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Everything posted by Seedorf81

  1. GAJ and Bill, thanks for nice (plenty) screenshots and thorough descriptions of motives, plans and doubts. Alas, I must confess that I had hoped for a more vicious and lasting battle. I think the terrain on this specific map doesn't allow for a complex "hide and seek" battle because of it's relative openness. And so I wondered; suppose Gaj had bought AT-guns instead of mortars (and maybe even in stead of his tanks)? I'm no fan of AT-guns in the game, mainly because they're mortar-magnets, but do you think that two or three of them on this map could have made a big difference?
  2. Luckily you can always save the day with c3K's usual advice !
  3. Sounds like the game doesn't allow for tanks to know what way an AT-gun points. Don't know for sure, but for any tank it would mean: AT-gun close-by is AT-gun scare, regardless of gun direction. That would explain the: "F#CK! Get the hell outta here! Smoke, smoke, SMOKE!!" reaction.
  4. Interesting site, and brings back memories of service in early eighties Dutch army. Was stationed in Germany and still remember the huge cockroaches in the mess. When one picked up shrimp crackers from rice that was just brought in, those creepy crawlers scurried away from under it, scaring the crap outta me the first time that happened. Anyway, I'm still glad I didn't have to eat the food of the Japanese army in ww2 .
  5. And I even think that code-breaking and medical care, espionage (OSS and SOE) and even war-production and logistical methods (Higgins boats, Victory ships, Dukws, Red BAll express etc.) could be categorized as forms of revolutionized WW2 weapons-technology. And look how bombing changed! I bet the list is even longer.
  6. Yes, I agree. M16 is another example for USA, but in the quote that you based your reply on, I meant that the countries Vietnam and Afghanistan (not the conflicts named after 'm) didn't have the political, financial and/or infrastructural possibilities for big weapon-developments, even though they were fighting for their existence (more or less).
  7. Nice pics, fascinated. While looking at them I nearly burned me supper!!
  8. Since those Tigers used some big shells, and they went into battle with quite a few of them, I would be pleased with pictures of where and how they were stored. But you're probably not permitted to take inside pictures?
  9. Well, I mean a real biggie of a war. US in Vietnam and USSR in Afghanistan were not real big wars in the sense of "total" war for which the entire nation is called upon. Those two wars were never meant to be that big a commitment; both US and USSR got suckered in bit by bit. Neither existence as a nation was at risk, so no "fight for life" needed and no all out efforts to survive. Vietnam nor Afghanistan had any real potential for big technological research, be it for political, financial and/or technical-infrastructural reasons. And WARPAC against NATO never took place, so it remains an ever-unanswered question if NATO's assessment "come as you are" would be right. It's possible that such a war could be over in weeks, but it is also possible that it would have become a stalemate-y thing that lasted for years. If all of the Islamic fanatics would team up and fight "The corrupted decadent west" that could be a big one. Or China vs. US, Russia vs. US, Russia vs. China, Ukraine vs. Russia or India vs. anyone for instance. Not yet, but in ten to twenty years time. Hopefully we don't get no great wars no more, but looking back at mankind's history doesn't give me the feel that "universal peace" is near. Unfortunately..
  10. Any serious war skyrockets weapon-tech development, so it isn't unlikely that the things we currently perceive as top-notch (Abrams + T90, RPG's, MLRS, and what not) will be as fast obsolete in a future war as the fore mentioned weapons (20mm, 37mm and AT-rifles) in WW2. Personally I believe that rifles are a rather archaic way of killing each other, so I expect some surprising developments in that field when a big war erupts.
  11. Muzzleflash bounces off the wall, to hot for gunner, hence the pillow. Though not a real clever solution, by the look of things.
  12. Maybe he just picked the second one up from a dead M7 GI from another squad? And he didn't have the time yet to unscrew the M7 from either Garand?
  13. I wish I had the music-rights of this "allahoeahkbar"-phrase they endlessly keep on chanting in these vids.
  14. There you go! Chin up, my good man. During this battle I'm a gerry-fan, so give 'm hell!
  15. Ehm, about those small kids and not doin' no tests no more. Don't know how closely you follow the news recently ("Dutch-Turkish relations under duress" .) but we here in Holland have some mighty fine adoptionrules!
  16. Yeah, but probably all the text, and the manual, will be in Chinese by then :eek:!
  17. Good luck, mate, I think you'll need some . BTW, probably a question that needn't be asked, but since you have three halftracks, are you sure you checked all of them for extra panzerfausts?
  18. It wouldn't surprise me at all when Iran's completion, or near-completion, of nuclear weapons is going to trigger something that defies every scenario-prediction that has been made so far. Will the USA and Israeli's use ground troops to stop the Iranian weapons production? If yes, wouldn't that blow up the entire region? What will Russia do? And how about the Chinese? In a few years time they will be probably be the most powerful nation in the world, and every previous one (Roman, Greek/Macedonian, British, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Norman, etc.) tried to expand their territory/influence with open or covert violence. Are the Chinese going to do that more openly in their own region if the USA are fighting a full-out Western-Arab war? From an historical point of view things in the real world are as exciting as the best AAR's on the Forum! Unfortunately, when the fighting really starts it ain't just nice pixeltruppen who will get hurt..
  19. 1. Market Garden (Dodge "Beep" weapon-carrier would be nice addition) 2. Battle of Bulge (With Schwimmwagen) 3. Eastern Front. (With NKVD troops!)
  20. If it was a British tank, it could have been tea-time?
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