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Glubokii Boy

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Everything posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. IIRC the few videos avaliable on Youtube are pretty much only teaching 'the basics'....To get a bit more indepth advice... The two tutorials mentioned by Combatintman would be a good place to start imo if you are new to AI-plans...and the manual offcourse. Other then that...there are a few great tips scattered all around these forums regarding some more 'advanced' AI-planning...but nothing really put togehter in a single thread as far as i know. Experience...That's whats makes a good AI-planner Start simple...get the basics down...and then experiment...try different things and see what happens...What works and what doesn't. When doing these experiments...and a specific situation comes up that you are unable to find a solutiuon to...ask a 'specific' question...here (maybe) Is it possible to do this ?, i can't get this to work...what am i doing wrong ? any good tips for getting the AI to do this ? etc I'm sure the scenariodesigning pros will chip in and give some good advice...It's not so easy to 'write down' Everything that makes a good AI-plan just like that in a single post... Ask away...specific questions...ones you have the basics down...and i'm sure you will get good specific answers...
  2. I wounder if the scale will be of much use for CM-mapdesign...From looking at the maplist many of the maps seems to be of pretty large scale... GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS INTRODUCTION Map 1: The European Theater of Operations - June 1944 to May 1945 Map 2: The Strategic Debate - 1942-44 Map 3: Precursors to Overlord - 1942-44 Map 4: German Assessment of Allied Divisions in the UK - May 31, 1944 Map 5: The Atlantic Wall in France - 1944 CHAPTER 1: THE INVASION FRONT, JUNE 6, 1944 Map 6: Routes to the D-Day Invasion Beaches Map 7: Naval Bombardment on D-Day Map 8: Western Task Force's Assault on D-Day Map 9: German Defenses on the Cotentin Peninsula - June 6, 1944 Map 10: US Airborne Landings - June 6, 1944 Map 11: Utah Beach - June 6-7, 1944 Map 12: Pointe du Hoc - June 6, 1944 Map 13: Assault Landing Plan, Western Side, Omaha Beach Map 14: German Defenses on Omaha Beach Map 15: D-Day Operations on Omaha Beach - June 6, 1944 Map 16: The Eastern Task Force Map 17: German Defenses on Gold Beach Map 18: Gold Beach on D-Day Map 19: German Defenses on Juno Beach Map 20: The Canadians at Juno Beach Map 21: German Defenses on Sword Beach Map 22: British 6th Airborne Division Landings Map 23: Amphibious Landings on Sword Beach Map 24: The British Lodgment Area - Night, June 6, 1944 CHAPTER 2: THE BATTLE FOR FRANCE, JUNE-AUGUST 1944 Map 25: The Battle for Carentan - June 10-13, 1944 Map 26: Cutting off the Cotentin - June 10-18, 1944 Map 27: Festung Cherbourg Map 28: The Advance on Cherbourg - June 19-21, 1944 Map 29: The Attack on Cherbourg - June 22-26, 1944 Map 30: First Allied Moves on Caen Map 31: Villers-Bocage - June 12-14, 1944 Map 32: Planned Panzer Offensive, June 22, 1944 Map 33: Operation Epsom - June 25-30, 1944 Map 34: Railway Interdiction on the Normandy Front - June 1944 Map 35: Operation Charnwood and the Capture of Caen Map 36: The Battle of the Hedgerows Begins - July 3-11, 1944 Map 37: German Hedgerow Defenses - July 1944 Map 38: The Battle for St-Lô - July 14-20, 1944 Map 39: Operation Goodwood - July 18, 1944 Map 40: Strategic Situation in Normandy - July 2-24, 1944 Map 41: The Operation Cobra Plan Map 42: Operation Cobra Breakthrough - July 25-30, 1944 Map 43: Operation Bluecoat - July 30, 1944 Map 44: On the Eve of Breakout - July 31, 1944 Map 45: Race into Brittany - August 1944 Map 46: Operation Lüttich - August 7, 1944 Map 47: Operation Totalize, Phase I - August 7-8, 1944 Map 48: Operation Totalize, Phase II - August 8-11, 1944 Map 49: Operation Tractable - August 14-16, 1944 Map 50: The Strategic Situation in Normandy in Early August 1944 Map 51: The German Predicament - August 16, 1944 Map 52: The Collapse of the Falaise Pocket - August 18-19, 1944 Map 53: Closing the Falaise Pocket - August 18-21, 1944 Map 54: The US Army Advance to the Seine - August 19-24, 1944 Map 55: The Advance on Paris - August 23-24, 1944 Map 56: Operation Dragoon - August 15, 1944 Map 57: The Rhône Triangle - August 20-25, 1944 Map 58: Liberation of Marseilles - August 20-27, 1944 Map 59: The Pursuit to Lyon - August 29 to September 3, 1944 Map 60: The German Rout in France - August 1944 CHAPTER 3: THE BATTLES ALONG THE GERMAN FRONTIER, SEPTEMBER-DECEMBER 1944 Map 61: The Void: Pursuit to the German Frontier - August 26 to September 11, 1944 Map 62: Clearing the Channel Ports - September 1944 Map 63: Airborne Options - June-September 1944 Map 64: Operation Market Garden: the Plan Map 65: German Dispositions in the Netherlands - September 16, 1944 Map 66: 101st Airborne Division Landings - September 17-18,1944 Map 67: 82nd Airborne Division Landings - September 17-18, 1944 Map 68: The Arnhem Landing Plan - September 17, 1944 Map 69: The Advance of XXX Corps on Hell's Highway - September 17-25, 1944 Map 70: The End at Arnhem Bridge - September 20-25, 1944 Map 71: The End of Market Garden - September 26, 1944 Map 72: The Strategic Debate - Autumn 1944 Map 73: Westwall Defenses in the Aachen Sector Map 74: The First Battle of Aachen: Stolberg Corridor - September 12-29, 1944 Map 75: Aachen: the Northern Attack - October 2-8, 1944 Map 76: The Battle for Aachen - October 7-20, 1944 Map 77: The Hürtgen Forest - October-December 1944 Map 78: Operation Queen: XIX Corps - November 16 to December 9, 1944 Map 79: The Final Push: VII Corps Reaches the Roer - December 10-16, 1944 Map 80: Conflicting Plans in Lorraine - September 1944 Map 81: Third US Army along the Moselle - September 5-11, 1944 Map 82: XII Corps Bridgeheads near Nancy - September 1944 Map 83: Lorraine: the Strategic Situation - September 25, 1944 Map 84: Encirclement of Metz - November 9-19, 1944 Map 85: Operation Madison - November 8 to December 19, 1944 Map 86: 6th Army Group's Advance on the Rhine - November 14 to December 16, 1944 Map 87: Opening the Scheldt - October 6 to November 3, 1944 Map 88: Clearing the Scheldt: Operation Infatuate Map 89: The Fall of Walcheren - November 3-8, 1944 Map 90: Red Ball Express - September 1944 to February 1945 Map 91: Autumn Frustrations - September 15 to December 15, 1944 CHAPTER 4: THE ARDENNES CAMPAIGN, DECEMBER 1944 TO JANUARY 1945 201 Map 92: The Strategic Situation - December 16, 1944 Map 93: Initial Attacks of 6.Panzer-Armee - December 16-19, 1944 Map 94: Kampfgruppe Peiper - December 20-25, 1944 Map 95: Destruction of 106th Infantry Division - December 16-19, 1944 Map 96: The Defense of St-Vith Map 97: Attack in the Center: 5.Panzer-Armee vs. the 28th Division Map 98: Attack in the South: 7.Armee vs. XII Corps Map 99: Bastogne - December 19-23, 1944 Map 100: Patton's Relief of Bastogne - December 22-26, 1944 Map 101: Eliminating the Bulge - January 3-28, 1945 Map 102: Operation Nordwind - December 31, 1944 Map 103: Operation Sonnenwende - January 5-12, 1945 Map 104: The Battle of Haguenau - January 6-21, 1945 Map 105: Operation Cheerful: Strangling the Colmar Pocket - January 19 to February 9, 1945 CHAPTER 5: BATTLES FOR THE ROER AND RHINE, FEBRUARY-MARCH 1945 Map 106: Allied Plans following the Battle of the Bulge - February 1945 Map 107: West-Stellung - February 1945 Map 108: Operation Veritable - February 8, 1945 Map 109: Operation Blockbuster - February 1945 Map 110: Operation Grenade - February 23 to March 10, 1945 Map 111: Closing on the Rhine - February 8 to March 10, 1945 CHAPTER 6: ENDGAME AGAINST THE THIRD REICH, APRIL-MAY 1945 Map 112: The Strategic Situation in the West - March 1945 Map 113: The Rhine Rat Race - March 12-21, 1945 Map 114: The Rhine Crossings in the South - March 22-28, 1945 Map 115: Operation Plunder - March 23-24, 1945 Map 116: Operation Varsity - March 24, 1945 Map 117: Operation Flashpoint - March 24, 1945 Map 118: Breakout from Remagen - March 25-28, 1945 Map 119: The Strategic Situation - March 28, 1945 Map 120: Encircling the Ruhr - March-April 1945 Map 121: Reduction of the Ruhr Pocket - April 1-18, 1945 Map 122: The Liberation of the Netherlands - April-May, 1945 Map 123: Advance into Northern Germany - April-May 1945 Map 124: Advance to the Elbe - April 1945 Map 125: Advance in the South - April 24 to May 11, 1945 Map 126: The Final Campaign in Germany - April-May 1945 Map 127: Hitler's Last Defenses in France - 1944-45 FURTHER READING
  3. Are you looking in the right place ? That is... User/Documents/Battlefront
  4. I Think this is his latest post... "I am happy to hear all that Steve said. My worries that the battlefront guys got busted with a mistress and their spouse's lawyers took away the company are proven false. I will continue my CM hibernation for several more years and hope to emerge to see some new modules. No different from when I went into hibernation after CMAK and never emerged until well after CMBN came out. " Posted october 11, 2017
  5. I belive Kohlenklau has taken a 'time-out'-period from CM... He did a lot a work for the comunity and sort of hit the wall i'm afraid... I have not seen him around since he made that statement...Hopefully he will be back soon.
  6. What does your set-up zones look like ? Could you perhaps post a screenshot showing them ? Is turn 1 bombardment allowed in this fight ? If so...Are you concerned about a linear barrage hitting your frontline hedgerow ? That could be painful. Maybe your opponent don't considder waisting artillery on a 'chans' target is a good idea...but if he does...and get's it right...ouuchh !
  7. Maybe the 'densety' of the terrain plays a part...Tall grass you will be able to see through...crop-terrain is a bit more dense and does not allow for this quite so easily (perhaps)... What happens if you increase the depth of the tall grass...Extend the tall grass field by adding something like 10 to 15 additional tiles to that field in the direction of the spotter.... If they are looking OVER the grass it should really not matter...but if they are looking THROUGH it...it should ! LOS ought to be blocked by such a wide field...
  8. From 1700 meters (or is it 1200 ?) i wounder if the spotters a looking OVER the terrain (crop, tall grass) to be able to see the GROUND on the immidiate other side of the obstruction or are they looking THROUGH it...?
  9. Surely a HMG crew would be able to withdraw a MG42 (even when mounted on a tripod) by hand without having to un-pack it if they find themself in a acutely dangerous situation... They would also be able to do a shoot n scoot move on a hill if desired without using any additional equipment i belive...carry it forward...carry it back. It is not that terribly heavy...is it ? A truck would hardly increase concealment etc... But maybe under some specific conditions it might be a good idea...
  10. Looking at the OBSTACLE TEMPLATE it seems like the scenario designer have included a rather large amount of 'gap-tiles' and other openings in the bocage... It does not look like movement will be all that restricted...atleast not for infantry...armour might be a bit more restricted though...lots of gates around but they look a bit tricky...providing a way in...but perhaps not out.
  11. Maybe you will find something useful in this thread...dealing with a related topic...
  12. This would be my advice also... Hopefully one of the more skilled real time players will pop in here and give you some more specific advice on playing RT...but please give WEGO a try... RT in larger battles tends to become somewhat of a click-fest...atleast for me...
  13. Would additional playtesters speed things up do you think ? testing the patch, scenarios, (new features ?)...etc If so... maybe BFC could make an annoncement stating that they would apprisiate some additional help with the development process... There are probably atleast a few guys on these forums that would be willing to lend a hand...Even if the work would have to be 'for free'... Or...Maybe these volunteers could recieve a free copy of the game/module of their choise as a small - thank you.
  14. We need a bit of both i guess...if everyone is quiet, content and patient...that has a tendancy to SLOW progress... Eastern block car design during the cold war comes to mind ...A lot of 'content' car buyers (not willingly perhaps...but still)...resulting in perhaps not the greatest leaps in car development ever seen... A bad comparison perhaps...i know But we need 'whiners' also...everyone can not be a 'good example' imo...A Little bit of demand, preasure and nagging never hurt any company i belive
  15. Ok...That is cool... It's just that we are eager for some NEWs...as always It's been a while now...
  16. He may not be 'lost'...but is he still with the Company ? A while back (maybe a year...i don't quite recall) It was mentioned that Phil had left the Company to start working on other things... As far as i remember it was an official annoncement (maybe not from Steve himself)...and was discussed quite a bit as i recall.
  17. Pretty much a waisted effort imo... A few paintings on the walls and 2d furniture does not really improve things much... I don't think you will be able to get any 3d stuff in there...atleast not something that effects LOS/LOF and protection... The fighting inside buildings are pretty highly abstracted IIRC... Anyhow...Thanks for your effort to try and improve the game
  18. some good map designing tips in these videos and i agree...A well designed map with attention to detail is much apprisiated ! A brilliant map can not save a poorly designed scenario but a very good map most certanly increase the intrest in- and enjoyment of a well made scenario imo... If the designer has the needed time and energy to devote to a highly detailed map...It most certanly is worth it...Just look at GeorgeMcs maps for example...WOW !!!
  19. me too... In the past 4 years i have lost both my parents (way to early) to this fuc..ng thing. It is not pretty Hope you will be able to deal with it in an OK way...
  20. I confess... I have been trying to quit for years...You get the wierdest sideeffects...uumphf, uurf "whats that pink Pz IV doing in my livingroom", "iirk, uurg..." "ooohhgf ! Look !!!... there's a 25 year old blond in my bed !! " , "aaahhh, oohh...NO, NO NO...Come back !!!!" "please...."
  21. How right you are... Do you see this BFC ? I'm sure IanL is a... somewhat olderish guy (that is...a man that might not get all that many presents any more on his big day...) Let's make this guy a happy man on his birthday by releasing some new stuff for him to enjoy...shall we ?
  22. How's this for a speculation... In BrotherSurplice AAR-thread - "Sabres at Dawn AAR - BrotherSurplice vs Rinaldi (H2H)" over in the Shock Force 1 forum Bil Hardenberger hinted today at the possibility that he would start a new AAR-thread very shortely. Hopefully this will feature one of the soon to be realed modules. This got me thinking...perhaps it will be the CMRT module "that will take us to the end of the war"...A few weeks of some nice reading and then perhaps a release of the module on... ...why not..the 8th of may. Seems like a good day for such a release... This got me thinking some more...It's been a long time since we have seen any new releases from BFC and they have stated that they are working on several projects at the same time now and that these projects are making good progress...Releasing all these projects within a short timeframe will not be a problem they said... I know whats going on now !!! They have completed the CMRT-module "that will take us to the end of the war". They have completed the CMFI-module "that will take us to the end of the war" and they have also managed to squiz in a little surprise...a CMFB module "that will take us to the end of the war"... And they will release all three of these modules on the 8th of may in a special VE-day bonus bundle !!! Would'nt that be nice ?
  23. Ahha ! might this be a little teaser for some long awaited information on the upcomming releases...I hope so
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