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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. 4 littles words ...Just some juicy screenshots...
  2. Sorry Sgt.Squarehead don t saw the patch Apologyse about my post !
  3. I suggest, first to have to patch, then we can talking about the procedure to install it ! ...(ne pas mettre la charrette avant les boeufs !) in english is the same !
  4. Oki doki no question more for today Have a good game and thank you to these explanations !
  5. The situation and results that you explains seem to be more aggressive that the usual artillery strike without engine update, and inflict more casulties with the engine updated !?
  6. Thank you that you took time to cut your game in test, to send somes screen...late you could probably answer to the behaviours of yours troops in the buildings...but for the time I am already happy to see that the update will be soon...
  7. Thanks, is only what we need somes infos, let us update...we will also smiling about some new screenshots, ...long time ago !
  8. very interresting RH I have some pdf somewhere on an hd from german us british japan russian infos of army with, organisation and abreviation, have to have a look...
  9. Well RH is a pleasure that you found something acceptable and of course I really appreciated that you made some changes, and if you don't like the sound of falling cartridges you can cutting also, the mg42 rate is sometime really difficult to pick up correctly, and only a German ear can detect it !!
  10. Erwin try to play scenario by scenario/campaing if you want create two folders one zzz scecampworking another one scencampNOworking Put the ones in the correct folder after the try ...and let it on the side, there are enough scan camp working to make you happy don't make you headache for some there doesn't work !!
  11. This is also what I was thinking to make a difference with the usual US Icons Identification, (when we are using only the british force of course), a real british situation and not the "NATO model" like the US ones, a little like the OKW German Icons, a touch of reallity ! (Canadian Cat Icons) are the most close to the reality to representing the ww2 Icons, including Icons for CMRT, but...this is only MY opinion, correct me if I m wrong !
  12. oH mEIN Gott ...!! oH mEiN Gott hielf uns... and this is only one Module...what would be when we (they) will starting with the others Modules...best is to say and show what is not wrong...!! or asking BF to make a new forum with new games...what will be also with the new one R2V and new module with the Russian Offensive... Another issue could be that ...they dont like Battlefront games... !!! Kurz und schmerzhaft...and point on the line. !!
  13. Longtime ago, Mord did the pixels soldiers....and Battlefront did the Time Machine...!!
  14. It would be interesting to create a wish gauge CMs, that we would like to see develops, only for the fun ! Everybody's could have three wishes...faites vos jeux !!
  15. Hi Zveroboy1 I will send you my contribution too, but by 600 I think you have really really all, ¿don t you ? anyway I will send you soon...
  16. Very good idee Steph, sure the mod will coming out !!
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