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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. You're right but I was just referring to the graphics not the game play !
  2. Probably, and in this case the green are more modern and a bit clever as the red staying in a conservative way...
  3. Funny time ! You know Google translation is not always the top but this is the only one that I found very quick...
  4. And why not операция Беовульфа II or операция ловушка II This reflect more Red Thunder and Red Hammer... ...Allez boys, everybody's open Google translator now, copy paste include...
  5. My comments about Red Hammer was a joke cos I saw the Hammers marching in the street and let me remind about Pink Floyd song and the "bricks in the wall". I was not thinking to any real situations, people's that know my posts know that I make always joke or be a little sarcastic. But yours comments are interesting !
  6. one day we will have a Z folder with many subfolder with ZZ, ZZZ, ZZZZ, ZZZZZ... to be sure the mod will be added in the game... well I think is already the case ! ! ! !
  7. Hola Stephan, really a masterpiece and helpfull mod, like all what you did untill now, and is not finish ...when you taste the blood one time ! ; you must have a heart for flowers and plants :)) ...on the same way I recommand you to let know the mods that you let me a link one day about differents flowers, depending the saison, peoples will really appreciated it, if you put all on the CMMODs IV, but is up to you... I like also this funny picture, the "Krauts" have something different to taste in Normandy !
  8. Mag sein mag sein aber...You seem to forget the determination to died for the Reich of your Volks my friend, I don't think that a kick in the door will be sufficient, if yes the war will be finished more early, and Onkel Speer will never existing...just kidding ! Vorsetzung folgt !
  9. Strong constructions of German buildings are not a legend in the 3 Reich, and a headache for the Allied. Soviet troops will really need the Red Hammer to break the last brick in the wall... Waiting for these new module, thanks BFCElvis.
  10. Here you have as warm up some infos... for more infos consult Wikipedia, hope this will help !!
  11. Hi Aquila-CM this is the thread talking about British uniforms woodland, but I dont find the mod (if there is already one ???) I know something about USA but not about British, see also CMMODs III... any help will be welcome !!
  12. Soon presenting by Aquila CM The Shifttain The Centurion The Merkava The BTR 152 Water Cannons and much more...stay awakes !! Like always zipped files to download will be available, enjoy. Sigh !!
  13. Details makes always the difference...not only buildings are nice but also ground and rubbles.
  14. Since the first day I said about Aquila-CM Posted July 18 You seem to manipulate all these tools of the game, like to take your breakfast ! here on the forum you will get a place of first choice and your knowledges will be apreciated and sought... some good modders will take care of you ... or you will take care of them but I m sure together you will do a good job hope to see more, I have lot of projects, like everybody ... And I maintain what I said, Aquila is a MUST on the forum... @sbobovyc give the 3D available keys @Aquila-CM open all doors The others one, let us discovers ! ! BF watching on a staff map the situation !!
  15. chain tracks in the ground... Disappear after some sec/minutes like most of the games on the net...is only to give a real effect... well in the reality there is also nobody to erase the tracks and footprints on the ground... you want reality you have reality... scouts are there to detect eni !!
  16. Yes we have already beautiful games sleeping in ours drawers, and it is sometimes good and interesting to open it, and remove the dust of time...
  17. Very interesting Mord I didn't know there is so much possibilities of Campaign in this game. I think It will be better to have a view more close when you have a hand to hand combat... but I never play this game. You give me the wish to play again with my old Medieval TW.
  18. Resolved happy cos ... I found more thread about Soviets thank you to your detailled infos !
  19. Not sure perhaps also a old Mod from Ez or another modders. I think from couple of month I saw somes pic from a Soviet uniform with some strange camo ... I will make some research !! ??
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