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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. For my part I use the net paint program I save my files in png and resume in BMP with the program greenfish, is perhaps much job but for what I want to do I am happy with... there is certainly a function to add an alpha channel in paint net, to speak only of this one, but personally for the time like I tell you I am happy with ... to be more professional I use photoshop or lightroom for photos that requires more precisions ... it remains to see what you want to do ... voili voilou !
  2. Alpha channel is the tranparence "color" of certain files like .png... files are composed from red, green and blue channel colours this is a fourth channel colours... My answer is probably not exactly explicitly but I hope to give you a short overview to your question.
  3. Could be, not sure ... and probably "an amored unit on foot" looking desesperate to theirs destroyed war machines, under the smoke of an already an active fire...vorsetzung folgt...;)
  4. Yes !..imagine some old german soldiers after discovering the Thor hammer, disguised in Roman soldiers, unable to read or write, armed from some poor mg 42, hidden a understanding fear under a little smile of theirs tired faces, waiting anxious in the Teutonburg Forest, some inexpliquable kind of troop marching and destroying their country, nobody know how these invaders will be looking, how much they will be and what kind of weapons technology they will have, this new army that everybody talk about but nobody know... Diese Verdammten CM3 ! Who a smile of myself have some difficulties on this time to appear to my words...
  5. I don t know if these one are Goumiers or fighting with the Allied, but for sure R4V and the futur CM3 will be a surprise !
  6. I flight now on Chernobyl ...will be funny to listening thanks
  7. Desculpa is correct...don t worry for the time i don t speak too much spanish too, but I hang on ...it was only for the fun and also I could be happy to find perhaps another language SP or Port in CM with R2V
  8. What's about Morocco French Goumier ? British tank Archer...? The rest don't remember. Is Longtime ago...
  9. Indeed Aragorn 2002 I think I was a bridge too far...;) exhalation of news things to see soon... sigh !!
  10. So Elvis mean with the Brazilians we will have another voices (Spanish or Portuguese) ?? !!
  11. Ok I m not ;).. So mean with the Brazilian we will have another voices (Spanish or Portuguese) ?? !!
  12. ...cross mirrored flag... ? Sorry dont get it ?
  13. Don't remember which nations will be includes ...do we will have some Italian fighting with the Allied and Some fighting with Axes ??
  14. Many thanks Elvis for all...what country is represented with a white circle of the vehicles ?Italian fighting with the Allied ? Or another nations with US materials ?
  15. Thanks you Elvis to keeping your promises news troops tanks and landscapes or not a promises is a promises !!
  16. Thanks you very much sbobovyc for all these detailled infos, my knowledges about Blender are limitated, but I am searching and discover news things days by days, and there is a lot of precious informations and tutorials about this wonderfull sofw..thanks a lot again to let me know and let me a hand in case of need. !
  17. Thanks a lot benpark for these addled infos... could you tell me if I can find files similar as mdr mds on the net and what are the file extensions ? Working on a basic form, cube sphere...is not really easy when we know that exist already on the nett the form of vehicles that we try to modding. I would like so much find M 48 M 60 and more ...to create myself some extras, I need only the form like we have them in mdr mds files in CM without textures, but I don't know how is the name of this kind of files? Perhaps will be not possible to do it, but I would like really trying to do something ! Personal satisfactions need only the roots !!
  18. Very nice pictures this give an overview of a good ambiance and give me some ideas... I have perhaps a strange question but... do we have a possibility to modify the mdr mds files to i.e.changing a Lada in a Moswitch or Zastava or Trabant giving an ambiance of i.e. in a Russian, yougoslavia, or old DDR time ? I guess the answer will be no...but I would like an answer if we can import and modify such files with Bender ...to my personly convenience ?
  19. Totaly agree I follow you Mann! ...two or three screenshots per module would cause a lotof joy among...
  20. Very interresting concept when I can lend you a hand don't hesitate...;)
  21. Funny the title "Postcards from the Valley" Seem that the Talibans writing some holidays postcards to theirs parents the map is very nice...
  22. Was nice to have an update and see now the differents behaviours of pixels troops to every modules ! But now place to the news things !
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