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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. It also looks like it was cut-away - perhaps for demonstration purposes? I've seen that in museums, maybe one disposed of this one?
  2. That's really great, thank you. I owe Kohl a winter battle or he will hate me forever!
  3. Oh, I agree that possible, it's what I've been pondering for a turn now. Question remains why the second one isn't blasting me.
  4. Thanks, Barbaric. The list of winter mod stuff I quoted above, is that everything I need? You guys keep adding stuff, but not all of it is for the same purpose, so I don't want to DL a ton of stuff I don't need and may mess things up.
  5. Yes, but that would still leave one of them able to fire. In any case, I think I can answer the mystery, but am waiting for one more turn to go by before I give the "big reveal" hehe. Assuming it confirms my suspicions, we haven't played that yet as I have more screenshots to process.... Edit: I do think you're thinking along the same lines as me, Mikey.
  6. That is the $64,000 question. Now they are sporadically using their bow MGs. But at this point they must have reloaded and be ready to fire for at least a minute and a half...
  7. I have CMRT installed and want to keep only one install. Can I play QBs in winter? The post Here is everything I need? You guys have been so busy adding things I keep losing track of what is required. What is the distinction being made about hybrid QBs?
  8. It should be instant. It was instant, before the last two releases of CMH. I don't know what went wrong, but I had exactly that problem. I deleted the application, and reinstalled, I found the folder where it's configure info was stored and deleted that, but was never able to get it work properly. In the end I stopped using it, unfortunately, as it is very handy.
  9. Thanks, Gnarly! I think CMFI doesn't get as much attention, judging from post count in the forum compared to others, so hopefully this will not flop from lack of interest. 1. This isn't finished, there is at least as much to come. I had to pause work on it because the CMFB CAAR was a priority and one comic is all I can handle at a given moment due to the amount of time required. Like my Russian AAR, I will be completing this after Rundstedt is concluded. 2. It actually is three scenarios! Two on the beach, and one getting off the beach. Generally I want to do QBs for these comics, as I do not have much experience with making scenarios, which led to a mid-battle redesign and continuation in this case. @kohlenklau was fantastic in making this work. The last scenario was entirely his creation, as well as the extension of the map from the beach. I'll add that while staged in terms of set up, the battles were real. 3. The reason for making a scenario for the beach landing was that it was hard to simulate in QB due to point limits. QBs are fantastic, in my view, but like any system, have limitations. One was that to simulate the heavy naval bombardment, the allies needed more points than the QB system would allow, so that would still have points left for a suitable assault force. Secondly, it let us not worry about deployment areas, rather set things up based on what made sense for the defence of the beach. Thirdly, it allowed us to put props (burning vehicles, wrecks, etc) in various places to enhance the "look" of a serious battle zone for the screen captures. It's surprising how much work went into the preliminaries. 4. I am not familiar with Machinamas, so the comparison you make eludes me a little. 5. Comics vs graphic novels: an interesting discussion. I'm not sure the distinction is significant - not to belittle your view, but rather that I am not sure if they are truly different, or if they are simply different names for the same thing. I do get the impression that comics implies less serious effort and story-telling than graphic novel. I personally chose to call these comics because I was initially doing single panel things that were at least in part meant to be humorous anecdotes from battle. Also because graphic novels today are quite different than say, the Donald Duck comics of my childhood, some purely entertainment, others delving into complex themes worthy of literature. The half toning dots are not present in the slick, glossy work of today's publishers, but were omnipresent in the stuff I recall from the 60's or 70's. In fact, Apache was the first of my CAARs to drop that effect. When I started Rundstedt, I did a poll and the opinions were unanimous that I restore that effect. Which to me gives it an old school look and hence the term comic.
  10. That would be nice! The question would be how to do it, as presently you must select the unit, I think in the victory screen and mSo view you can't access off map units. At least, I've never tried.
  11. Welcome to the party, Michael! I see they let you off the Monty Python set at last! If this is your first foray into one of my CAARs I understand your trepidation. When I started this I worried it might be seen as a goofy thing. I'm glad you feel it's better than that.
  12. You said "out of commission" - which I distinguished to mean something more considerable than being shot but otherwise intact. The info on the design of the wheels was fascinating, I also had no idea the tires were much more than heavier rubber, but clearly they are. Interesting picture, I like it, thanks for sharing.
  13. I know it's not the same thing as playing "live" but please do try PBEM - with WEGO it's a lot of fun, and using Dropbox I've had rounds where I'm sending and receiving turns every few minutes.
  14. Thanks, I was able to get some more completed this morning!
  15. Thank you, Aragorn. I must say that for environmental appeal, CMFB looks like the best CM game thus far.
  16. Good catch, my fellow story-telling friend. In fact the Chaffee was sent to take out the lone halftrack on the left (west) ends of the ridge, where it had killed two German riflemen earlier. However, as you see above it noticed something juicier... This is one of the reasons I have well over 700 screenshots thus far, and countless edited versions to top that. What you see in the comic is what indeed happened but sometimes I need to adjust things, or reframe the capture so the right thing stands out to the reader's attention without having a lot of explanatory text. And sometimes a fraction of a second makes the difference between yawn and wow!
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