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Glubokii Boy

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Everything posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. hello... A few observations/thoughts... - Although i'm pretty certain that swamps could be found at different eleveations i do belive that the terrain of the actual swamps will need to be fairly level. Looking at your last pictures it seems as if the map is slooping a fair bit to the left (even the swamp areas) ....I may very well be wrong about this though...but slooping swamps looks a bit strange to me. - A bit of vegitation in- and around the larger swamps might be a good idea...not to much...but a few bloobs of small trees and some bushes maybe. - Maybe a few scattered, small trees/bushes along the left road in the wider areas... These would be my suggestions...something to considder
  2. That's depressing to read... After god knows how many hours of work that have gone into this one and not a single word from the 'downloaders'...ooouch ! I'm afraid that personally i'm unable to provide any feedback at the moment. I'm struggeling with getting my 'old' computer up and running again after having some problems.with it. I have reinstalled Windows (windows 10 instead of the previous windows 7) and Everything seems to be working fine except on thing...The bloody windows keeps overwriting my Nvidia drivers and change back to CPU Graphics cars (i think). This is prohibbiting me from playing any CM games right now I have been googeling about this and there is an issuie with Nvidia cards and windows 10 apparently...I have tried all the tweaks i can find on Youtube but no luck so far... I will have to take my machine to the local computerstore and see if they can fix it...but they are closed for holidays right now... Ones i get everything up and running your scenarios is on the top of my list to be played and i will submit a report of the battle... /RepsolCBR
  3. My suggestion would be to load some of the stock CMRT scenarios into the editor and have a look at what kind of trees the 'pro' designers used... And as a personal prefrence atleast...Try to mix the trees somewhat...Don't use only one type of tree all over the forrest...That looks a bit 'cartoony'/ boring imo... Even if its a pine forrest...some variaty would be welcome... A Little something i found... Good luck with the scenario ! Good initiativ to get cracking with this..
  4. I do not recall this particular scenario ( i might not have played it even ) but i think this describes fairly well what can happen when the AI is left a bit to much in controll... Things are quite random...sometimes they work...sometimes they don't ! When using larger AI groups (or perhaps better put...AI groups with multiple units) combined with decent sized/split-up order locations things gets very tricky and unintuetive imo when it comes to designing good (and consistantly working) AI-plans. Like Imperial Grunt explained above ( if i understand correctly )...both options worked as intended SOMETIMES ! - Using a split-up orderlocation with multiple seperate tiles...Worked sometimes when the AI decided to spread the AI groups units in a good way onto the 'painted tiles'... Next time the AI may not be quite so 'clever'...but rather decide to squize several of the AI groups units into one ( or a few ) of 'the painted tiles' Resulting in the failed AI movement described by Rocketman... This seems to be completally random...No way of knowing how the AI will handle the next order location in 'this' playthrough... - Using a large (connected) orderlocation will see the same problem...As mentioned by Imperial Grunt. Sometimes the AI may decide to spead the AI-groups units out in a clever way inside the order location...Next time it might not but rather decide to bunch them all together in a corner of the orderlocation....No way of knowing...and no consistancy at all... I'm sorry for nagging about this ( i have mentioned it before in other threads ) but i think that we really need more AI-groups (32)... In this particular scenario it might not have been a lack of AI groups that made the designer decide for these types of AI-groups but some other reasons (i don't know)... I'm not saying that every scenario should have every single vehicle or every single infantry squad as a seperate AI group...but having the option to reduce the size of the AI-groups would be an amazing improvement imo... It would for example give the designer far better controll of an advancing armour platoon if each tank (or pair of tanks) could be a seperate AI-group... Better timing...better movement...better possitions... and ABOVE ALL...CONSISTANT AI-BEHAVIOR... There would be no more zig-zagging forward amongst the platoon while advancing through multiple order locations...No more bunching up ( atleast more seldom, hopefully) There would be no more random AI placement at the order locations...Each individual tank could be made to find the best possible ( according to the designer ) location at each seperate oder location...etc... The benefits of more AI-groups are many !, many ! , many !.... And scenario designing would bennefit greatly from it...The AI would become way more intelegent...A very, very GOOD thing i think. Please, please...Can we have more of these... 'little beatiful groups'... /RepsolCBR
  5. I think that shock force (1) was considdered pretty much a finished game family (as far as modules goes)... I wounder if the same will be the case with CMSF2 or if we can expect some additional modules.... I mean...this desert setting can be used in a wide variety of scenarios... Additional modules like... - REGULAR IRANIAN FORCES - with a fictional conflict over there... - IRAQI - ALLIED FORCES set at either of the 2 wars timeframe - Maybe some afganistan settings...
  6. If for no other reason... the scenario editor have evolved quite a bit from the early days when the first CMBN campaigns where being made... Inclution of triggers, more AI-Groups (IIRC) among other things permits easier creation of well made scenarios. Better scenario editor combined with more experienced scenario designers results in better scenarios in later products. I'm looking forward to see what the guys can do with the V 4.0 engine in the upcomming campaigns for CMFI and CMRT
  7. It has been my experience lately that the number one reason for rude- , unpolite behavior on these forums starts when someone complains about some part of the game that they feel is working poorly or is missing altogether and others disagree with that point of wiew. These discussions usually starts pretty civil but have a tendancy to end up with both sides being more and more unpolite in their posts as the thread goes on. The understanding of the opposit point of wiew is at times very limited.
  8. Welcome to the forums....from a neighbouring Swede
  9. I'm pretty sure they where aware of the pressence of the bocage...They just didn't realice how difficult it would be to fight there...i belive the maps where pretty accurate...
  10. Personally this is not something i would like to see included...Optinal or not. It would bring very little to the game imo and i'd much rather see BFC spend their precious time on many, many other things... This is a feature for...fantasy RTS-games imo... Thanks for the suggestion though ! Community ideas brought forward in these forums are always welcome i'm sure... Maybe other wlll like this but for me....no, no, no.
  11. This must be the reason ! I have taken part in this tradition twice...Non of them voluntarlly ...The price of failure in various friendly competiotions amongst 'the boys' during the year... Eating it is actually not the worst part...If you prepare your self with the required amount of vodka and mix the fish with potatos and other stuff and drop it into a piece of bread it is atleast somewhat eatable... The real KILLER when it comes to this Product is - the opening of the cans - That smell !!!! It is something else....
  12. The pretty much is a requirement.... and part of the tradition
  13. It does however come with an ample stock of...surströmming... A terrifying Swedish 'chemical weapon' not yet banned by the UN...
  14. I wounder wich gun is the best ? The Bofors or the Bushmasters ? Why did they put the Bushmaster on the export vehicles ? Was that a requirement by the clients perhaps ? I think the Swedish vehicles still use the 40mm...
  15. Ok... Just trying to give them a little nudge,,,
  16. A Little something i found on the tube while 'sapping' today....
  17. We are not asking for a 10 page long debate about the future and current situation that would require participation by BFC for several weeks ahead. A simple notification from battlefront to share some updated information would go a long way... A notification that could start- or end something like this.... " Hello, dear friends. We understand that you all are eager for some new information about where we currently stand when it comes to new releases and the overall situation at BFC right now. AS WE ARE ALL WORKING VERY HARD ON BRINGING YOU GUYS SOMETHING NEW TO PLAY WITH THIS UPDATE WILL BE QUITE BRIEF AND WE WILL NOT COMMENT ON THIS INFORMATION ANY FURTHER RIGHT NOW. THIS IS JUST A BRIEF NOTIFICATION TO SHOW YOU GUYS WHERE WE STAND RIGHT NOW. IT IS NOT MENT TO BE A DEBATE ABOUT FUTURE PRODUCTS. Thanks for your patience and we hope you guys understand that we are prioritizing game development right now over having a lenthy discussion on these forums... Thanks for your support ! UPDATE IS AS FOLLOWS: - bla, bla, bla - bla, bla, bla - bla, bla, bla " I'm sure most people would be very happy with somnething like that. It would not require a massive amount of time on BFC part...Would it ?
  18. Noooo...Do not reduce the price ! BFC needs every bit of money they can get...We do not need cheaper Products. We need MORE products to spend our money on ! And charging money for game engine upgrades is not 'strange'...It is a very good idea... This way we can keep our 'old' CM-games (wich we bough several years ago) up to the latest standard as the game-engine evolves...paying only a slight fee We do not need to buy a new (full-price) CMRT every other year to keep it fresh. There is no full price CMRT 2014, CMRT 2016, CMRT 2018 we need to buy A simple game Engine upgrade will do the trick... Way to go !
  19. Ahha ! thanks for explaining this... I had completally forgotten this feature. I usually don't do that terribly long bombardments unless i'm plotting some harrasing firemissions. Medium lenth ( rarely long or complete ) when i use high rate of fire. I have not really paid much attention to the rate of fire of the bombardment ones it has started... I just let the guns pound away until the firemission is complete. Time to spend some more attention on my bombardments i guess...
  20. Does the guns in CM have a large enough ammo-load for this to be a problem ?
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