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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. A good if embarrassing question... The M16 had fired on other occasions at the SturmTiger(s) and was ignored. They seemed focused on the farmstead, where they are doing a good job of wearing down the G.I.s there. The German assault is clearly broken, with men running toward the back away from Liefrange. So moving the M16 was a miscalculation. I was thinking it would continue to be ignored, and that if it wasn't the case, its armour would be sufficient.
  2. Yeah! Lang and Tanner are earning their pay for the month!
  3. It does seem counterintuitive to reduce armour protection, but yes, if the armour increases tumble then I suppose it may be better off. However...its main purpose may be more for splinters and high deflection shots, not perpendicular fire which hits it at an ideal angle. Dunno. Didn't help the crew in this fight...
  4. I guess at that range, the 7.92mm will really go through the halftrack's armour easily. With the Germans seemingly retreating it was easy to forget those monsters on the ridgeline.
  5. Thanks, amigo! I noticed that a lot of the guys seem to have five o'clock shadows, yeah. Maybe the lighting enhances that but I don't think it's your or my imagination. Not parade-ground honor guard, these boys! Bearing in mind this is a beta, so changes can happen that I am not going to have foreknowledge of, but I think the uniforms for the crew are what you see. I never played with those settings much before so I may be screwing something up however when I try to purchase.
  6. Heh. Glad you liked that! SLIM got his Brakka Brakka Brakka earlier, as he asked for it some time before you made your request. You'd have to go back but it was used with the M16 page ago. But in any event you're welcome! If it fits, I'm happy to do it. Intersting you suggest that. I was originally going to do a full panel of it but as there was a full panel not much earlier I didn't want to do another so soon after. Figured people want more story. It certainly wasn't short - because that's how much time it took to take out all three halftracks. In retrospect I should have started with a black screen as it's hard to tell where the beginning is.. Bil's is better, and yet only a few seconds shorter than mine. Live and learn! It was Michael Emrys that suggested it, and good suggestion it was. Oooo not MY hand drawn anything, trust me! But your and Michael's ideas above are going to be making an appearance in future comics, I think. Me too. I want to see what IanL has left. With the pounding he received in the last few minutes he's gotta be seriously hurt.
  7. That's great to hear, regardless of how I refine my process, seems what I do is useful to many. Thanks!
  8. Thanks for the support and suggestions. My desire to have a nice look to the comic won't permit me to use my horrid sketching skills...trust me, no one could decipher them, not even Bletchley Park!
  9. If the crew can get back to the track, they can still operate it.... Interesting word, "if"....
  10. Alternate version - for computer monitors. Adjusted background - white balance is now more closely matched.
  11. This screenshot was...er...enhanced on my iPad (I don't even have photoshop installed on my computer anymore LOL). I really wanted to let the viewer feel the drama that I'm experiencing in this battle with Kohl....I'm at the other end of that tank...the target...ugh. I noticed the background too. I think it works great in many of the other screenshots, but it's gotta be brutally hard to get it right for every scene. Perhaps a tweak on the level of blue might be in order, but I'm not a modder and can only admire their efforts.
  12. My first Winter Mod screenshot... I call this The Prodigal Son Returns
  13. That's very generous, thank you. And you're certainly making a contribution.
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