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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. Oh, that's a great idea! But no. No vacation right now. On the other hand, I've story boarded the rest of the comic - Now just the writing, and graphics work to do. Comparatively, that's the easy part! 17 panels of Sherman Mk V goodness left!
  2. It looks like the 75 is fake. A very different mount than usual, mounted in a solid plate that allows no elevation/depression. Compare to:
  3. You're welcome! Another cliffhanger coming up soon!!
  4. That brave little Bren Carrier has an ammo locker full of golden horseshoes! Thanks, gnarly!
  5. I think you should not drink the water. You never know just how desperate Ken might be to pull something...sneaky!
  6. Sorry, been a bit overwhelmed with other stuff. I'll be getting to this shortly.
  7. Love it! The downside to this is that you now will want to make sure the guy on the right gets home... You'll start to care...
  8. It's going to be nail-biting to watch that IFV make its way across! Nice shooting with these BTRs though!
  9. Another site to look at: http://www.raafsquad.com/cliffs/battlefront/home.htm
  10. Great game! I have a lot of fun with it and it even supports PBEM.
  11. Oh my.. That had to be painful to watch - losing a platoon of tanks in a few moments. Ugh.
  12. Exactly. Which would also make their use be at a level far beyond the tactical which CM simulates.
  13. Thanks, Heinrich. The game has some awesome moments when the graphics go beyond a game and become like a movie.
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