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Glubokii Boy

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  1. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Passive attacking AI   
    No...it is not 😊
    The map is done, the research is done, most of the unit rosters are done...
    And remember...
    In a two option scenario you need an AI plan for both sides also....No Major increase in work to make one AI plan each for two scenarios rather than two AI plans for one scenario...
  2. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from chuckdyke in Passive attacking AI   
    It has been a known fact for many years that the AI is incapable of conducting a good attack. The current tools in the editor does not allow for such an attack to be designed.
    The number of AI attacking scenarios that have been designed in the last couple of years are very few...and the number of GOOD AI attacking scenarios are even fewer.
    A very small group of the most experienced and skilled designers might be able to design a decent AI attack scenario...but it is indeed very, very difficult to do right now...
    Atleast if you want the defending player to command anything larger then a platoon...
    If the defending player commands a company...then the AI would need to attack with a reinforced battalion. Something that it is completally incapable of commanding in anything that recembles a good way.
    The quality and limitations of the AI is a discussion that has been ongoing for many years. Strangely quite a few of the members on this forum refuse to admit that the AI is lacking and don't seem to care about the fact that the current option for a human player is to play as the attacker...only !
    If he wants a good fight...
    I find this kind of strange...we are currently only playing 'half' a game....As the attacker.
    Vs the AI the option to play as the defender does almost not exist.
    As a defender the AI can be  a challange for sure and usually performs fairly well but on the attack....NO, NO, NO 
    The claim made by a few that the AI actually does fairly well if left on its own (not scripted) is utterly ridicculus...to name a few shortcommings...
    On its own...
    - it does not use smoke (mid, late game)
    - its indirect support is often badely timed and at times even badely targeted.
    - It makes poor use of special weapons such ad flamethrowers, panzerschrecks and snipers.
    - it will never area fire (with direct fire weapons) on likely enemy possitions.
    - it very rarely possitions...and repossitions its base of fire supporting weapons in good possitions. They kind of just tag along.
    - the AI overall situational awareness is very limited as is its understanding of the terrain.
    - it does not reinforce succes or abandones failure.
    - limited vehicle - infantry cooperation.
    - it has no understanding of dangerareas but often sigg, saggs its way forward in and out of cover.
    A brunch of members here are advocating for improved scriptingtools...to be able to help the AI to perform better...but others do not agree...
    Different people wants different things I guess...but as some are suggesting...that we should aim for less micromanaging (scripting) is not very realistic imo...
    Not with the current gameengine...and since v.5 of this engine has just been annonced i doubt we will see CM3 for atleast a few years yet.
    A more selfcontrolling AI might possibly be a thing with CM3...maybe.
    But lets first work with what we have got...that is CM2...
    Improved scripting seems far more realistic to me atleast...hopefully we will get some with v.5.
    Playing as the defender is...fun afterall. If faced by a decent advisary.
    Even if that is not a human.
  3. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from ThePhantom in More centralised AI-groups for better game play   
    Another small example 😎
    Situation...a german rifle platoon supported by an HMG, a medium mortar and a Stummel halftrack.
    Put all these units in one AI group and have them adance....the result will not be pretty !
    On the other hand if the rifle platoon could be its own AI group (or even two) and the HMG, mortar and halftrack where placed in seperate AI groups...
    - The mortarteam could provide indirect HE fire at the desired time and locations as the platoon advances...
    - the HMG could be made to occupy good base of fire possitions and provide both suppretionfire (areafire) as well as engaging spotted enemies. And then move forward at desired times.
    - simularely the Stummel could be held back and provide direct fire HE using both areafire as well as targeting spotted enemies...advancing carefully behind the infantry using shoot and scoot tactics...
    The difference in AI performance between using one or multiple AI groups in the example above would be...night and day 😊
    I realize that very few designes will ever put these units into one single AI group even now...but it kind of shows the difference between one and multiple groups
  4. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from FredLW in Fire and Rubble Update   
    The way i see it is...Combat Mission is a TACTICAL SIMULATOR...
    The majority of the other, prettier games are TACTICAL GAMES...
    What I wan't to play is a....
    That's why i'm here 😊...
  5. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Fire and Rubble Update   
    The way i see it is...Combat Mission is a TACTICAL SIMULATOR...
    The majority of the other, prettier games are TACTICAL GAMES...
    What I wan't to play is a....
    That's why i'm here 😊...
  6. Like
    Glubokii Boy reacted to benpark in Requesting small changes in the AI interface   
    Good thinking. Many of these are already suggestions that are previously logged as things that would be helpful, and make the single-player experience as "human" as possible- I'll add anything we may have missed to the list, as AI stuff is very (very) high on my own hopes for adds.
  7. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Macisle in Fire and Rubble Update   
    The way i see it is...Combat Mission is a TACTICAL SIMULATOR...
    The majority of the other, prettier games are TACTICAL GAMES...
    What I wan't to play is a....
    That's why i'm here 😊...
  8. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from quakerparrot67 in Fire and Rubble Update   
    The way i see it is...Combat Mission is a TACTICAL SIMULATOR...
    The majority of the other, prettier games are TACTICAL GAMES...
    What I wan't to play is a....
    That's why i'm here 😊...
  9. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from John1966 in Fire and Rubble Update   
    The way i see it is...Combat Mission is a TACTICAL SIMULATOR...
    The majority of the other, prettier games are TACTICAL GAMES...
    What I wan't to play is a....
    That's why i'm here 😊...
  10. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from MikeyD in Fire and Rubble Update   
    The way i see it is...Combat Mission is a TACTICAL SIMULATOR...
    The majority of the other, prettier games are TACTICAL GAMES...
    What I wan't to play is a....
    That's why i'm here 😊...
  11. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Commanderski in Fire and Rubble Update   
    The way i see it is...Combat Mission is a TACTICAL SIMULATOR...
    The majority of the other, prettier games are TACTICAL GAMES...
    What I wan't to play is a....
    That's why i'm here 😊...
  12. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Zloba in Recommended game for starting "small" and to gradually progress?   
    I would also go for CMRT...
    The basegame has some good content and there are several very high quality scenarios and campaigns made by the community ready for download.
    If you buy it now you can enjoy this basegame and the downloadable content while you wait for the Fire and Rubble module to be released.
    This module will give you the most recently designed scenarios and campaigns...Stuff that fully takes advantage of the latest gameengine updates and the improved skill and experience of th scenario designers.
    The CMBN bundle will give you lots and lots of content...but remember that many of these scenarios and campaigns were made years ago...The gameengine has evolved quite a bit since these were made. They don't take advantage of recent updates made to the scenario editor. I'm not saying that the content is bad...because it is not...but if you want to experience combat mission from its finest right away....Go for CMRT and then add the F&R module to that ones it is released in a few weeks.
    The F&R module will show of the game at its best 😎
  13. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Zloba in Recommended game for starting "small" and to gradually progress?   
    Besides the CM tutorial manual...these tutorials and guides tends to be usful for a beginner 😎
  14. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Commanderski in Welcome to 2021!   
    It would be kind of neat if you could have a building fortrification kit as a unit... to be deployed in the setup face of the scenario simply by clicking on the desired building....to turn it into a fortrified area.
  15. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Welcome to 2021!   
    It would be kind of neat if you could have a building fortrification kit as a unit... to be deployed in the setup face of the scenario simply by clicking on the desired building....to turn it into a fortrified area.
  16. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from The Steppenwulf in Welcome to 2021!   
    It would be kind of neat if you could have a building fortrification kit as a unit... to be deployed in the setup face of the scenario simply by clicking on the desired building....to turn it into a fortrified area.
  17. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Zloba in Recommended game for starting "small" and to gradually progress?   
    Aleast when i bought the games (at release) they came with the game engine manual as well as a short manual describing the new units that came with that particular game.
    Pretty much everything you need to know is covered in the game engine manual.
  18. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Sandokan in Welcome to 2021!   
    Check out the last page in Elvis AAR in the RT forum...
  19. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Recommended game for starting "small" and to gradually progress?   
    Besides the CM tutorial manual...these tutorials and guides tends to be usful for a beginner 😎
  20. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Freyberg in Welcome to 2021!   
    It would be kind of neat if you could have a building fortrification kit as a unit... to be deployed in the setup face of the scenario simply by clicking on the desired building....to turn it into a fortrified area.
  21. Like
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from The Steppenwulf in Welcome to 2021!   
    Check out the last page in Elvis AAR in the RT forum...
  22. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Welcome to 2021!   
    Yes...this is the feature i would like to see expanded on...to include off-map assets and the ability to chose between smoke and HE.
    It will give the scenariodesigners the controll they need to program some decent AI artillery activity.
    And the fact that the designers gets controll of the AI artillery does not have to mean that every AI artiillery barrage in every scenario has to be perfect...
    Via the use of triggerzones and the actuall locations of the areafire target zones the designer can mix good with bad AI firemissions as he sees fit. 😊
  23. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Bubba883XL in Book Recommendations!!!   
    I have also veen reading quite alot this last year...and the more you read...the more intresting it gets 😁...
    I'm currently reading a series of books by...
    Valeriy Zamulin
    Covering the battle of Kursk.
    All I can say is WOW !!! 
    I'm totaly blow away by the quality of these books...they are amazing...the best books i have read so far...the research, his level of knowlede and his ability to 'share' it is outstanding.
    I have currently read:
    - Battle of Kursk, controversial and neglected aspects
    - The forgotten battles of the Kursk sailent, 7th guards armys stand against army detachment Kent
    I have also ordered:
    - Demolishing the myth, the tankbattle at Prokhorovka
    It shall recieve it the next week...and will dive straight in 😊
    I belive that he is currently working on two more books covering the planning and preparations for the campaign...
    Those will also end up in my 'library' ones released.
  24. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from grungar in Recommended game for starting "small" and to gradually progress?   
    What i would suggest when starting out...
    Learn the ins and outs of setting up QB battles. Here you can quickly pick your desired forces as well as the terrain (map) to fight on.
    You can start as small as you like and for learning purposes i suggest that you pick both your own and the AI forces...remember you don't have to use all the points avaliable to 'purchase' units...
    If you want to...you can pick a single platoon on your side and a single squad on the enemy side....to start with.
    Use these QB battles to try out any units you like to experiment with...and gradually increase the side of both forces.
    I would further suggest to play these QB 'traning battles' both vs the AI and also HOTSEAT against youself. Playing hotseat against youself will allow you to see what effekt various weapons have against various targets at various distances and in various terrains.
    It will further give you a feel for how FOG works in the game...what you will be able to see of the enemy and when.
    Among other things I find these QB battles very quick and easy to set up to test how the various tanks stacks up vs eachother...
    What kind of suppretion...and killingpower will the various weapons have...
    What can i expect from the artillery of various calliber against various targets..
    And welcome to the game...I belive you will become 'stuck' here...😁
  25. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Lucky_Strike in Book Recommendations!!!   
    I have also veen reading quite alot this last year...and the more you read...the more intresting it gets 😁...
    I'm currently reading a series of books by...
    Valeriy Zamulin
    Covering the battle of Kursk.
    All I can say is WOW !!! 
    I'm totaly blow away by the quality of these books...they are amazing...the best books i have read so far...the research, his level of knowlede and his ability to 'share' it is outstanding.
    I have currently read:
    - Battle of Kursk, controversial and neglected aspects
    - The forgotten battles of the Kursk sailent, 7th guards armys stand against army detachment Kent
    I have also ordered:
    - Demolishing the myth, the tankbattle at Prokhorovka
    It shall recieve it the next week...and will dive straight in 😊
    I belive that he is currently working on two more books covering the planning and preparations for the campaign...
    Those will also end up in my 'library' ones released.
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