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  1. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from para in Bailey Bridge Mod   
    This is off-topic but I blame Kohlenklau
    I still consider this to be one of the greatest scenes in military movie history, and the fact it actually happened makes it even better.

    "We havn't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner, sorry!"
  2. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from Bud Backer in Bailey Bridge Mod   
    This is off-topic but I blame Kohlenklau
    I still consider this to be one of the greatest scenes in military movie history, and the fact it actually happened makes it even better.

    "We havn't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner, sorry!"
  3. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from umlaut in Bailey Bridge Mod   
    This is off-topic but I blame Kohlenklau
    I still consider this to be one of the greatest scenes in military movie history, and the fact it actually happened makes it even better.

    "We havn't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner, sorry!"
  4. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar reacted to kohlenklau in Michael Emrys are you there?   
    Hi fellas. On the phone for several hours. neighbors, police, churches, apartment manager, etc.
    The bad news is he was reported to have been injured in some type of motor vehicle accident back around March the officer said.
    Then he went to a convalescent hospital but they are unable to tell me anything other than "not listed as a resident at this time"...
    Good news: property manager finally answered my 2nd call and she says he is doing well and she'll give him my number to call me.
  5. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    That BMP-3 looks familiar...

  6. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from umlaut in Photo of destroyed Iraqui M1A1M   
    This is where I am conflicted, on one hand I think its great that we pulled our forces out of Iraq, but I understand the argument and agree that it also caused militants to pretty much ruin it again. However, directly blaming Obama for it is pretty silly considering we all know who got us into the war in the first place and how. I think the question becomes how long do you want us to stay there even while the countries government was asking us to leave a few years ago. Having a garrison in Iraq isn't like having one in Korea, servicemen are still going to be killed and if the Iraqi's aren't going to fight for themselves after all the equipment, training and money they received from us the entire time we were there, why should we stay?
    Edit: I say conflicted but I lean way more to leaving completely, I figured I should say that.
  7. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar reacted to Jorge MC in The CM Theater thread! post cinematic RT vids here.   
    new video

  8. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from waclaw in Can anyone suggest some mods.   
    Functionality, UI and gameplay features cannot be modded in Combat Mission, cosmetics can though.
    Here is Kiemes fantastic vehicle skin, buildings, and uniform mods.
    Scroll down towards the bottom of that page and you will find the master list.
    Waclaws great sound mod- http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118413-hqs-22-black-sea-shock-force-afghanistan-final/
  9. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar reacted to umlaut in Umlaut´s Red Thunder mods   
    Next set ready for Kohlenklau´s hungarian project. This time the StuG IIIG Late
    And since I was already at it, I also made a set with german decals.
    Note that both sets contain four different paint options (including a weathered version of the original Battlefront camo). Choosen ONE of the four.
    The mods in the hungarian set have been tagged [hungary] – and thus they will only show up in scenarios with this mod tag (unless your remove the mod tag of course).
    Hungary set
    German set

  10. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    After the past few responses, especially from Moria, how can you say something like this?
    Its just unbelievable, I think you are the ignorant one.
  11. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar reacted to BlackMoria in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    Looks like this thread is rapidly swirling down the drain.  Perhaps best to shove a plug in.
    Looks, gents, war is hell.  There is nothing glamorous about it.  There is nothing moral about it.  And it is nothing to celebrate. 
    It is really easy to point fingers at the other side and decry them as murderous bastards, fascists, commie pinkos, the great satan... pick you favorite slur.   It changes nothing in the long run.  It doesn't bring back the dead. It doesn't comfort or heal the wounded, whether those wounds are physical or psychological.
    It just leads to another cycle of violence.  Like the saying in Star Wars - anger leads to the dark side.
    When I was in Bosnia in '93 as a Canadian peacekeeper, two Bosnia Serb soldiers came up to me at a checkpoint.  They were two brothers from Toronto, Canada.   I asked them why they were here in Serbian military uniforms.  I then heard a story about as they were growing up, they heard from their grandparents and their parents over and over about what the Croats did to the family in WW2 and stuff post war.  They were here to defend the motherland and to settle accounts with the Croatians for something that happened to the family nearly 50 years ago.  I don't get that - they were born in Canada (their family came to Canada post war) yet they felt that this was THEIR war to fight.
    Anger and hatred lead them here.  Instilled by the anger and hatred of their parents, perpetrated by anger and hatred from their parents.  Fighting in a war not of their making, for a cause not their own, for a homeland they have never seen.  A cycle of violence nearly 50 years in the making.
    I have seen some of that anger expressed here and I am reminded of that time talking with the two brothers.  And I am seeing the seeds of that tragedy here.
    I was in a very dark place for a long time after my peacekeeping tour in '93.  Some would call it PTSD.  You can only see so much of genocide up close and in your face and a part of me inside died.  There was no moral high ground for either side,  All sides did stuff terrible things that are war crimes - the Bosnians, the Croatians and the Serbs.  Yes, the bulk of the ethnic cleansing was done by the Serbs but is no excuse for the Bosnians and the Croatians to do what they did.  I saw a beautiful country in ruins, shattered lifes, mounds of civilian dead, and a land with seeming madmen running around with guns seeming to want to re-fight WW2 or address the wrongs they suffered in that conflict..
    Chains of the past.  So many people in the world are bound by those chains.  I see the ghosts of the past conflicts playing out in the conflicts of today.  There is the real tragedy.  We seemingly can't escape our past and we poison the well for our children so they are doomed to repeat our mistakes.
    Anger leads to the dark side.  That is true.  I lived it grappling with my PTSD and the nightmares of seeing a country gone mad in Bosnia.  I wanted to kill every ethnic cleansing son of bitch with a gun.   It took a long time but I came to accept certain things.
    I saved lots of civilians, Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian but not enough for me.  I wanted to save all of them.  I couldn't and felt guilty for decades as a result.   War lesson 1:  In war people die, soldier and civilian alike,  War lesson 2:  You can't do anything to change lesson 1.  It took a long time for me to embrace that and that saved my sanity ultimately.
    There is real evil in the world and real monsters.  The monsters look like us and talk to us but make no mistake, there are real monsters out there.  You only see them for what they are by what they do.  I want to Kill All The Monsters but the reality is, strike one down and another rises to take his place.  Nothing changes and we learn nothing from our history.  Hitler was struck down and Rwanda and Bosnia happened.  Deal with those and then it is Sudan. Or Cambodia.  Or Syria.  Or ISIS.  Or who ever the next Hilter wannabe is.   People who don't learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.  
    Chains of our past.  Everyone has this issue.   Do you allow the past to bind you and deny you a better future or do you let it go.
    The chains of the experiences in Bosnia bound me and put me on a self destructive path to most likely a grim future.  Only by embracing what happened and learning to rise above it, to not allow the past to control my present so I can forge a new future did I finally find peace for my soul.  It was hard because the chains are thick and strong - memories, recollections and seeing stuff like the genocide in Bosnia playing out elsewhere in the world brings it all back.  But I broke free finally and the memories are not emotionally charged as they were in the past as a result.  No, the memories never go away.  But you can make peace with them and find a way to a sort of 'wholeness' again.
    I have rambled on.  Partly to acknowledge my past and the role I played in it.   A affirmation that something in life tried to beat me down and I rose above it.
    Partly to my brothers in arms from any side of the conflicts who are dealing the the imprint of what total war does to their soul and well being, that there is a way ahead.  Memories can become less emotionally charged and less painful. Memories do fade somewhat through time, working hard toward wholeness, and throwing off the shackles of the past and living for the future.  It is not a easy road or a fast road and not everyone can break their chains of the past but it can be done.
    And finally, to the Croatian, Bosnian and Serb posters.  I see anger and pain in your words.  War is terrible and it will write things on your soul that will deny you a bright, happy future.  I know.  I was there.  I have lived it.   Acknowledge the past, regardless of how ugly or hurtful it is.  Realize the past is the past and is not your future unless you allow it.  Do not do what a Serb family that moved to Toronto did and poison their two sons with what happened long ago in a land now far away that resulted in them involving themselves in killing other people, perhaps being killed themselves and exposing themselves to the horrors of war, for a cause not that shouldn't been theirs to fight and a war they shouldn't have been involved in, all over something that happened nearly 50 years ago.   Don't deny the future of your children or grandchildren by binding them in YOUR chains of the past and dooming them to fight in some future war because the last war had a negative impact on your family.
    War is death, destruction, shattered lives and futures denied.  Don't glorify it and not rationalize it.  Your a damn fool otherwise.
  12. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    I see plenty of interesting discussions on these boards, you can't just use this thread as an example of something you don't like and say it applies across the entire website.
    I also don't see much chest thumping from either side, rather different perspectives and opinions born from different upbringings (Geographic mostly), if we can't have discussions like this we will never see the truth or understand eachother.  I also admit that I do not know much of the kosovo war but I am learning things by reading posts from both "sides" and I do want it to continue civilly as it has been largely so far.
  13. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    Oh yeah I definitely agree with all of that, I addressed it in the following paragraphs, I figured I'd just add the other positive side of it, which is unfortunately overshadowed by what you have described.
  14. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from agusto in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    That reminds me of a quote from Gladiator that can definitely be substituted for America or the rest of the "western" world.
    "There was once a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish... it was so fragile."
  15. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from Plinko in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    That reminds me of a quote from Gladiator that can definitely be substituted for America or the rest of the "western" world.
    "There was once a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish... it was so fragile."
  16. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from agusto in Using "Dynamic" In A Sentence   
    In the context of that example sentence changing the "dynamic" of the office is akin to going from lets say an office where everyone is lazy to one where everyone is productive. Changing the dynamic of something indicates a major change in how something or someone operates.
  17. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from waclaw in Sound mod with U.S. Troops swearing?   
    Waclaws sound mod has plenty of cursing!
  18. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from agusto in Armata soon to be in service.   
    Very cool, its nice to see them without tarps finally!
    The Armata looks very different compared to what i thought it was going to be, and I am surprised that the wheeled and tracked APC/IFV's towards the bottom are only armed with machineguns, I'd imagine those are modular though.
  19. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from sburke in Spotting .... again ...   
    I don't see any issues with that Hetzer spotting, its buttoned, its smoky, and vision slits are tough to look through, hell the Hetzer spots the ISU-152 in about 10 seconds, i don't see a problem there.
    As for the panzerschreck guy, his buddy got blown to bits and he is pretty much sitting in a hedge facing the wrong direction, should he hear the SU-152? yeah probably but, there is a lot of noise going on though so that may contribute to it.
    Nit picking really gets you no where, the game is not broken, soldiers don't always see everything and neither do tanks, war is hell, its scary, noisy and smoky, if my troops spotted everything I wanted them to I would have stopped playing the game long ago.
    I will tell you one thing you obviously want to hear though, is the spotting system perfect? nope nothing is.
  20. Upvote
  21. Upvote
  22. Upvote
  23. Downvote
    AttorneyAtWar reacted to Lacroix in Katusha: Girl Soldier of the Great Patriotic War   
    hey, no need to be feminazi
  24. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from LukeFF in Armata soon to be in service.   
    It seems Armata will also be equipped with a never ending supply of tarps.

  25. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from sburke in Armata soon to be in service.   
    It seems Armata will also be equipped with a never ending supply of tarps.

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