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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. thanks @Vacillator to take the relais, you see we learn every day, I have to think to take my usb next time... yes I see a smiling face now, very happy rob @quakerparrot67 that you are back, enjoy again your game and take some notes for the next patche, but dont be afraid to apply it, just keep a copy of originals files from your CM. Cheers
  2. ...take some risks boy,when is lost is lost... Can you pay at attention to rob, battery is almost down to my phone and don't have my usb cable with me... JM
  3. Yes me too this is why I said this, when I have to apply a patche in the past, I was really paying attention where he will be installed, but first was making a copy or displacing my z folder. JM
  4. The problem is to apply the patch on the good place. Patches created another folder path with for exemple Battlefront so We have a path combatmission/battlefront/battlefront...and the egistration code don't find te correct way, I guess I am not far away of the realty. Correct me If I am wrong.!! JM
  5. Try also to let us see a screenshot where your CM Games are installed, this will help us a lot.
  6. So take advices from vacilator first. Then I would suggest to put your z and games file not in your c if you can but yes keep a copy to another place. Than come again to your installation of CMBN Edit go step by step
  7. Just the CMBN if you have more games CM and installed like C://battlefront//CombatMission//Normandy// C://battlefront//CombatMission//Fortress Italy/ This is only an exemple I am not on on pc now Delete of course only Normandy Just in case if you can send a pocvwherevyour CM Games are installed. JM
  8. I understand, I feel your pain, just delete all your CMBN and install a full version without patches z folder and mods, follow the instructions from the install zipped file. Crossing fingers JM
  9. Check first to my page perhaps some indices can drive you in the good way. Later install a full install of CMBN without patche and mods and z folder, the vers 400 give you already all. Put the correct registration code without psyche. Make a copy of this one to another place of your Hard drive. Apply the patched of the copy and see if this work correctly, if not you don't have to Make another install but take the original that you copy again on the same place and pay attention to the path that you give. Than you will be able to have a correct working game, later you can make a copy where you want of your hard drive without registered again. Good luck JM
  10. Hi Rob appreciated that you answer to my request. You don't need to have any specials skills and informatics knowledges to be able to help me, just have a working CMBN patched or not, you have only to put the files that I could give you on your z folder and starting differents British or Canadians scenarios, and take some notes from behaviours or some advices, that it. If you are agree let me know, also of course, when you can resolve the problem of patch, that sometimes is really annoying, but most of the time is only a bad path that we choose, saying to the new install zip where you want to install it, and this require again a code registration, and THIS is really anoying, this was my case from years ago, this is why I can talk about. Now I choose another way of Lucky Strike with a system of folders and this is more fluids as the patched files, but this require one time of install, more attention and knowledges to have a good installed files to have of course a correct working game. And untill now, never more asking about registration, because is already registred, but i have always a reserve a full copy without mods installed ready, in case I make a mistake, and I will be myself the blame to resolve the problem, thus is only a question to be registered via .../my documents/Battelfront/... up there when you have a correct installation, you can make copy of copy everywhere on your differents hard drives, just only one time that you have to pay really attention. I hope this will help. JM
  11. I just saw that I took a "wrong" bergan, this one dont have any lateral pockets, so I have to search another 3d FREE model. Also the name that I have to give to the bergan is important, I mean that the bergan will replace I guess only the SAS+ some others specials units will wearing this bag, but I would like also that regular units can continue to wear the usual backpack, this is why I have to find what kind of object I have to "sacrified" to replace it. you follow ? I could use the > lifebuoy flame thrower (that I dont find the folder, when you can give me some advice I will appreciated) >Radio but I would like also that the SAS+ can use the radio >The backpack itself but when I use this one, we can not using SAS+ and the regulars units on the same time. so we have to make a choice, because also with a modtag will not work. The size of the model 3d dont play a big role in the game, I can always change the size of object but changing the name, play a big role, and will be more complicated if there is already mods installed in the game, I hope is understanding what I try to said? Another solution will be to link the Bergan with anothe object in the game, for this I could need some help to test it in the game. > would you or somebody elses, dedicated some time, like me, and participated to make some tests, and perhaps added some pics, to see if, there is nothing wrong when the soldier is moving, or crawling, or whatever...and give me some advices, how is the behavious in differents situations? When somebody "accept to participated", that mean that he has to "be pendant" to what I am doing, because the change cannot be waiting to much or to another day, because I need to make some change on the spot, so if you are busy with another game, or dont have any time to check it, this dont help me too much, and I will waiting to you or you or you,, I guess is understanding, but, this must be saying to be clear, " the tester" will have a copy of the bag and I would really appreciated his help... So now I will check to another "Bergan" JM
  12. Yes I think in Commandos Telemark in Norway also in the movie Age of heroes they were wearing this bags but not sure... I took the uk backpack original from CM, I dont have another one chek yourself in your folder if you have a different tell me ?? , here to compare all CM are original size, Bergan I did myself approxiamtively !
  13. I say first thank you to myself, because I love what I am doing for myself , and also to share if by peoples interrested. So now Objectif 2 Tell me about the size and things that have to be or not from the bag ! Left original size of the british backpack , the other you know ! ! JM
  14. Added infos ! About uniforms and berets I will not touch nothing most moders have already doing a very good job like Vein, Damian DK, Olek... and all that I forgot theirs name. I will take of course the one that I personly most appreciated for the added details, but first let it examined to some "Pro". So in fact gliders were wearing a mountain behind them Bergen=Mountain, just kidding... Ok again a short jump to CMRT to discover the huge thing but working on later. If something new just knock on the door, this is also valid for all readers members from the forum, thanks in advance to everybody's. CMBS usa Chisnstrap so far... Thanks you very much, for the advices I save time and work about it ! First objectif fixed ! JM
  15. Yes Harry we are always busy with something. OHH ja GT is really to be tested, I buy for short Tunisia 43 to learn the system and trying to be comfortable with the many menus and Icons, the first days I could cut my hair to learn it, but now I begin to manage more easily the commands, there is a lot of videos, I was thinking to buy The DLC like you said Mius I think this is in Ukraine isn't? But in ww2 of course, I will check because by Steam Tunisia 43 was really cheap the DLC cost a little more. How do you manage Mius ? Ok last but not least, I could need your help for the wheels, can I send you a PM and the files? PS what's about our friend Mark Lucky, I send him a PM but untill now no answer, hope is nothing happend?? Cheers
  16. Agree Phill, Uncle Koh @kohlenklau let us always discover news things, news theater of operations, and news vehicles added with a compatible Scen Camp, so I am very happy that we have here, and waiting impatiently to the early war job. Cheers
  17. this one I guess is from Canada on the breast ? also there is a cap badge for the maroon beret- also from canada ? I think I saw this of the big and interresting mod of @Darknight (DC) I took also infos where @WimO gave me already precious indices ! Ah ok already a good hint for all infos that you can give me. >So in fact there is no difference from the unifoms camos designs, and all CW force Canadian and Polish CZ, Be, NL... are using completly the same uniforms ? >Only badges and insigns specific for country are showing ? >If I understand about the Bergen backpack this one is so big as the radio transmetter backpack and you asking me to try to added it ok Iwill try but to be used for a certain kind of troops like glider we have probably to added a modtag otherwise all british troops or canadians will wearing this bag is that corret ? >it's now the time to take all the adequate and significant information, after it will be more difficult to reshape the objects. >I would like to do like the Us airborne with all inclusive like shell dressing, (on the good place) chinstraps open or close, camos gloves, glass, camos faces, amo pouches...also make the difference about glider and usual Paras with perhaps a modtag, this is why I need a max of infos. >If there is something like a specific color or uniforms or helmet, shell dresssing place, something that we can say from far or close, this one is a British this one is from Canada... >I will jump now to CMBS, to see and comfirm about the helmet chinstrap. Can you explain your sentence: also, if i remember right, i seem to have read that the canvas straps were mainly seen on the poles at arnhem, with small amounts sprinkled through the brits. If there is nothing different about uniforms and helmets, than I can, try to starting to manage them, but if you have some details dont be afraid to let me know, I will than added also when the model is almost finish. Thanks to your precious infos rob. JM
  18. Ok rob, @quakerparrot67 this will be my ref picture. thanks for infos there is really a difference ! Cheers
  19. Hey Harry @RockinHarry happy 2 see you what you did all this time?? Nevermind welcome back. Gravity will be for a future game in later in the future, Graviteam is better, I had a look of this one, I never see so much icons in a game, dont seem to be very easy to manage, but this is not the good place to talk about. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The problem with wheels and probably also tracks, come from the "metadatas, from blender" about this I would like talk with you, if you have a couple of min I am sure we can fix this problem. Cheers
  20. Yes very nice job, also when BFC will give us perfect uniforms there will be already people like to try to perform some details ! Cheers
  21. I will try to do it because the reason mentioned above but also because I like to represent the true, in details. When you have time to check about my request >how can you reconize a Brit from a Can airborne or Paras I will be gratefull about it, all details are welcome, (pic text, link...) and with this I will try to give you another feeling when you will be able to move yours troops untill Arnhem JM
  22. Thank you to your comments and advices Rob, I will check, but I think this a "mistake" of BFC, in fact I think this is the same chinstrap as the us airborne but not sure, I have to check it in details, me I open it only, but you are right, I was just download some pictures to compare them and because you are a fan I will try to working on to have approximately the same. But because this is also my favourite units. Now that I a have a "Pro" (in the front of me), can you shortly explain how can you reconize a British or a Canadian Paras? Helmet designs of camo uniforms signs ranks?? I would like to working on the uniforms also. Thanks very much to your advices and comments. JM
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