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Everything posted by Ultradave

  1. Very nice. This and the winter trees really add to the atmosphere. Thanks!!!
  2. Kampfgruppe Pieper gets underway and immediately snarls the roads. Going off road might be a bit chancy - some low ground to the right.
  3. Wonderful! Really great. I'd use this right now as is. The atmosphere it creates makes such a difference from the stock - and that is already very good. This just takes it to another level of cold and bleak. Looking forward to it being posted for use. Thanks for your work.
  4. I second that recommendation on River of Blood. I play tested it a number of time as the Germans against the AI. Not easy even when you know what's coming (maybe it's just my luck - you know - if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all)
  5. Got that working. Thanks for the heads up.
  6. Exactly. Same for me. BadgerDog and I are playing dropbox shuffle PBEM currently and my experience is the same as his. I can go through the motions but the fact it says "not installed" stops you from being able to actually run a game that way. On the other hand, having the game files outside the .app folder makes it a little easier to copy files back and forth
  7. Seriously? In case it is: (and i have no idea what that emoji represents) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBuUUBrC9eQ
  8. Top right. Right in the middle of the compass. It's always been there and it still is.
  9. Yes, probably. I do birds not trees. My wife is the tree and wildflower expert. But they look great!
  10. A JagdTiger waits quietly at the edge of the woods for its prey. Nice pine trees in the foreground. (I have gridded terrain mod added - you might notice the lines on the ground. It helps a lot with the very snowy scenery.
  11. Now that made me laugh, having lived in Cumbria for 3 years.
  12. I took a look at the second one. The Stug on top of the hill has US troops in front of it, and also what turns out to be a MG team about 5m to it's right. And yes, the second crewman to put his head up is met with a hail of gunfire. But there are enemy soldiers right there. So close that when he backs up he runs over them. So it could be they are trying to ward off close attacks?
  13. I second that. (since it would make our QB SOOO much easier :-) )
  14. Wait until you play around with QB options and select winter outfits and whitewash vehicles. Cool stuff.
  15. As Raptor said, there are numerous scenarios in the campaigns. I play tested some of the KG Peiper ones. I promise you a challenging time with those. There are even choices you can make that will affect what scenario comes next or how the next one is set up. Really great. Now that I'm done with my income taxes I plan to tackle that beast myself.
  16. Yeah, I'm a Mac guy but I do have Windows on Parallels Desktop and just upgraded it to W10 a couple months ago. I have to hand it to MS this time. The upgrade was smooth as silk. No issues noted at all. Everything works. It was almost (dare I say it) a Mac like experience upgrading.
  17. So far you are the only person I've heard that has had this kind of issue with accessing the download page. A few problems with speed that might or might not have been due to traffic. I don't think it's fair to say it's indicative of future download opportunities. BFC, and any other company for that matter, is unlikely to ever say at this point that WXP is supported. Since MS has dropped support, there are no guarantees. Most things will *probably* work as they did before, but..... You might try one thing. Go to another DEMO page (like BN or BS) and see if that opens for you. The FB page has a flash animation of some tanks driving down a road right at the top. The other DEMO pages don't. If your flash player is way out of date, that could be causing the issue. Just a thought. It's the only thing I can see that looks significantly different than other DEMO pages. If that's true you might be able to update your flash player version (I'm assuming of course you have it installed) If you can't open the other DEMO pages I don't know what to tell you other than plan on upgrading your OS at some point. Hope that is of some help
  18. Oh, so you mean this, shown in the picture below? On mine it appears this yellow color (pardon me if it's green or whatever. I'm colorblind). But definitely not blue and the same as every other title. This is a screen shot from the demo. I just checked and it appears the same in the full game to me. I wonder what could be causing that.
  19. 50-50-90 Given a 50-50 chance of two outcomes, the chances are 90% that the outcome least favorable to you will happen (sort of a "Murphy's Law of Probability")
  20. All the text on mine appears white - briefing, and objectives. Information text on the screen (Like "to <name of town>) appears red. MacBook Pro El Cap 10.11.4
  21. Multiple waypoints, but be careful how you do it. If the turns are too sharp the tanks will tend to almost or completely stop and pivot before moving on, making them stationary targets. So if you set lots of waypoints in kind of a sweeping arc so that you get a wavy path, it will work better.
  22. C2 (without the dash) usually stands for "Command and Control" The staff functions are the same in the US Army.
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