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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Just a little thing today ! you have the possibility to open your favorite CM game by clicking on a scenario, to do this, point a scenario somewhere on the game launch file, in the command "open with" but do not check the box "always open with " your game will launch but you will have to resume the scenario in the choose list. This is not exceptional because it is only a link to a file, some like that already exists for other files or your pc, but it can be useful if you are working on a scenario or campaign and not always returning to your main game directory, it's just a time saver, another trick could be simply to creating a shortcut Cm Normandy, Fortress Italy... (.exe) in your scen camp directory. Cheers
  2. I think the B2F have a good pictures of what the troops and vehicles were really, this is why I took some infos about this movie only the Polish are not very long in movie. but better and better I have to change my plan with camos CW (brit can pol). Can you make a short update about this 2 differents zone MG camos faces helmets berets Us CW Norm camos faces helmets berets Us CW For me is important to have the distinction of the différents situations of uniforms, before I let go the mod on the Cmods ! Thanks in advance Cheers
  3. Ah, ok happy to know this, I didnt know, adn doubt that everyodys know this also, and will check parts of the movie, "A bridge too be dirty" , and when this come from thrue, I will send all the Cies to the showers before jumping ! Edit Agree with this, this wil be int this case 2 kinds of faces, only a little little dirty and some really dirty ! Understanding, "the night all the cats are grey". Dont worry criticism exist to be used and allowed to make better a job in details. Just prove the first sentence above choosing camos faces or not ! Thanks rob I go back JM
  4. the face camo looks good (though more apropos for 6th ab at normandy ....arnhem was a day jump.) >What that mean, that they dont have to be with camos faces ? the polish helmet crest is a good start, but the definition is a bit lacking. it should be a crude stenciled eagle above a scroll, like the beret badge. I know but, I do my best about it. >Very difficult to put in the middle ! Thanks to yours comments Cheers
  5. Is true that sometimes is difficult to know what kind of tile we are on the spot, I realise this also, this is incertain that our tanks or wheels will not stay in, for a while. Sometimes will be usefull to see a picture, like we had it in cmx1, so we could than better prepare our path. But sorry, for more tactical issue, I cannot give you the real explanation, but I am sure, some of us are bettter prepare to explain better that I do, and very soon, you will have the correct way to explore your terrain. Cheers
  6. if the scouts find a place big enough for a man to pass, they can contact the engeneers, to open a gap for the tanks. Cheers
  7. Polish Paras ! Very difficult to put in the middle !
  8. Appreciated your welcome job but not only V O and Z but also this one ! or these Before you make your mod, this will be interresting to know what they mean and eventual added them ! But this could be the reason It is suspected that the markings are likely to have two purposes: to identify vehicles as Russian, so they don't get targeted by other Russian forces in 'friendly fire', and to denote attack groups and their objectives. link https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-crisis-what-are-the-mysterious-markings-appearing-on-russian-tanks-12549698 Edited https://www.outono.net/elentir/2022/03/01/ukraine-unveils-the-meaning-of-the-letters-painted-on-russian-military-vehicles/ Cheers
  9. News from today Bergan in Bergan out ! Just a remark about the brace on the left dont be correctly showing also the asked pistol and ammo pouches , dont know why ? Just a problem with added some braces, everybodys will wear it, also when the bergan is not present ! Just officer has to have a special uniform without braces that I have to ask to be created by Joop, Cardin, St laurent... I dont know who I have to contact, kdding... so the faces part 1 already finished and all what we need to have happy Paras ! EDIT I think now My guys look a little more "british" they have the "touch" that I want, wihout the burlaps and for some, open chinstraps but already wiht some gloves with a little too much color, that I have to working on, ...and they are not finish, also Brothers arms are coming Airborne French CZ NL BE no SAS troops, will come, but also Canadian Polish and the regular infantry ! EDIT just forgot to show the correct haircut hahaha ! enjoy JM
  10. Just be curious the way that you will follow, but what ever you do this will be a good addons... Cheers
  11. After all the time, that Steve is on line, commenting days and nights about the real situation in Ukraine, and following in direct the real metamorphosis of the Ukrainian army, with the new material from western and over europa countries, I would like really to see the real choice, that he will make to presenting the new module, having only the spoiled for choice, (embarra du choix), to added the news weapons and vehicles, I think we can be surprise about his choice. Cheers
  12. no is only lot of work and time to downloading game check and modified it
  13. Thanks like all the times I do my best, and like what I am doing. > I will show the details behind next time >I have just to check the size that I can have the correct one like you discribe >I can adjuste the hight like you mentioned You dont know and nobodys of the forum how work a mod and how is work in Blender, but in Blender I dont have the soldier in the front of me to apply lef and right things, so long we dont have access to the famous .mds, mds is the file representing the whole peoples or soldiers in the game, but I see only the behaviour of the Blender result, when only I start another scenario and check how I have to move the things to apply in a correct way, not to high not to much down, not to much on the side correctly straight this cost time and many many restarting your game, waiting that your game load, with or without mods installed, this cost nerfs and patience, just saying the procedure, this is why a help is very welcome, but I like what I am doing, when I see a good result. >front ammo pouches can be modified yes >so just let the pistol holster and ammo pouch from holster, right ? >taking out the braces will be more complicated because the braces are already include on the picture of each Paras unifome, this will cost too much time to have a correct aspect, that I have to erase the brace on the picture, and I dont know if there is one picture of Paras uniforms without braces, I dont think so. >i can take the braces from the bergan to "hidding the usual braces on the Paras picture uniforms. > I dont change nothing about the chinstraps, the game do it itself it was a surprise for me but I am happy with, the game read the smod_american_chinstrap-para, and smod_british_chinstrap on the same tme from the brz files, and apply the textures to both in the same way, just read also after my Z folder to apply the modifs, I found this interresting, and this give more variety of colours, without, that, I do something myself, so this will stay like the picture that I show you, this will be so cool to have 2 possibilities from chinstraps but is not possible to have the chinstrap open and close on the same time, because exist only one mdr chisntrap file, we can use a open chisntrap in another battle but not on the same time that the closing one. So I will try to make like I did for the Us Airborne anf gliders togethers, with a open and a closing chinstraps, but only one can be used on the same time, sad but not possible, BFC have to created another mdr file for this. So that it for now, I have already much to do, thanks to yours detailled advices rob. JM
  14. I choose this one because this was the first on the page, but I could search a little more, so please dont feel you offfence or bad, next one I will added some parfuming beauties around, , just have a moment of fun, but hope more that you like this song, ! JM
  15. Very nice program lot of scenarios, hope to see yours News soon, just kidding, here is Mr X hope you like the 80 Cannot resist sorry, all with a smile please ! Cheers
  16. New today ! Bergan backpack tomorrow Camos faces rope around body, burlaps on the helmets, reworking on uniforms details, later... things like the us Airborne already in CMMODs Valid for BritCanPol Paras and Gliders. Cheers
  17. Ok I read there is too much mistakes !
  18. Hi guy I dont know you because I starting to post on this forum after you go, but I saw a lot of yours mods and there were already interresting, just to say, welcome back to the forum that never died ! Heemm I think I missed to see the day that this post was on the forum ! Cheers
  19. here is a link about I guess all MG scen camp. https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/?s=Market+Garden hope this will help ! Cheers
  20. thanks rob, we dont need to be internity on this, we will find 10 min to apply some mods let me a place where I can send you the files with you e mail, put the files in your z folder play a scen wih british soldiers, and check for the behaviours, just let me know about, eventual takes somes notes, and that it, this will help me. but let me first find another bag similar as the Bergan. Happy evening, or morning if you are to the other side of the planet. Cheers
  21. thanks @Vacillator to take the relais, you see we learn every day, I have to think to take my usb next time... yes I see a smiling face now, very happy rob @quakerparrot67 that you are back, enjoy again your game and take some notes for the next patche, but dont be afraid to apply it, just keep a copy of originals files from your CM. Cheers
  22. ...take some risks boy,when is lost is lost... Can you pay at attention to rob, battery is almost down to my phone and don't have my usb cable with me... JM
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