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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. Oh, wow, you guys are awesome, I think you found great stuff for Kohl.
  2. I'd say the first section Ian split off has some nice enhancement ideas. What BFC focuses on is another matter; frequently, neat as some of these are, they have a list of more pressing, or engaging ideas to work on first, I'm sure. But it never hurts to suggest things.
  3. Kohl, I'll happily have a look, if it can wait a few hours. Have appointments...
  4. You're a better man than I, Gunga Din, I hate the trunks almost as much as no trees.
  5. hahaha... I'm the same. I leave them on because it's easier to see what my enemy cares about. The one thing that irks me is shutting off trees. I try to switch them on as soon as I can because it really is a visual irritation to know the trees should be there but aren't displayed, or I'm just seeing trunks. Bright green patches of ground don't kill immersion that much for me but tree trunks...OMG! And I agree with Michael, I am still utterly lost as to what certain terrain does in terms of movement, bogging, cover...
  6. Great info, SLIM. Not a biggie but I'll mention it for completeness sake - around 3:20- 3:40 there were two instances where a word or part of a sentence were chopped, presumably while editing. It's comprehensible so doesn't require fixing unless you're fussy and want it perfectly smooth. One thing the video doesn't cover - and I can start a new thread for this if you prefer - is I don't understand the difference between Smoke and WP in game, and how do make the game fire one over the other. I don't know if you want to cover that here or later or not at all.
  7. All right, here are the two SturmTigers: This is the first one - recognizable by the barrel penetration at the 5-O'Clock position It spend less time in the front lines because it got hit quickly and lost its main weapon. So the second one, masquerading as the first, came along and did it's stuff. What is incredible is that these two killed less together than the Chaffee. Tomlinson has a horseshoe somewhere, that's for sure! The other thing that is truly amazing is how much punishment these two things took. Yes, their main weapons were out, but even so, look at the scars, and recall the number of times the Sherman 105 hit either. And I didn't even show each individual hit, as it would be too repetitive for the comic... tough SOBs, these...
  8. When I did the math (information Lt. Blanchard wouldn't have) I realized there was likely a platoon of infantry still up there somewhere. When I saw the guy with the panzerfaust appear, I sensed it would be a bad idea to challenge you for the ridge. We discussed an upcoming ceasefire - you and I explained that a few posts earlier yesterday. Thanks, Ian, again, it was a pleasure to do this with you. Don't bother, I still have the file.
  9. Slight let-up...I need a couple of days to wrap my brain around this comic because it was presented differently than Rundstedt. Also, I just need a bit of a break. It was a lot of work.
  10. Thanks for following, SLIM, and for your comments and support.
  11. It's funny how that worked out. I spent the last 5 minutes of the game looking for a way to throw into the comic the following: On some level it can be argued that the destruction of the M4A3E8 early in the battle was the critical component of Allied victory. Without the Sherman's destruction, PFC. Berry would not have been at the south end of Liefrange, and would not have spotted German halftracks on the eastern side of the ridge, which was what drew the Chaffee to the hill where he was hiding. That led to the discovery of the attack force on the west side of the ridge, and their annihilation. The Sherman and her crew were the price of victory. Thanks! You'll see that again...
  12. I wanted to add this earlier but forgot: I believe that the types of movement and camera control you wish for are probably almost 100% supported by the game. They may take some finagling to find and get to work the way you want, but they are by and large there. The big thing is just how much effort one is willing to put into finding and learning and remapping keys to be happy. If, upon trying a demo, people are turned off, because the effort is too big, that's a pity.
  13. I guess this is where I might be missing your point - I can control the camera by mouse nicely - but then my expectations may be different. However, I do see what you mean about getting new players in. The camera controls were very different than any RTS game I played previously. WASD worked fine, and many RTS games rely on that and use the mouse for other things. In any case, in no way am I shooting down what you are saying. Thanks, I'm delighted you liked it.
  14. Good effect? More like armageddon! MikeyD! I agree with you and that is my approach too.
  15. The funny thing is that you did to me what I did to you in our Singling battle - you just used them as much as possible as if they were supposed to be there, as if nothing was wrong, and I was convinced you had two fully operational Death Stars SturmTigers until a good 4-6 minutes after the last one fired its big gun. So well done! Maskirovka, the Russians call this!
  16. What I figured was that between the oblique view and the map I made, you can easily work out which unit is which. Hopefully.
  17. This is what makes an exception to the "let's ceasefire when asked" discussion in the other AAR. It furthered the story, and made sense to have forces disengage. In any event, your willingness to see it through to the end was enthusiastic and that is much appreciated.
  18. Ha! You call that bogging! That's nuthin' compared to me. In the comic I didn't even mentioned EACH instance of bogging because after a time it became ridiculous. Bessie, the 105 Sherman, kept bogging in the last 6 minutes so much that she'd advance a few feet and bog again. Rinse and repeat. Eventually I treated it a one long bog simply because it would be repetitive in the story. The chaffee bogged in the last 3 minutes 4 times. Etc...
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