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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. yes pffff !!!! you could show us a better quality Just joking its Amazing, you spend lot of time to let us discover it in one min !! PS just saw yours others pictures very nice, thanks to use some of ours flavours objects, this give a little touch of personality ! Cheers
  2. Ah sorry @Bootie I was thinking that you have to manage 2 CMMODs the III is really a mess I understand that you had some problems and headaches, we can recognized what impressive job that you did with the IV. Personly I was already downloaded all from months ago, I can give you my update list if you want. Cheers
  3. WTF... !!! I see that you found all on the correct place, very happy to "listening" about, and yours first news clear screenschots are...dont know the words to describe !! grandious super cool impressive I propose that you deserve the 1st place of mod this month !...!! Cheers friend
  4. For infos we have access to the full page 5 untill the end just the 4 firsts pages are looking weird a mix of russian and english ! I dont know if this is secure to download ??? I guess also that @Bootie will close it when he will have doing an update to CMMODs IV ! Cheers
  5. Merci Steph @Falaise answers in details on pm to yours precious infos !
  6. I did already more about paks all is to see on my Corner just find the correct pages. Thank you I am already proud to find a solution to added some foliages on helmets, this was my first wishe since years, today I found the solution, compared to my first version of helmets, from one week ago, foliage and helmets are fixed now together and give a better aspect, I have just to give the right dose of foliages on it, untill now for the us troops, I dont saw too much helmets with foliages, but I can be wrongs perhaps the airborne only I have to check. For the vehicles and guns this will be more easy, my fear could be that the natural folliage with tree and bushes will also take some strange aspects on the battlefield, also I have to test it. I will reserve the helmets foliages for the germans ss, paras, and some heer luftwtroops the usual germans will stay without, because for myself, I use already a tag, I recommand on the same time to use the wonderfull mod with helmets foliages from @benpark but also the huge mod from @Lucky_Strike for the Nature, that I use myself both are a must. Same for the vehicles and guns with folliage but also, I planified to added it to the brit and can as well. Some net for artillery guns, for the us troops like I show it already on my Corner, and perhaps also for the germans brit and can. Hmm !!! I doubt but I can added a foliage version independant to the helmet linked with another object, this will give a strange view because there will not be linked with the face and the helmet, when the soldier is on move, just see the small clip that I added to understand, I will try to mix it, but I doubt, I think the mod 3d accept only one texture, but I will make some tests, this is also my wish to have some variety. I will present a model soon just to test it... Well after all what I am telling this will take time, but yes this mod will see the light. I will realised a pack of them but dont know when, I am working left and right of more things, so wait and see I am also working on the same time on the wrecks for CMFB and CMCW and added news stuffs, so again wait and see... Thanks guys my pleasure to use my mods myself and share what I do. Cheers
  7. Thank you to your sincerity ! I was making some research but by more than 4000 pages of these tags, i give up... BFC could be very happy with all the mods that we are added, making theirs games more interresting for some members, that mean that we love the things that they are doing. What is sure is, only knowledges that you can added would help to do something correct, about this period, you don't have to be a scientific or a pro of informatics skills, to participated to something concretely, important is to be there and give yours help when needing, thanks already about scen and camp. I tell everytimes on the forum, letting floawing some smiles and funny faces of some members, subjets that i would like are Israelo Arab war Yougoslavia war Believe me, when I will have enough knowledges on the 3d models, I will be able to swaping certains vehicles and tanks and realised my subjects. But untill now, lot of water will floaw again and again under the bridge. Cheers
  8. My pictures of the day ! limbered unlimbered JM
  9. I can only aprove yout job about swaping things from CM to CM, is common to searching "missing things" from vehicles or weapons in CM, because they are used for common or differents vehicles, the "thing" is to search correctly to another's folder the missing piece or better to import a full other weapon, when you see the "missing piece", in blender you have the path from the folder down from your screen by materials and textures. Cheers
  10. About new module for CMBS, with the time and the real situation in Ukraine, (Chieftain, Leopard...) I think we can already using europa/Us vehicles from Sf2, where a conversion is possible. They are perhaps already on the BFC screens now, waiting to a reworked and convincing possible choice...? Cheers
  11. Not sure about this but I can be wrong > I read with satisfaction that this period is desired by several members of the forum, I wish to read more about it, and I am happy that I am not the only one. Swaping weapons is already possible by certains members of the forum, I salute them for theirs knowledges, only swaping with the correct size and calibers vehicles is more complicated, but with the CMCW we can already created something correct and already existing. I know it's easy to say but I maintain my opinion that "we have already ready almost all" the necessary elements to create this period ourselves with the existing vehicles of other CM modules. If you have some knowledges or not, all will be welcome, we demontrated also that with some little ideas we can created some candy eyes, and change a little the aspet of the game, sadly that this candy eyes stay for the time only candy, and not be able to move, we have enough peoples and enough knowledges to starting something, also critics are welcome, because finished produce is alway based on "reworked critics",but of course a real module of this period would sweep all misanderstanding. Personally I am ready to give myself body and soul in this huge project, I "simply need" moral and informatives support to get started, and if other members would be interested, we could eventual create a little team of enthusiasts, but is not really a necessity,... or wait wisely for BFC itself to make the decision, perhaps is already something "in the tube", that we dont know for now. I remember that some words were saying from Steve himself who he was saying something about this period a few years ago, but like I said I can be wrong about the contain I will jump in the archives to find it... Cheers
  12. Nigel @NPyeI hope very much that you will find the support that you need, recover all yours games in a good conditions, and amaze us with new exclusive mods Cheers friend JM
  13. Ok thanks, I will than "jump" on the mod pack, and say thanks to the owner a big thanks to realized it. Cheers
  14. Very nice screenshots I like very much the last one for the uniforms, the snow of the shoulders and down on the coat also the ve vegetation are very realist, are you using a existing mod or did you it yourself ? Cheers
  15. Ok doki let me some minuts and give me an email that i can send you ! send me a pm Cheers
  16. News on my Corner Do you remember this ??? This is my first Project, I want give a foliage camo to a german helmet, but like you can see the helmet himself is include in the foliage texture ? <img src= <img src= this is how it appear, with a mod, of @benpark if I can remember, I dont have any Idea how I can resolve it , do have somebody idea about ?? =======================this was the past================================== And Today ! ! ! ! I hope that @benpark will not have any objections about using his mod (take a little time to say that I love your helmets mods camo Ben), anyway is only a test but I am more futher with a wish from myself, but also for @Aragorn2002 that remind me to trying to do something about german helmets camo. So let me present you some pictures Beautiful you will said..untill you see this... ! So, if this mod will be helpfull and see the light one day, I doubt...but if yes, please I recommand you if you want to use this futur mod to dont let move yours soldiers on the battlefield to avoid this !!!! If this mod is not interresting, I will use it for myself I will use only for the SS, and added all vehicles also with camo but also the british and canadian airborne. ...go back to see if I can change something but I doubt also !! Enjoy Cheers
  17. Exactly, I think we have already "enough materials" in all CM's untill now to created something "acceptable and realist" for this period, just having some interresting peoples that are able to swap some vehicles and uniforms. Cheers
  18. Good choice, many battles, also to see the Brits in the Bulge. Cheers
  19. Soon, I hope... BFC will make the new module for CMFB, including the British !! Cheers
  20. Unstoppable, !!! Berlin is just finish to be paint, that the Rhine show already the nose,... incredible guy that you are Nigel @NPye, and like always, you will surpasse you ! I sugggest that you wait some little little weeks, the new module with news stuffs will come for CMFB, have to come, I feel it ! Well I hope very very much ! Than we will be able to drink some cups of tea, and for certain of us, with a cloud of milk and a piece of sugar. I like also the positions of your tank rider I did also some modifications, but in a truck, in my opinion they are too straight and always the same posittion and the same high, I change them a little some are more down more left or more right now. Cheers
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