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Glubokii Boy

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Everything posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. I think this would be a very clever way forward. Especially if they can squeeze in VE-day and commonwealth forces into one module. Having a russo/allied continuation war as a second module for CMFB would sell like hotcake !
  2. I doubt that the allies would start a conflict with the russians in 1946 but perhaps the ruskies would be a bit more agressive ...If the russians did try to expand the communist ideas further west i'm sure they would have gotten the same treatment as the japanese...A nuke or two ! End of conflict... But if BFC decided to make this possible...I would be more then happy to 'forgett' about the american nukes...Let the conflict begin ! An east-west war in 1946 would be very cool indeed. And Fulda gap...any timeframe....yes,yes,yes...bring it on...
  3. I think that very few of the peolpe here that ask for additinal content for CMSFII does so with a negative frame of mind... I'm pretty sure that almost all of us Think that this update-idea of CMSF that BFC is currently working on is a brilliant one...and we truely are apprisiative ! What i think most people actually mean when they ask for more content is something like this... By updating CMSF BFC have done a huge amount of work and will get fairly Little in excange for it (moneyvise..) Why not expand on it ? They have a top class 'basegame' already done (almost)...Why not continue on this work by adding a few modules down the line ? adding extra formation packs...etc. Charging full price for the modules/packs to 'help' pay for all the work they have put into the basegame... Leaving it as a basegame only...they will miss out on an oppertunity to get some Money-in... The intrest is there (i'm pretty sure) for additional content to CMSFII among us 'the players'
  4. Sorry ! for not following the main theme for this thread...purely elite/special forces... I just wanted to jump in and say that maybe an option could be to not just limit it to a special forces pack... The number of such forces seems to be a bit limited (on the plus side it would obviously go faster to crank such a pack out...) But as an alternative...Maybe release a somewhat larger pack (maybe module). One that would also include some second line germans like zinzan mentioned and perhaps also partisans, french forces etc partisans could be a good addition here for example...
  5. Maybe this is the best option when it comes to 'wish-listings' with regards to new theatres... Maybe BFC already have to many game-famelies going at the same time right now. The waiting time to get new content for a specific family is quite long right now. Perhaps the best thing would be...No new Theatres for a while...Let BFC finish of some of the older famelies first... CMBN is pretty much finished as far as basegames/modules goes (i guess). CMFI have only one module left to go...and that to will be finished...Hopefully CMFB will only need one module (to VE-day, commonwealth) to be pretty finished...Mayby two modules (hopefully one !). That only leaves future battlepacks for those titles...leaving BFC to concentrate on CMRT (several basegames and modules) and also perhap additional content to CMSFII andf CMBS... With a few of the old famelies ticked off...Maybe then it would be a good idea to wish for additional ones...
  6. I guess if the entire pacific war could be included in ONE release (base game) it could be a good Selling Product...but... that would most likely not be the case. The Pacific war would need to be divided into atleast one base game and a number of modules i guess...perhaps even more then one base game... to cover the entire conflict...The early war, The late war, The US army, the US marines, The commonwealth forces...etc...The chinese... Would each part of this conflict be intresting enough to sell enough copies ? Not so sure...
  7. Please disregard this... I missread your post and thought that you would use a MOD to design CMBN and CMRT scenarios for CMFB....but that was not what you wrote...i see now...
  8. That is indeed BFCs intention as far as i know...It will most likely take a while though as other 'addons' (modules) and full games are currently being worked on. I'm sorry...but this is not a good idea...Most peolpe BUYS those games also and because of this there will hardly be any players that will be intrested in designing a CMBN or CMRT scenario using a MOD for CMFB. You will not have any scenarios to play...unless you design them your self.... If you start with buying CMFB i'm sure you will like it and further down the line you will also buy the full CMBN, CMFI and CMRT games...They are well Worth the investment !
  9. I guess this might part of the reason that BFC might be a bit hesitant to include this... In worst case scenarios...it could lead to some very wierd looking squads if the designer/ QB players freedom gets to large when it comes to chosing the set-up of a particular force... I don't Think it would be all that bad though (especially when it comes to scenario design)...I think most designers would try to keep the units fairly 'correct' even if we are given an increased degree of freedom here... The vast majority here i'm sure loves the CM-games to a large degree because of the realism and historical accuracy of the game...One that is seconed by NONE ! Why mess this up ? But having the ability to make some small changes to the load outs and chosen weapons down to squad level...Would be nice ..
  10. Nice idea with the scout team... I usually do the same... It's a bit of a pity that we can't attach individual teams directly to the squads...but attaching them to the platoon HQ is good enough imo...
  11. I don't know how common this was IRL during WW2...But we don't really see that many scenarios that includes additional breach teams...In many scenarios it might be an intentional decision made by the scenario designer to up the difficulty level a notch by leaving them out... but if they where commonly used IRL during WW2 i think it could be a good idea to include them more frequently in the game also...
  12. As usual with these kind of questinons...I would say that the biggest question is...what settings do YOU prefer ? The western front ? or the Eastern front ? As far as quality goes i would say that the two games are fairly equal if you include both stock and comunity made stuff... Kampfgruppe Peiper (CMFB) have been highly praised in the comments on these forums...So have Kampfgruppe von Schroif (CMRT) for example... Both games obviously include far more content then these two Campaigns but as far as quality goes if feel that they are fairly equal...CMFB is a newer game and the stock scenario designers learns new tricks with every release they make but CMRT have had far more content released post release compared to CMFB. What is yor prefrence...CMRT will give you an entirely new country to play with...entirely new units...etc. CMFB is a continuation of the fighting between the americans and the germans on the western front...It will not give you as a unique experience as CMRT will...but if the western front 'lights your fire' to a greater degree then the east does...I'd say...go for CMFB ! If you do not strongly prefer the wetsren front...Go for CMRT !...Way more scenarios and Campaigns to chose from. An entirely new country. A new CMRT module is about to be released soon. CMFB is in for a longer wait it seems...
  13. If you are currently working on a new map i to would recomend using the ditch-lock feature... It creates somewhat more usable (deeper) ditches along the roads and looks quite nice. With ditches like these you could also add whatever vegitation types you wish to be included in the ditches to further increase concealment and variation etc. On larger maps this will require quite a bit of work though...especially if the map itself includes many elevation Changes... Another alternative (with V4.0) might be to use the - stream - terrain tile along the roads...as seen in the first picture of the stickied 'naughty or nice'-thread in the general forum. A bit easier to use i guess but the ditches does not seem to get quite as deep and steep as ditch-lock.
  14. Hello... From one of the CMFB Campaigns...One of the larger city battles i know of.... It's a rather long AAR though...
  15. true... But my MAIN concern with this applies more to the WW2 titles if this 'demo team' capability is copied to those games...
  16. A cool feature... But maybe there will need to be some kind of limitation when it comes to H2H QBs as to how many 'bridge blowing' units one side can buy (afford)... If the defending side will be able to buy a significant number of such units they might be able to render entire maps inpassable simply by blowing up the bridges. Not ideal ! as we have no way of reparing-/creating new crossing Points...
  17. I wish BFC could find a way to bring back the - hit chans, penetration chans - popup from CM1. I know this has been discussed before and that there seems to be some kind of a problem with bringing this feature into CM2...but it would be a nice thing to have... Especially for beginners it would be a nice tool to use to get a feeling for the kill capability, survivability of various equipment.
  18. I'm very much looking forward to seeing what the skilled scenario designers will be able to produce using the full V4.0 features. The difference between the original CMSF and V4.0 is pretty significant... These improvements are well worth the cost imo... In addition to the stock scenarios i'm sure we will se a bunch of very nice comunity-made scenarios coming our way shortly after release...
  19. Thanks for the bone._.Looking forward to the game /merry christmas
  20. But a christmas-bone (tomorrow ?) would be a very nice present to get.
  21. I'm sure this will be another jewel in the CMRT campaign folder._. Very much looking forward to this one.._will it include simular 'story telling' as your brilliant - kampfgruppe von Schroif - campaign ? I really liked that feature Many thanks for your hard work !
  22. Yes.._good thread ! In a scenario you have to play with what the scenario designer gives you but in a QB...What would be the best set-up to add some dedicated recon units ( non vehicle mounted ) to a battalion\ battalion - sized force that does not have any organic recon units in the formation ? I was thinking._.Use an organic weapons platoon._.Delete all the attached units ( perhaps keep a machine gun or mortar team if you would like some heavy weapons to support the recon teams ) and then attach a number of recon teams to this HQ._.Perhaps rename it to recon platoon... To replace the original heavy weapons from this platoon buy new ones as individual teams and attach them to platoon or company HQs as prefered... Having the recon teams asigned to an organic weapons platoon means no need for a liason guy and a platoon HQ could be right up there with the recon troops to provide both C2 and a boost to moral and suppretion recovery if the troops comes under fire...If the recon teams were asigned to the battalion HQ directly and that battalion HQ remained back at the CP then both C2 and any HQ bonus would be lost... Does this sound about correct ? is there a better way to do this if you want to use dedicated recon units within a force that does not have them organically asigned ?
  23. I guess IRL they would be but it seems like you will need to keep the company hq in the game._.To have them share the info If this is the case then it will be something for scenario designers to keep in mind.._
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