - Glorious Soviet Victory at Small German Town 1980   
    Such a delicious tactical dilemma, wish it was someone else's.  Well infantry are not off the board, the two dismounted platoons are encroaching and I still have one mounted.  Getting them all into and past that village is a workable plan.  I like the center push but I am not entirely onside with switching to the defence once we are there.  Bil also has DPICM, which stings like iodine so I would rather keep going once we get to the other side.  Once I am up in those hills Bil is on his back feet and has to react.  I can keep scouts to secure the points of the objective but will be better placed to hit him if I can get up there with him. 
    Either way, you are correct...wrong side of the valley indeed.  
  2. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to Hapless in CM Cold War - Beta AAR - Soviet Thread - Glorious Soviet Victory at Small German Town 1980   
    Obviously hard to judge from the screens and the map but... the end of Route 2 looks like a good position.

    From there you are blocking Bil moving directly to the objective and he will have to come into the woods to get you on your terms (a stronger option if you could bring the infantry along, but that ship may have sailed). As a bonus, your tanks will be concealed from air and artillery observation.

    If Bil tries to bypass the wood on either side to get to the objective, then you should be able to hit him with flanking fire as well as fire from the Eyes on your valley side.

    It's... not very dramatic, it's objective rather than force focused, a man in a scary hat may ask "Why have you lost your forward momentum, Comrade?" and (more disturbingly) it basically involves seizing a position and saying "What're you gonna do now?" to Bil Hardenberger... but, ground depending, I think he's only got bad options if you're in those woods.

    Whatever you choose, you are currently on the wrong side of the valley and should rectify that as soon as possible
  3. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to The_Capt in CM Cold War - Beta AAR - Soviet Thread - Glorious Soviet Victory at Small German Town 1980   
    Not so much surprised as I basically forgot.  In the old folks home that is the deep Beta, seriously a lot of names that are 20 years old on the forum, Bil was like that dear old crone always pining about the "Beta AAR".  We politely nod and smile at him, while reminding that he should put his teeth in the glass.  So he has been pestering on this since freakin Jan whilst we were also up to our necks in content design and development, along with TO&E support and a dozen other things ("ya Capt, cry me a river").  
    Anyway, I humored the old guy until a scenario landed on my lap and here we are.  So, I was thinking T64s, or maybe even 80s (which in hindsight makes no sense for the timestamp) but T62s are not a deal breaker.  I have had them destroy A3s at 1500ms, they are just a bit trickier to manage.
    Your plan is similar to my thinking but I am weight the merits of driving into those woods along #2.  
  4. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to The_Capt in CM Cold War - Beta AAR - Soviet Thread - Glorious Soviet Victory at Small German Town 1980   
    March to Glorious Victory Post # 5 - The Bitter Tonic of Sacrifice (Turn 8 - 11)
      So the theme of todays post is to validate The_Capt's rule #5 - never play by their rules, play by your own.  So in this episode we are building to a decisive moment one way or the other.  I posted the kill shot on the M150 for turn 8 previously, beyond that not much to report as I continue to move into a broad tree line position of Eyes.
    Turn 9 we score another M150 kill as my tanks pull onto the shoulders on either side.  That is an AT3 and sabot round...it was the AT 3 that does the job.
    You can get a good sense of the setup laydown on this shot of the kill.   I have infantry in the center and the two T64 pls on either shoulder.  The setup here is for the impending arrival of The Boys

    So the good news is that is a Tank Coy (10 tanks strong) but the not so good news is that they are T62s.  The T62 can still do the job and can kill an M60 from the front pretty well, problem is that they are a little blind.  So I am re-thinking my approach to Kill Bil and Teeth.
    Turn 10 is when my original thinking is validate.  If I stay in this tree line and play Bils game he will pick me off from that ridge, mainly because the optics on the US tanks are simply better.
    Ok, this first one actually hurt the worst.  There was a Coy HQ and a FO in that BMP.

    And the T64s are tough but not invincible, this one on my right.

    And on my left another T64 (this one of those frustrating TAC AI shenanigans) and another BMP.  So the tree line and play peekaboo is not going to work, particularly with T62s...we move or die. 
    Turn 11 sees no further losses but those T64s do take some bounces as the M60s on the hill have them well dialed in but by the end of Turn 11 we are in position.

    So, dear reader, here we are at the edge of eternity.  I have two infantry platoons dismounted because I really do not want them to die inside their vehicles.  They are pushing up a bit towards the town.  I have a tank coy in a good position to push out and I still have a pretty good force on the shoulders.  Hmm...so what should the plan be?  Seriously...discuss.  
    Right now, I am thinking about not swinging to the left and up but going straight through the town and up.  The primary issue is that those T62s are deadly up close (1000m or less) but I have to get them there and all that open ground to my left is not looking good.  There is probably at least a US tank Pl on that ridge to the left and another covering from the right both sweeping that open field.  If I can get into those wood beyond the town, we will have the knife fight and I will be in a better position to overwhelm.  The other option is to go right, lotta dead ground there.
    So here is a shot of the map from the (included) scenario editor:

    Very interested to hear from the audience cause I really have not made my mind up on this one.
  5. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to Bil Hardenberger in U.S. Thread - CM Cold War - BETA AAR - Battle of Dolbach Heights 1980   
    Tenth Minute
    “As long as I breathe, I attack."
    Bernard Hinault
    A few key events this turn:

    M-60A1(RISE+) (1/8) missed the shot it took at the end of last turn, that round going long.  But it fired an additional four times at the T-64B it spotted last turn.. connecting on two.

    That had to hurt.. I know those hits caused at least one casualty.  Its possible this tank is a gun kill, and that's as good as knocking it out as far as I'm concerned.  Still, I am not counting on that.
    M-150 (1/5) - I'm an idiot... in he hope of bringing the final (as far as I can tell) BMP near NAI2 under fire, I crept this tank hunter forward to take up a Hull Down spot with visibility of this spot... but I failed to mask the M-150 from the rest of the field.
    It was spotted by both a BMP-1 and the T-64B (from the previous vignette) in their battle position.  First the BMP fired it's Sagger:

    Then the T-64B fired as well...

    The T-64's shell fell short, but the BMP must have had a gifted Sagger gunner, as I swear that missile skimmed inches off the ground...

    ...but alas it flew true...

    Finally, for the group playing my "What's Bil Planning?" game... I am moving 2nd Platoon's Scouts to the left side of the field, as shown... what are they up to?  Hmmm  

    I promise I won't keep you in suspense much longer, and will reveal what I am thinking with one of my next two posts.
  6. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to A Canadian Cat in Reforger Nostalgia   
    Very cool. I am glad to hear that. As a teenager in the 80s there was a time when I was not so sure that our leaders nor the Soviet ones understood that. As I got older I came to realize they probably did - a big relief. I am glad to hear more confirmation that it was the case.
    Yeah, I am constantly amazed (but not really : - ) how much press "leaked" plans like this get. I don't mean old Soviet plans I mean in general. I am quite sure the Canadian Forces have plans that many people would freak out over and they aren't exactly a super power force. Every time I read stories about contingencies plans I say everyone chill out. Armies are supposed to plan for all kinds of scenarios. What matters is what our political leaders think and do.
  7. Upvote
    Bud Backer got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Will this rig likely run this game when it's released?   
    I run CM on multiple Mac and Windows computers each with integrated and discrete GPUs, and I’m not the only one. It will use the discrete GPU autonomously in MacOS and with some changes in settings in Windows 10. See my reply to your thread here:
  8. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to Bil Hardenberger in U.S. Thread - CM Cold War - BETA AAR - Battle of Dolbach Heights 1980   
    Ninth Minute
     “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    The Art of War, Sun Tzu
    M-150(1/5) and the BMP-1PK on NAI2 spotted each other about the same time, though the M-150 fired its TOW a second or so earlier than the BMP fired its AT-4…

    Scratch one more BMP.
    Early this turn in Tank Section 1, M-60A1(RISE+) (1/8) spots another Recon BMP-1P…

    …it does take a quick shot…

    …which falls well short.. and then he loses the spot.

    Right towards the end of the turn the same tank spots a T-64B moving toward the clump of trees ahead of NAI3.  Again it fires, but this time, the turn expires before the round can travel the entire distance.  Damn!  
    We'll find out how that goes next turn, don't go too far from your computer.

    T-64B, beauty shot:

    Two of my M-106 mortar carriers began sending their spotting rounds this turn… this fire is intended to block the approach into Dolbach.


    For those of you playing, the “What is Bil planning?” Sweepstakes... another clue: I have moved my FO up to the ridge and dismounted.  What can that mean?   

    Finally, I wanted to give you a good overview of the map and an update on my enemy Order of battle reconstruction:
    After some research the Soviet Recon Company is composed of the following:
    Company CO on a BRM-1
    x2 Recon Platoons – each composed of: Recon Platoon Leader on a BMP-1K x2 Scout Teams, each on a BMP-1 So far I have identified the following Recon Company units:
    Two BMP-1PKs, the Platoon Leaders’ rides (as of this turn, both have been knocked out) Three of the four BMP-1Ps the Scout Teams ride on (one has been knocked out) This turn I also identify the Company CO’s BRM-1 So the intelligence picture of what I am up against is becoming clearer every turn.  Following is the current SITMAP.  Note the enemy Support by Fire (SBF) positions and the central position taken up this turn by one Mech Infantry platoon, three BMP-1s moved forward of the overpass and disgorged their infantry.  I suspect the infantry will be moving on foot to Dolbach while the BMPs remain in an overwatch position.
    Warren's weight is on his right (my left) as his SBF near NAI2 has lost two of it's three BMPs.  The SBF position near NAI3 has lost one BMP-1PK, but has been reinforced by the Company CO's BRM.  
    I expect Warren to push hard toward Dolbach shortly.. and that is a fight I cannot participate in as I don't have the infantry he does.  So I have something else in mind...    CLUES GALORE!!! Have fun.

    For reference:

  9. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to Bil Hardenberger in U.S. Thread - CM Cold War - BETA AAR - Battle of Dolbach Heights 1980   
    HEAT warhead damage on an M-113... the game has it pretty much spot on:

  10. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to IICptMillerII in New things added to the new thing   
    Bless you for posting these words of sanity in an otherwise "nukes gone wild" speculative environment. 🤣 😁
  11. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to Ultradave in New things added to the new thing   
    My secondary specialty in the US Army was Nuclear Weapons - Field Artillery primary specialty, , commissioned coincidentally in 1979 (so nuclear warhead artillery shells, 155mm and 8" howitzer fired). Also spent a few years doing research in the field of nuclear non-proliferation, and about 30 years in nuclear propulsion and radiation protection. A few points:
    1)  Pointless to include them in the game as the blast would cover a whole CM map. (give or take, depending on whether it was 155 or 8" that was fired).
    2) Mostly the projected use by the US was at 2d and 3d echelon troops assembling for continuing the attack, so way behind the Soviet front line unit you are fighting on the map, to isolate the front line units from reinforcements.
    3) Conversely to 2), NO ONE thought that anyone in NATO/US would authorize nuclear strikes on anything inside West Germany, which made having them pretty pointless, really. 
    4) Considering the expected course of a Soviet invasion of West Germany, the most important thing I learned was exactly how to blow the warheads up into tiny little pieces so that they wouldn't fall into Soviet hands (blow them up conventionally - which you can do without setting off the warhead). 
    5) The consensus at the time was that any use of tactical/battlefield nuclear weapons would not remain contained and would rapidly escalate to a general nuclear exchange. It seemed both sides felt this was true (it later came out) which makes it unlikely they would be used.
    6) Lastly, personal opinion (facetiously) - we're talking firing nukes out of artillery - you just don't want to be that close.
  12. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to George MC in New things added to the new thing   
    I went to a school disco wearing a NBC respirator ('borrowed' from a friend's older brother who was in the army) in 1979. It was remarkably effective at electing the attention of the opposite sex - surprisingly. When I wear it now my wife just calls me 'a big creepy bastard'. Times change eh?   
  13. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to Holman in New things added to the new thing   
    Using Tac Nukes should delete not just your game but your license key and your hard drive.
  14. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to c3k in CM Cold War - Beta AAR - Soviet Thread - Glorious Soviet Victory at Small German Town 1980   
    No, that was me in my first CMSF play with AAVs stuffed full of Marines: I found out that the game engine has no limitations on how many red crosses it can display simultaneously.  For that knowledge, I thank those Marines.
    But, back to this AAR: the opening graphics defined the Soviet approach. Teeth and hands scrabbling at eyes...or somefink. I like the Maskirovka baked-in from the outset.
    Remember, comrade, we can always send you more men and tanks: we cannot make more time.
  15. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to The_Capt in CM Cold War - Beta AAR - Soviet Thread - Glorious Soviet Victory at Small German Town 1980   
    Wow...no pressure.  Ok, so this is not as formal turn report, I will do a summary once we get a bit further but here is an example of the Soviet Missile Hell ("SMH" copyright) awaiting the US player.
    First a M150 get cocky and crest a hill, and three AT 3s light up (red circles)

    And 2 out of 3 aint bad...(Capt's Rule #4)

    Bil is lucky that was an M150 because those AT 3 would have killed anything short of an M1.  [edit AT3Bs..my bad, AT 5s are even deadlier].
  16. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to Bil Hardenberger in U.S. Thread - CM Cold War - BETA AAR - Battle of Dolbach Heights 1980   
    Eight Minute - BDA and Some Movements
    I thought you'd be interested in seeing the battle damage from the two Saggers that hit M-150(1/4).  Very low on the hull front.. I am not usually that careless when checking Hull Down.. lesson learned!

    M-150(1/5) is reversing slightly to improve its position... note that in the following image it looks like this vehicle can spot a T-64 on EAA-1.. but it cannot target it.. so with this reverse move he will pull out of any view on EAA1.

    2nd Platoon
    I have made some decisions based on what I have seen so far and with the Soviets movements and unit placement.. also remember I am getting my second and final reinforcement in two minutes. 
    With what you have seen so far in this AAR as a guide, and after reading the following.. lets play a game, try to answer the following... 
    What is Bil planning?   
    Clue the First, I am shifting all four of the 2nd Platoon tanks to my right:
    Clue the second, the two M-150s in this platoon are moving forward... note the location of their covered arcs:
    Looking forward to reading your guesses... it'll be a few turns before I confirm or deny them, but light it up folks.
  17. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to akd in New things added to the new thing   
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    Bud Backer got a reaction from quakerparrot67 in New things added to the new thing   
  19. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to Bil Hardenberger in U.S. Thread - CM Cold War - BETA AAR - Battle of Dolbach Heights 1980   
    Eighth Minute - One Meter too Many
    “You win in battles with the timing in the Void born of the timing of cunning by knowing the enemies’ timing, and thus using a timing which the enemy does not expect.”
    A Book of Five Rings, The Ground Book - Miyamoto Musashi
    (Yes I have Musashi’s book sitting next to me on my desk --- the man was an Effing genius)
    Clarity, according to the Oxford Dictionary is “The quality of being certain or definite.”  Warren’s movements gave me that this turn. 
    First the good news!   I know where some of his armor is, and I know what the type is.  There are two T-64As and I have spotted four BMP-1s (yes the Sagger armed version).  So I believe this is a separate formation from what was already on the map.  This must be part of the FSE which I have been expecting… should be formed on one Motorized Rifle Company (BMP-1 evidently) with one four-tank platoon in support.  Of course the organization still needs to be confirmed.
    CMCW Feature:  The unit organizations for this game include many preformed task groups, including Soviet Forward Security Element, US Company Teams (different flavors), etc.

    Some tank porn for you perverts (you know who you are), I present Miss February, the T-64A:

    Before we continue let’s answer some PIRs:
    Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs):
    1.      Where is/are the enemy SBF position(s)
    Warren has spread several BMP-1PKs along the treeline, being careful to stay out of my tank’s line of fire… though maybe that’s coincidence as they just destroyed the two BMPs that were in their zone of fire.  I believe this line is his SBF position.
    2.      What is the size of the initial Soviet force?
    I am calling the initial formation the Recon Company, but I need to figure out why it has two BMP-1PKs… hmmm.
    3a.       Where are enemy’s tanks?  This is a persistent PIR and should be kept updated throughout the action.
    Two T-64As have been identified in EAA1.  There should be two more in the FSE but those have yet to be located
    3b.      What model tanks are in the Reconnaissance Company?
    No tanks have been identified in the Recon Company only BMP-1Ps   
    4a.       What is the organization of the initial follow-on force?
    4b.      What model tanks are in the initial follow-on force?
    5a.       What is the organization of any additional follow-on forces?
    5b.      What model tanks are in any additional follow-on forces?
    PIRs 4a, 4b, 5a, and 5b cannot be answered yet.
    Okay I admit it… moving my M-150s forward was ill-advised.. got a little impatient there.  Let this be a lesson to you.
    1.      M-150(1/5) moves forward, and luckily is still Hull Down to the BMP-1P that fires on it…
    The shooter (spotted after he launched):

    The result (from two angles):

    2.      M-150(1/4) moves too far forward.. sees the vehicles on EAA1 and then reverses as quickly as possible.. I really misjudged my Hull Down with this one.  Totally on me.
    Two shooters (from EAA1):

    Well he did get a TOW off right before he gets smoked... of course the TOW went wild after that.   
    What did I tell you? Beware of the BMP in this game… they are deadly.
    Okay.. it’s late and I need to process this one and decide how best to respond.  Stand by for that.

  20. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to A Canadian Cat in A must buy   
    Considering I had literally never heard of that feature I was wondering about this...
    So, I searched and found some discussion after CMBB was released about how people missed the shockwave animation from CMBO. LOL that was a long time ago man.
  21. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to Bil Hardenberger in U.S. Thread - CM Cold War - BETA AAR - Battle of Dolbach Heights 1980   
    Sixth & Seventh Minutes
     “Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.”
    George S. Patton
    Warren continues to stick his nose out… this time it’s a standard  BMP-1P that is spotted by a tank from Tank Section 2…

    …from top to bottom:  M-60A1(RISE+) (1/6) fires one APFSDS round, which misses, but does inflict one casualty… then quickly followed up by two HESH rounds... though the first of these was all it took to kill this BMP.
    Range:  1270m

    There are now at least four infantry or recon teams moving towards Dolbach, and one of those looks like an HQ... so either one full platoon, or parts of two.  They have a long way to go yet and they are on foot so I expect they’ll be getting tired by the time they get there.
     Planned welcoming party:
    ·         I have pushed Scout 1’s M113A2 forwards to get a gun laid on their route
    ·         I have plotted a mortar strike in front of them… set to hit in about three minutes

    A quick note, I am still biding my time here and gathering information.  Warren is being very cautious… I expected him to be a little more aggressive, and he has probably received his first reinforcements too so I will probably see some tanks soon, and the aggressiveness will ramp up.  I need to wait a bit until I get more information prior to moving on incomplete information. 
    That said, I am going to move both of my M-150s into better positions to try and bag one of the BMPs I can see in the tree line yonder.

  22. Like
    Bud Backer got a reaction from duelok in New things added to the new thing   
    The dark May skies were laden with rain as the trucks trundled up the hill. Sound of laughter and boys’ voices pitched high with bravado filled the canvas tops of the trucks.

  23. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to A Canadian Cat in Reforger Nostalgia   
    Yep, my dad told us about how when they were on exercise there were a group that trailed behind inspecting and documenting damage for compensation of the locals.
  24. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to IronCat60 in Frustrated by this recent CMCW announcement . . .   
    All I have to say is that we need to display the same spirit and attitude we have demonstrated in the past. Qualities that I feel makes up the average Battlefront customer.
    That spirit is faith that the BF folks are doing their best to produce the same quality which may take a little longer and we all know no development ever survives first contact with reality. Plus they have lives outside of work which as we all know, can influence job performance.
    That attitude is Loyalty. I like to think there are no "sunshine patriots" among our crowd. Through thick and thin, past and present, we patiently wait for what we know will be as great as the last release.
    Great products and outstanding customer service has always been the hallmark of companies that garner die hard loyal customers. And this company has that in spades.
    And to quote my the great wisdom of my caretaker who says, "sounds like a first world problem to me", when her children complain about how unfair or unbearable it is to endure certain situations that are a want and not a need.
    To quote a great movie line:
    "The oxen are slow, but the earth is patient" - High Road to China
  25. Like
    Bud Backer reacted to sburke in Frustrated by this recent CMCW announcement . . .   
    Watching the gaming industry I second all this.  The gaming industry has this tendency to try and maximize their profit based on whatever new sales idea hits them.  The result is watered down intellectual property where games start looking very similar despite being completely different franchises.  The rush to also get product to market, hype as much as possible, promote with videos that turn out to not be actual gameplay.  All the major players have had huge issues in the past year.  Ubisoft is getting bashed heavily.  Even CD Projekt has demonstrated the same.  BF is one of the few instances of a company knowing their community, their product and recognizing their limitations.  The most that BF has ever done "over promising" is Steve's projections on release dates   I have learned to just accept that with BF, it will be delivered when it is done.  And when it is done it will be every bit as good as I expect, probably more so.
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