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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. I particularly like this one. Would look good with a PzIII as well
  2. There is no question, the different types of obscurantism dependent on smoke emitter is confusing. I think there is no hard and fast rule as yo which crew served weapons can see through smoke either. Most FOOs can. I remember using Russian FOOs for much more than just arty direction. And I've done the same with BRM-1Ks as abdolmartin recommended. The complexity and variability of the different systems and being aware of them all is the biggest challenge to me in CMBS...and the reason I play it the least compared to the WWII titles.
  3. Thanks, Gnarly, I'm glad you enjoyed it. The partially hull down Hellcat was supposed to appear menacing; I'm glad that worked! Interesting point about the circle; I felt no one would spot the Hellcat at a distance without it. Maybe it's not important to....
  4. hahaha! At first, as I looked over the screenshots to complete this - that I took in November last year - I thought man, that seems off! Too bright and too much colour! But I got over it...
  5. The prey's corpse looked almost unblemished, the wound mortal but neat, clean, unmarred by a great gash and torn carapace. As the crew fled they looked, trying to spy once more their nemesis. In the distance, barely noticeable, the assassin waited. And watched.
  6. The hatches opened, fore and back, and the assassin sent some bullets to remind them that they only lived at his sufferance. They were not to stay to point out his location to the next prey.
  7. Like threading a needle on a moving train, the assassin thought as the shell screamed down between copses of trees, past shrubs and trunks and... Then it was there. A small burst of flame, and the prey stopped moving. A puff of smoke and paint and dust and heated air to mark the wound.
  8. The assassin waited, hull down, eyes straining to see any movement in the distance. The clatter of tracks on road and the snort of big engines told him there was fresh meat. The wind carried the noise, and the exhaust. Likely there were many... The first appeared, and the assassin lowered the gun on target. A pause, then the loud crash of the gun...
  9. Chris gave me permission to post a few shots of something from a beta game I'm playing with IanL. It's in my usual comic format, edited pictures, etc. But it gives you something to salivate over...
  10. I'm so glad you like the images! The only mod here is the one that puts Apache on the glacis of the tank. Something Kohlenklau did for me. You're right about there not being trees earlier. Not many anyway in any shots that mattered. So there was little contrast variation that required the trickery I had to do with these. Should have asked HMS Abercrombie to blast anything talker than a blade of grass! Haha
  11. Not if you're the egg...both cases you're an omelette! Take heart, your killing is most effective!
  12. Yes, bleached out would not be odd. It was July, dry, hot, and dusty. And very bright.
  13. Some of the screen captures were of high contrast sunlight and shadow scenes so I had to make some adjustments to them for everything to be visible that is needed, and that may result in a slightly different appearance in some panels. Good catch! I was trying to not make it obvious as I want to preserve continuity of design with the section I did earlier.
  14. The German Flakviervling is even more vulnerable.
  15. *Gasp!* One of those big guys trying to steal our hero's thunder! That should ring some bells! Good! Gotta protect BLT! Pity you could not afford Pumas...after the 222 my second fav...
  16. Just a reminder that I'm back to posting Apache: A Tank's Tale in the CMFI forum. You don't need to have the game to read the comic.
  17. Excellent shooting! In my Rundstedt CAAR I discovered just how vulnerable the M16 crews are to MG fire... Seems it wasn't a fluke at my end. I will have to reconsider how to use AA-halftracks, because I lose them too readily.
  18. This looks interesting. All that open terrain will be tricky to cross. Looks like scouting will be key. Is there much wind? Have you smoke shells aplenty?
  19. Ah, that clarifies it, thank you! This all changes with 3-team German squads. It will be interesting later on if you get a chance to cover that. I expect they should offer more flexibility, as might later kit where more automatic weapons are prevalent. I've also seen some squads where they are equipped with an MG42 in each team. Thanks again, SLIM!
  20. Wow, talk about eggshells with hammers....seems everyone can hurt everyone in this battle...
  21. I'm glad you discovered it! There's more to come, in fact right now!
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