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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. Youre losing control of your men, Ken! Could your cult of personality be your undoing? Good use of that Ma Deuce, though.
  2. I also lose a lot of Tank commanders. I think I'm simply not being fair to them and having them get too close to a lot of enemy infantry is a sure way to get him killed. So I just learned something too.
  3. Very nice, SLIM! You're showing me things that I never really considered before. I split squads regularly, but without the depth of understanding that you're imparting here. One thing I don't quite follow is when you mentioned that splitting off the German squad leader is a bad idea as the bulk of firepower comes from his SMG - I understand that, but I don't see how I could split him off alone. He always is with that first team, isn't he? That would mean he is with 3-4 other men? I don't see how I can split the squad leader off with one other man.
  4. No biggie. It's rather nice to see that what I write inspires anyone to look something up for their own curiosity. I take it as a compliment.
  5. Well, there was indeed a Roberts-class monitor that bombarded Sicily in support of the Canadians. History just hands me this stuff on a plate!
  6. *putting my naval-history-buff hat on* Monitors were built with a broad beam but very shallow draft. The gun was put on a massive pedestal to increase range inshore. The shallow draft allowed the ship close inshore. The broad beam allowed a very stable gun platform, and also was designed as an enhancement for survivability from torpedo hits. Armour protection was limited - as was the tonnage. The Roberts class was 7000 tons displacement. Something like the WWI era Queen Elizabeth battleship class well exceeded 30000 tons (they got fatter as the years went on), and a WWII era battleship like the George V class were over 40000 tons. They had as a result a much deeper draft than a monitor. For some fun fiction involving a monitor, take a look at HMS Saracen, by Douglas Reeman.
  7. My wife spoke of Secret Army many times. I've never seen it. Is it online somewhere?
  8. I'd like to see the Hungarians and the battle for Budapest as well. Romania would seem to not fit unless one made them available as Allies. By late August they were fighting the Germans. I suppose one can have them on the axis side until then?
  9. I'll bite. Who is the guy, and what movie is that from? Looks like the 222's are giving people headaches! Haha
  10. I should point out that the demos are not necessarily updated to the latest version of the game - and the demos are made when the game is typically released, so today's CMFI demo likely does not have the full features of today's full CMFI game. Hence your experience will not be identical when making comparisons between CMRT and CMFI. I believe CMRT's demo is current.
  11. CMRT was my second CM game. I had CMBN, which was stellar and I wanted Russian front stuff. CMFI was last, after CMBS. Were I to do it again, CMBS would be last (not because the game is bad, but my heart lies in WWII stuff). If I didn't have ANY CM games. I'd pick CMFI over CMRT hands down, despite my general greater interest in the eastern front over the Italian campaign. Why? More years, and earlier years, than CMRT. Greater terrain variation. Considerable greater variety of "nations" (allied has US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Poland; axis has German army, Luftwaffe, Italians). And then upcoming expansion is slated for CMFI so I know the game I buy will be the most up to date, and have the newest expanded content. And if I had to choose between western and eastern front, I'd always take western. So CMFI satisfies that desire. But that's me. And in no way am I knocking CMRT, after all, it is more popular than CMFI based on forum activity at least. Important personal opinion: Go with your gut. While CMFI surprised me, it may not surprise you in the same way and to the same extent. If you're dying to plunge T34/85s into the guts of the Nazi aggressors, and less so a Cromwell or an M3 halftrack, then CMRT is your baby. If you want to experience a greater variety of nations and see earlier kit, then CMFI is the way to go. Don't base your decision on what others (including me) say - because despite good intentions we are not you, and what drives us will never be identical. Others can tell you what the game offers, that's the only thing. They can't tell you what you will enjoy. Go with your gut. I really don't think you can go wrong.
  12. I would agree with this. The game I was least excited to get, but turns out to be offering a huge variety of locales and equipment. As this came up in another thread I'll just post a link Here. Both those sites above are well recommended. I'm on FGM and don't think I can take advantage of a fraction of the number of possible opponents available. On the other hand, just by participating in this forum, I've met > 90% of my opponents here. Multiplayer is indeed well worth playing. It's far more stimulating play than against the AI - as one would expect. Finding suitable opponents who complement your skill level is not hard too, on this forum and on FGM in my experience. The ones you really like become good repeat partners that you really look forward to playing.
  13. Yes, you've had much more success using them in one battle in 3 minutes than I have in several battles in hours! Kittens with claws, those 222's!
  14. Please don't feel I'm being critical, I think what you've done is awesome, your voiceover is clear. I just didn't know if what I heard would concern you. It doesn't, and that's fine. I know in the real world generally about smoke and WP. What I meant was when units have both smile and WP plus HE, how does one get them to use a specific one over the other. If you're going to cover that in the future that would be terrific, and appreciated. Thanks again for your effort, these are real gems!
  15. hahaha! You're priceless! I love the forces picked here. These small battles are really exciting!
  16. What I want to know is what my favourite German Armoured Car, the Sdkfz 222, is up to? Is it safe? Is it doing important things?
  17. One of the interesting things about CMFI is that it covers July 1943 (!!) onward, something that no other CM game does. The rest start June 1944. And with the added module that is going to be worked on after CMFB, Likely will go to war end. That's two instead of one year of war for every other game, with the increased variety of units, etc. Disclaimer: I have all the CMx2 games. I bought CMFI last. I didn't think it would be enticing, but the unique terrain - not all of which is mountainous, there is great variety of terrains and map types - and the mid war kit, with a good variety of nations including Luftwaffe, really turned my ho-hum opinion around. I'm not saying you should get it rather than CMRT, but I'd like to give it more than the short shrift it seems to get from many.
  18. It's good you made it foggy; seems like one side can see the other right off!
  19. What is there I don't know about the Flakviervling that makes it gamey?
  20. I hope the intern's name wasn't Lori. I haven't seen her since the last Islay peat growers fundraiser a couple of days ago...
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