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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. You seem to manipulate all these tools of the game, like to take your breakfast ! here on the forum you will get a place of first choice and your knowledges will be apreciated and sought... some good modders will take care of you ... or you will take care of them but I m sure together you will do a good job hope to see more I have lot of projects, like everybody ...
  2. All these beauties and scenarios and mods given a really others aspect of SMF2 lot of works lot of nerves but really beautiful and interresting... When can we expect to see the full Combat Mission Vietnam Mods ?
  3. Holy crap !! I see a lot of HOPE for futurs mods !!! I love really the "unknow vehicles" wiht armour plate this let me thinking about the Bakan with the Croatian Army in the 90' also the wrecks are interresting...welcome Aquila-CM
  4. Hi n the past somebody put a link see below, this one is in the FGM forum : with some vehicles of Aris Allied Axes plus some terrains mod these one are for CMBN but perhaps also some for CMFB you have to see yourself...hope this wil help you ! Link of the page http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/mods-aris-and-other-popular-mods-combined-into-easy-to-download-packs.17477/
  5. ...stop being grumpy and take my words as a sign of friendship that admires your franchise on the forum ! Yes WE would like to know a little more about CMRT yes and hope to don't be disappointed cos we are waiting soooo... long seem that R2V CMFI dont bring too much news for the time ! Hope to see more in CMRT... And now sorry but I go back to listening the Cure concert in Madrid...
  6. True BF is correct and listening to theirs fans ...with this sentence you just received the gratitude of BF Aragorn 2002
  7. Than you very much for this added infos, I take a good note, I was not thinking about a eventual dispersion of mines !
  8. Where do you have this beautiful explosion ? Is this a new version of effects?
  9. ...150mm shells or bigger !!! in reallity or in CMs ?
  10. Hi everyone's, somebody know if an artillery or mortars shoot or artillery barrage can open a minefield ?
  11. Yes they say they aren't...how much peoples on this forum open a link without precautions...without falling in an hysteria of hypotheses... because the subject is attractif or the person that send this link is a friend or let always a good word on the forum... I am a member of this forum, well I was thinking to be Sir Erwin, is pity to think like this about a "colleague" I am always funny and polite of this forum...like I said I am in admiration for all modders like him Kohlenklau... and all of us because we are researching always the little details that make happy. Please Sir Erwin &friends don't open this link.
  12. The link is not the virus... I am the Virus....come mann it was only to show what Kohlenklau did before modding in CMMODs...sorry to make you fear and all colleagues of you... But I could understand your reaction we are never save in these world...
  13. Opt for the Kohlenklau Quartett ! https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/252330/kohlenklau-quartett Not available in CMMODs III IV !!!
  14. Yes I found lot of things comments and ideas to keep for the future...and all comments about this project are really welcome, I'm also happy that we can find and do something with Euroscape mod later... I am on Holliday for 2 weeks and dont have PC now but later if interresting I can provide some files dds tga png like I said to "Kandu" the new Modders of (Les Hauts Vents Map)...from differents games and internet could be that we can find others landscapes and buildings to differents futures projects...
  15. Happy to found somebody's interresting to this project, is already longtime ago that I had this in my mind, I will stay awake to yours mods and learn how can I try to do something myself acceptable but waiting what bring us the new R2V some news vehicles will help and also the new of CMRT soon I hope with perhaps BTR 50 and more...I like very much the mod of Sahrani Liberation Army, and the Vietnam project. More in a new thread soon...
  16. Got it about tanks Yes, Sgt.Squarehead thanks... I will open myself a tread and don't use this one to explain other things... my apologies also to @IICptMillerII.
  17. Ahhh ok so there is no possibility to inverse it ...a really strong T34 Then ;))
  18. Thanks for these added infos in fact I do some tests already with differents modules CMBN RT FI FB CMA SF 1 AND 2 and with all we have a lot of... I discover that I could, change the appearance of the tank/veh but of course the game will give only the appearance like you mentioned. But what is when you tranfert and replace all files mdr mds...from the same vehicle and you rename it from the vehicle that you want to “added” ! Example: I take an Abrams and want have a T 34 for this I took all mdr, mds, pic, wav... files, I do the same with the T34 files, imports all files and replace all Abrams files. In this case I will have a “pur” T 34 like I have in original CMRT don't you ? Only the Abrams files names will existe but with the T 34 infos. Well this is how I understand how the game is working, but perhaps I have to take in mind more things and files from the game this I don't know exactly...
  19. ✌thanks guy Last question what module CMs you will use to do something about Balkan 1991 ? I mean tanks and vehicles I can took from CMRT and Some Us from CMBN MG but uniforms and autom weapons will be better from CMSF 1 2...isn't ? ?
  20. Thanks a lot I have already somes on the net but about tanks and vehicles but this one will for sure completed my research...
  21. Thank you Sgt.Squarehead I was thinking also the same but I m not sure about the weapons could you eventual give me shorts names about the most used one s ? I know about tanks and vehicles but not small arms...
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