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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. Yes! Yes, yes, oh yes! Sorry, got carried away there.. That was meant for Ken's AAR when he...er...recaptures The Hill Which Shall Not Be Named In Polite Company. This post still doesn't have working images: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/121917-cm-bs-dar-gnarls-vs-artemis258-art-begone/?do=findComment&comment=1654570 just FYI
  2. You're right, I'll make a more unobtrusive circle next time. This one was a field expedient!
  3. Really fantastic screenshots, Baneman. Thanks for doing all this work.
  4. That's really cool! I've never seen one of those before. That armour should offer better protection than what my M16 had... And yet you killed it good!
  5. That's cool. I thought it was from some comic. He did a good job!
  6. That's just lovely. Really lovely. Shows both great map-making, and screenshot composition. Well done!
  7. Well that was an action (and destruction) packed turn! Those M8s are really the lynchpin to the battle at this moment.
  8. It's ok, I forgot button up my TCs and ended up doing my usual thing...getting one killed!
  9. That was exactly what I feared would be the interpretation of that scene.
  10. *echoing footsteps* Oh, hello. The place is practically deserted...I think everyone went to watch the Superbowl. Such fickle people, leaving these hallowed halls for a mere football game. *sigh*
  11. I wanted to show the distance involved. The zoomed shot doesn't really give you that feeling, as zooming compresses distances between objects giving them the appearance of proximity that they don't in fact have, just like telephoto lenses do. If I only showed the latter, it would appear like the two were just a short distance away, and this was a 2/3 across the map shot.
  12. I'm partial to the Jacobs Creek Two Lands Shiraz 2011. Heard good things.
  13. Yeah, I hear ya, the red circle is ugly. I thought so too. But would you have seen what I was trying to show had I not put it? And, would it matter if you didn't? Just curious. Yeah, that was the ambush I wanted in our Liefrange battle up on the ridge.... What is amazing (yet realistically frustrating) is that I couldn't take the risk that you didn't see the Hellcat. I really can't know what you see, just that you can see me if your crew looks in the right spot.
  14. I'm sure there will be. Though where won't be a certain surprise you think you have for me...
  15. And duotronic memory circuits! I think if you enjoy tactics and WWII military history, you will have a lot of fun with CMFB. When you get it let me know if you want to have a PBEM game.
  16. Ugh... How bad the things we don't see in these frames can get! Too bad that went south.
  17. Great pair of shots, Macisle! You almost don't need to provide text at all to understand what is happening.
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