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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. ...me not, want only that you recognized that "A FRIEND" was helping you, so small the help could be...I was thinking only that the new generation lost the sense of polite forms and expressions...You hope also to be respected when you help peoples...
  2. snipping tool is a little application in the windows programme very easy and helpfull to use, clic on start and make a search "snipping tool" and start the program...
  3. Imagination is without limit with Blender crowned with Aqui /Sbo & Cie.
  4. Lot of drops blood on this map, joking... very interresting link thank you to let us know I m sure to be very useful for some specialist of this forum ! I wish we could have this for all CMs Modules !
  5. <yes Mord and my favourits are... Balkan 80 : Croatian Serbian Bosnian portraits including civilian... Israely Arabs War : Israely Syrian Egyptian Lybian Palestinian Jordanian Irakian (not the same as you already did) , but I will tell you the Module later and to continued...> If you want the sympathy of the masses, you must tell them the most stupid and raw things.In the world, there are 10 types of people. Those who understand this message and the others.
  6. MY, idea to created a fight underground and cellar in the thread What I'd like to see in CM3... is not really far away with these video... thank you Aquila-CM to let us dream with open eyes with all news every days !
  7. >>>>You have to change your avatar name to Aquil-Ace CM <<<<<
  8. @sbobovyc give the 3D available keys @Aquila-CM open all doors The others one, let us discovers ! ! BF watching on a staff map the situation !! 
  9. Mord transforms his figures and protects them like in a museum of wax manikins !! This is the Mord Wax Skins Museum.
  10. A level underground to fight in cellars... bunkers, Stalingrad, Berlin... Differents views of hit tanks destroyed vehicles and wrecks...
  11. This was perhaps already in the new project of CM3 ? This is why so much secret like area51
  12. Make often as possible a trip (on the lake that you show me some pics) and breathe correctly the pure nature that you have in the front of you...before coming in the x y jobs to the portraits of Hell... Listen a friend
  13. Relax you man your job is perfect enough for us you don't have to searching the perfection, is a game and a little mistake that you (could do in the portraits) will not be visible from us you are constantly of your nerve try to give you a certain limite to arrive to your perfection...
  14. Would be nice but cannot for the time, thank you to the invitation, ...Wir könnten wahrscheinlich eine gute Zeit verbriegen, ein andere Zeit vieliech !!
  15. Nice page interresting to visit and to participate in real, thank you for the link !!
  16. Here you can find all... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeK7fSyoEE8aorVLlVfNcAQ
  17. This is far away my meaning with my comment Aragorn2002, and you know how I mean when I make a joke, ...believe me when I want say something bad about somebody I can do It also in the right way... The problem is, He want to be perfect and make his job as quick as possible, for the good of the community, but He has to thinking also to himself stay calm to do his things and drink fresher WATER of course with a smile between his teeth... but He know also how I mean when I make a joke
  19. + 100 for @sbobovyc @JulianJ @MOS:96B2P, @Sgt.Squarehead @Aquila-CM @The Steppenwulf
  20. Is incredible what can give all these news flavours objects in in a scene, a touch of reality, a feeling to be there yourself... !
  21. Well this is not bad to listening what peoples would like to see and what periods they are interresting to play, sometimes this gave us ideas for future mods...but is true, is because we have more threads talking about the same things on differents threads names...
  22. This is what I was thinking the grey-sand colour for the desert mode and the "ocher green" for the "European Russian" landscapes !!
  23. I prefer the first one seem to be more real appropriate color for the desert ! (Farbe sieht besser aus) !
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