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Everything posted by Ultradave

  1. I loved Tacops and played endless hours of it.
  2. Fun game. Definitely do the tutorial. It will get you into the mechanics.
  3. That's the one. Had it on my old Mac Performa. (before iMac)
  4. There was an old computer game "Balance of Power" where you had to counter USSR Cold War aggression (playing as the US), and of course, implement your own diplomacy and aggression (military advisors, combat troops and such). If a nuclear war started at some point, you lose. Doesn't matter who escalated or started it. You lose. Decisive defeat. Good concept. You either did it or allowed it to get to the point where it happened. It was really hard to win because the Russian AI was very aggressive and wouldn't back down in a lot of cases. Invoke the Monroe Doctrine and try to force them to get their 150,000 troops out of Nicaragua and you are likely to start WW3. I lost a lot. Didn't find the magic formula of diplomacy, pressure (just enough but not too much), and luck. In the case of the real world it took some coincidences, timely turnover of Soviet leadership, and luck to avoid WW3. Speaking of which, just finished reading "1983" a couple weeks ago. Good book, well researched with some recently declassified info. Having lived through some of what he writes about, it's even scarier reading about it now than it was at the time being there. Incredible how close we came to turning the Earth into a little cinder ball. Not just once either.
  5. Don't forget the 50% degradation in combat effectiveness just for having to wear all that crap.
  6. Well, in the case I described I got a "rounds complete" No acknowledgement of the check fire, but a message that firing has stopped but there are still rounds to impact. In my day it was all radio - none of the 'newer' digital equipment. The radio operators would always repeat back the call for fire, and the adjustment commands. The calls by the battery of splash, rounds complete, etc, we would not acknowledge to reduce radio traffic to the minimum. Repeating the orders is important enough that it was done all the time to avoid errors. Informational transmission might get a mike key in return at most.
  7. None of us believed that we would actually use those tactical nuclear weapons. I was nuclear artillery qualified back then. The most important thing we learned was how to use the explosive charges to blow them into tiny pieces so they didn't fall into the Russians hands when we got overrun. NO ONE believed we would nuke West Germany to save it. Everyone believed that once any nuclear weapon was used, it would be impossible to contain it to a strictly "tactical" exchange. That was the entire reason for the INF treaty. The weapons covered by it are very destabilizing as they leave almost no reaction time for the other side to make a decision on what to do. And there were A LOT of them. 10s of thousands.
  8. ^^^ What he said. Even if an FO in direct contact with the company mortars, the radio operator receives check fire, anounces it, the section leader then tells the mortar crews check fire. In that several, maybe 5 seconds..... fooomp, fooomp, fooomp, check firing.
  9. The work correctly in the Beta version of the full game.
  10. Fulda Gap would be fun, in a macabre sort of way. It's the big war I trained for. (as opposed to the small little things that actually happened).
  11. Happens on a Mac though too, so I think it's something to do with the scenario.
  12. Thanks. Happens for me too, with both the Demo scenario and the full game Alamo.
  13. Can you give any more details? What was going on? I've run through the Training Scenario a few times and tried every combination of save game, resume, quit, resume saved game, and it has never crashed. In fact, the beta or demo hasn't crashed on me for many versions. For reference I have a MacBook Pro, early 2015, OS X 10.14 Mojave. No issues with upgrading to Mojave.
  14. Mortars can be fired quite quickly and are very high angle weapons, so after calling "Check Fire" there can be a fairly large number of rounds already in the air that have yet to impact. Time of flight can be up to 50 seconds or so depending on the range and the size of the mortar. Real life example from the 82d Abn. As a FIST Chief we were calling mortars danger close, and the rounds were gradually walking back towards us. Called "Check Fire" and got the reply "Rounds Complete". Which meant exactly as I described - 20 or so rounds still to impact. We fell back. What had happened was the mortar baseplates were grinding into soft ground causing the tubes to elevate slightly (and therefore bringing the rounds closer). The crew hadn't noticed the change, which was pretty slight - but with close rounds, it made a BIG difference to us up front.
  15. I tried this and in the Mac version this happens with Passage to Wilcox and Alamo, but with the other scenarios, the shaders are on. This is true whether quitting and starting an new scenario in game or starting the game fresh and entering a scenario. Can you check whether your experience matches mine and is it on a PC or Mac?
  16. Technically they are finished. They are in the process of being revamped. They will run just like they did in SF1, but with updated models and textures and newer exe. What the won't have is updated maps and updated AI. Which will be coming. Maybe it wasn't entirely clear.
  17. I updated to Mojave a couple weeks ago and everything was fine. No wrinkles because of that during beta testing.
  18. Quick battles have everything available. And while they don’t work in the demo you can see the standard interface
  19. Frame rates. I have a Mac so maybe not s good comparison, but all through beta testing it wasn’t an issue and I thoroughly tested the demo release. Runs great with graphic settings all maxed out to best and shadowsvand shaders.
  20. Same here. I've played it A LOT. That doesn't mean that I win a lot. They say failure is a great educator.
  21. Being an ex paratrooper I’m not sure I’m a good source for tips. But I love the game. Check the forum for a utility that gives you a list of scanarios you can sort by complexity or difficulty. Good way to find reasonable ones that won’t overwhelm you at the start.
  22. Read the history of England (it wasn't England then), when year after year the Danes and Saxons invaded, pillaged, murdered and looted. EVERY YEAR, the British (for lack of a better term) would pay them large amounts of silver to go away and not come back, and baptize many (presumably and Christian would not break his word). EVERY YEAR, they came back again to do the same thing over and over again, year after year. I have a book "Defending the Island" that I bought in England. It's well written, however, I've never finished it because the endless cycles of death and destruction and payoff just got so depressing to read.
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