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    BletchleyGeek reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 - Co-op AAR (Bil v IanL) Using Realism Rules   
    It is worth repeating the following Area Fire rule as it comes into play in this turn:
     Axis Alpha

    Enemy contacts:  the image above shows two enemy groupings.. the one on the right of four light armored vehicles, and on the left of a single light armored vehicle.  These contacts and the ATGMs on Objective Red were the catalyst for my planned moves, shown below:

    In the image above, note that I am withdrawing my Company HQ BMP-2 off of Blue Ridge (KT-1), at least until I see those ATGMs withdraw from their strong Objective Red position.  Also the second BTR with one squad will also be moving out of the Blue Gully and to a position where it can provide some overwatch into the Red Gully.  My Listening Post is now manned by one team and the Command Squad from the Company HQ.  The other two BTRs are shown (left of the image), one at Objective Blue where it has loaded the AT-13 team, and the other on its way to Blue to collect another team. All of the assets gathered by these BTRs will move to the Listening Post position (shown on the right of this image).
    Area Fire Type 3 
    This is an example of Area Fire Type 3, note that the Platoon HQ unit has moved back to within C2 range of the Mortar team, it also has a UI contact on Objective Red, so it satisfies the rule constraints for Area Fire Type 3 (refer to the quote at the top of this post).  Over the next few turns the mortar will drop some rounds on Objective Red and hopefully force Ian to re-position those assets, if I'm lucky it might even cause some damage.  Note that on map mortars are not considered artillery so do not have to abide by the artillery rules, unless they are being used in an indirect call for fire type mission... this will be direct fire as targeted.

    Axis Bravo
    On Axis Bravo Ian area fired at my recon squad and the farm house... this fire came from the two light vehicles on the Far Red Ridge.  From the rate of fire and the size of the impacts this fire looks like it came from something like a BMP.  I suffered one casualty in the recon squad and Ian also took down the wall in front of the farm house... luckily my forward AT Team suffered no casualties and maintained their position... the recon squad does withdraw under this fire.

  2. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to General Jack Ripper in Foxhole?   
    Try placing a foxhole on top of a hill, and then order your men to enter it. See if all of them get into the foxholes then.
    I find the vast majority of time men don't occupy foxholes, it's because there is some other terrain interaction, like going prone behind a slight rise in the ground (like the natural depression formed at the edge of that road), or the presence of bushes and trees in the space. It's just not readily apparent because the video you post is only from a top-down perspective.
  3. Like
    BletchleyGeek reacted to slysniper in Foxhole?   
    Good suggestion, I have found the same at times, but no perfect answer.
    The amount of men is also a factor as George  MC points out. But it does go beyond that and is a imperfection as to how well the game works here.
    For I have seen this same issue with trenches also, which is a little harder to explain than having enough foxholes.
    But again splitting your men into smaller groups does help and improves the units use of the terrain feature.
  4. Like
    BletchleyGeek reacted to George MC in Foxhole?   
    You seem to have five guys trying to fit into four holes. You get a better result if the number of guys fits the number of holes I've found.
  5. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Howler in 3D Texture Quality & Battle Create/Load times   
    I wasn't able to find detailed information that you reference but, yes - it's been known for a long time. Not the first time I've discovered something 'new' that might not be...
    Anyhow, the closest my search got was a response from @IanL postulating that this setting governs how many textures past two actually get loaded.
    I was surprised by the load times in BN as SF2 is always snappy with BS not being far behind on 'Best'.
    I'd appreciate your sharing of any details that you may have.
    EDIT: In retrospect, perhaps I was too hasty to disregard threads relating to Nvidia performance tweaks.
  6. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Sulomon in Combat Mission AAR: MSR Titan   
    Opfor commander here!  Yeah I did a poor job of concentrating my firepower and I allowed my forces to be destroyed piecemeal.  
  7. Like
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Aragorn2002 in Time for some bones.   
    I doubt that. You were already dead for more than 300 years by then.
  8. Like
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Aragorn2002 in Time for some bones.   
    It's almost the middle of May 2019 and it's probably fair to say the new modules for CMFI and CMRT are not around the corner yet.  The community showed remarkable patience all in all and will continue to do so in the coming months. It would however be a justified and fair gesture if BF gave us some bones, in the shape of a series of good screenshots for both modules. After all this time in development there has to be something interesting to show to us. I'm not talking about release dates or pages full of information. Just some juicy screenshots so we all know what we are waiting for and why it is worth waiting for.
    It's time for some bones, me thinks.
  9. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to MOS:96B2P in I hope this Is not a New Bug.   
    @Bulletpoint discovered the following which I'm paraphrasing:
     If the shooting unit does not spot the friendly unit, small-caliber area fire will kill friendlies. Try it out in a night battle, order your tank to machinegun some distant field and then send in some infantry. If the tank doesn't spot the infantry, the infantry will take casualties. Then order your tank to fire machineguns at friendly infantry that are very close in front of the tank. The tank can fire away all day without causing any casualties.  It also works with rifles.
    Not sure if that's what happened in the above case.  I'm just putting it forward as a possibility.  
  10. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to weapon2010 in I hope this Is not a New Bug.   
    if a -2 leadership causes an mg tean to randomly take out a Panther commander, i guess thats possible, but they need to face a court martial
  11. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 - Co-op AAR (Bil v IanL) Using Realism Rules   
    Opening Moves - 1st through the 4th minutes

    Keep the above in mind as you read through this post...  

    Using masked terrain as much as possible the RPG team led the movement down this axis, as I felt it was highly probable I could see some armored vehicles try to advance on the Farm.  They were followed by 2nd Squad, 3rd Platoon, and behind them was one of the Recon Squads.

    Once at the farm, their presence immediately started to pay dividends as they uncloaked at least two light armored vehicles and one infantry unit (on Objective Red).  If that's an FO or an ATGM on Objective Red I am going to want to put it out of action ASAP.. with that in mind the Recon Squad is called forward to push a little closer to get eyes and maybe weapon fire on Obj. Red.

    With the Recon Squad a little closer it becomes clear that Ian has two ATGMs of unknown type on Objective Red.  Also note the additional two Light Armored Vehicle sound contacts in front of Obj. Red in the dead area behind the far Red Ridge.  The AT Team has taken up position in the corner of the walled courtyard, and is waiting for things to develop. 

    I did not know which type of ATGM these were, as I'm crap at visually identifying equipment like this.. I need to get better if we keep playing with these rules that's for sure.  All I knew at the time was that these two ATGMs could devastate my movement toward the Bridge objective and I needed to do something about them.  I need to create a weapons identification guide.. that would be useful.
    The second Recon Squad moved to the Farm to provide some extra firepower.

    As the rules state, there is no direct targeting of enemy units in this game, so I gave my forward Recon Squad a target arc to cover Objective Red and let them control their fire. I don't think they did much damage to be honest, but at least Ian will know I see that ATGM and maybe he'll move it somewhere less dangerous.

    On Axis Alpha one BTR is providing support in the gully while I originally placed the second BTR in a hull down position to cover the approaches to the Bridge.  The squads dismounted and started to advance down the gully toward KT2 and the Bridge.  

    Once I spotted the ATGM on Objective Red I popped smoke and withdrew the BTR on the ridge and withdrew it into the gully.  I also changed my mind and remounted one squad in the first BTR to keep them fresh during this Movement to Contact.

    The other two BTRs dropped off the Mortar Squad and the Platoon HQ.  In this area close to the Bridge the HQ will setup a listening post and hold there until relieved.  The Mortar meanwhile will setup in the little woods with the intent of eventually being able to place fire on Objective Red across map.  The BTRs will be moving back to Objective Blue to pick up personnel to shuffle to this area to keep building my Bridge Objective assault force.
    Okay, now I will turn it over to Ian who can take his time as I will be on vacation next week     However I will be checking in even though I can't post any turns while I am away.
  12. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to George MC in Combat Mission AAR: MSR Titan   
    Excellent - this looks awesome.
    Chuffed to see this old map getting some air time.
    I mind when I first created it I broke an early beta of CMSF by using a myriad of drainage ditches. Got a "row" from Steve and Charles so had to remove a great many of my lovingly placed ditches!
    So looking forward to this and see how this pans out combat wise.
  13. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 - Co-op AAR (Bil v IanL) Using Realism Rules   
    While we wait for @IanL to finish his pre-battle analysis and planning post(s) and now that you have seen Ian's purchases I thought I would throw out the following...
    ...I always try to recover my opponent's Order of Battle (OB) when I play a CM game.  Information is king on the battlefield, and the more you know about the enemy the better prepared you will be.  A lot of what I do in a CM game is about gathering information.  I wanted to share the following post I sent via PM to Ian towards the end of the action, outlining my thoughts on what he brought to the table:
    Note the highlighted portion above.. the lack of those weapons became obvious the further we went and helped to firm up my estimate of the opposing force.  It is little clues like that which can help solidify your Enemy Recovered OB chart.
    Who else does something like this?  I bet at least @MOS:96B2P does, as it was his J.O.B. at one time.   
  14. Like
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 - Co-op AAR (Bil v IanL) Using Realism Rules   
    Miguel, the map is one @IanL cut down from a scenario and we then added the objectives... we kept it small as the forces are on the small side and also we were testing the house rules, so didn't want to over-complicate it.  Meant to add.. yeah, the engagement ranges are very short.. so short I have trouble engaging with my 120mm mortars due to their very long minimum range.
  15. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to ncc1701e in Stuck in Spotting phase   
    Doing a small scenario example for AI triggers, I have seen that the "on map" M1129 or the spotter remains stuck in Spotting phase. I am using CMSF2 v2.01.
    Rarely the "on map" M1129 will fire, it happens once so far. But, usually, it will just remain stuck. In this situation, the "Delivery = " parameter remains empty as you can see on the below screenshot:

    Did anyone else notice this?
  16. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Vanir Ausf B in hummm patche 4, I need your opinion   
    It's the literal title of the bug report I submitted to BFC. Charles apparently cut and pasted it when making the patch notes to save time. The number is just a comparison of how many dudes each weapon could kill in 60 seconds in the particular test scenario I ran.
  17. Like
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Gromit in Update on Engine 4 patches   
    Well, well. Glad to see Die Alte Gang is still alive and kicking. Greetings to all.
    I can't say I haven't had my own moments of fist-shaking (mostly mental, not actual, mind) at Steve, Charles and all the other code monkeys up in the woods. One wonders if they actually bathe up there... anyway, I digress.
    I have had a hunch for years now that one slightly insidious human condition might be in play. Namely, a variation of the old standby "Can't see the forest for the trees". Now, don't get your hackles up, all I mean is that this WW2 TO&E stuff is best handled by those with long experience (i.e., our boys S & C) but I have run across too many examples of folks being too close to something to see what is at times obvious to others.
    Of course that's why you bring in the occasional brilliant new guy (he still squeaks when he turns around!) to help out in this regard. So, I imagine our heroes have enough checks and balances in place to keep from losing themselves day after day.
    My tongue-in-cheek contribution is my way of saying I love these guys, warts and all- despite their extreme proficiency at torquing my patience now and then.
    Hope everyone is doing fine and healthy. Looking forward to the releases guys! 
  18. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to DzrtFox in Update on Engine 4 patches   
    Whoa, was this seriously 2 updates in a week's time?!  😀  Thank you for the update, Elvis!!  I think that's all that even the whiniest of us want to see, whether it's good news or bad.
    I've said it before and I'll say it again...  you deserve a raise!  😀
  19. Like
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Xorg_Xalargsky in Update on Engine 4 patches   
    I've setup an arduino board so that I receive a small shock every time the word "very" is posted on this forum. I won't be missing the long-awaited release of the patches, no sir!
  20. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to domfluff in A tactical doctrine for dealing with HMGs?   
    Bil is (obviously) accurate that the correct attack procedure for a US Rifle squad in this scenario would be Fire and Movement.
    The reasoning behind that is that the US squad lacks an effective LMG, so the burden of suppression falls to the rifles instead. Fortunately, those rifles are M1 Garands...

    That means that the situation will be that the lead squad will be cowering or panicking, without spotting markers or other information. The other two teams will be area-firing on the known HMG position, giving the lead team the chance to recover, and join in the suppression.

    Then, a team will dash forwards a few action spots, ideally into cover, with a Fast order, whilst the other two teams are keeping up the volume of fire. This Fast order should have a Target order on the end of it, so that the advancing team can add to the fire when they finish moving. When this team is sited, another team will move forwards. Small arms are more effective the closer you get, so the end result is a mounting volume of fire on the target, ending when a team is about 30m away, and can start throwing grenades to clear out the target.

    Once you've cleared the target, you usually want to attack *through* the location, which will allow you to provide some security, or to pick up any stragglers that have retreated from the spot, and might have something nasty like grenades or an smg.

    If this were a Commonwealth squad, you'd divide instead into a base of fire, and a manoeuvre element. The base of fire would be a three man Bren team, usually supplemented by the platoon leader's two inch mortar. This LMG team would keep up the fire continuously until the assault element arrives at the target.

    Symmetric fireteams (Panzergrenadiers, Stg.44 or SMG squads) can do either, situation depending. Each move involves risk, so a frontal "fire and movement" assault can accept more risk than the "fire and manoeuvre" of a static firing element and a flanking team.
  21. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to George MC in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    The village of RAKOW, Poland, around 40km SE of KIELCE. This is VILLAGE Z in the AAR report at this link: http://www.allworldwars.com/Small-Unit-Actions-During-German-Campaign-in-Russia.html#2212

    The map above (kindly sourced by Hugh Davie from Soviet AARs) shows the general dispositions of the Soviet forces in this area during August (RAKOW = PAKYB). The German attack came in from the west along the line of HILL 251.3

    View from HILL 25.3 looking east towards RAKOW.
    The context of this AAR is the German effort to reduce/eliminate the Soviets Baranow bridgehead in Poland during early August 1944.
    I should note whilst I was researching this action, whilst this AAR appears super detailed a significant number of key facts are incorrect - unit make up, commanders, and Soviet opposition. The same action is described in the book 'Armoured Bears' on page 240-241 and whilst having slightly less detail, more or less ties in with the actual German OOB (and listed commanders) and TOE at the time, although again its vague as to the Soviet opposition. I also have access to Soviet AAR reports (which Hugh Davie who used to haunt these forums very kindly translated for me) and they provide an intriguing ins-sight into the fighting in this area. Whilst they confirm a German attack, and the numbers of tanks and light SPW involved are 'broadly' consistent with the size of the German kampfgruppe involved, they diverge on other details such as German losses, the actual direction and the objectives of the attack. All in all though none of the sources dove tail perfectly!! Still, they all agree that Soviet artillery eventually stalled the attack from moving beyond the outskirts of RAKOW.

    German Panzer IVs moving up in the early dawn.

    Approaching RAKOW and taking fire.
    "Three German tanks were immediately disabled, one of them catching fire. Hauptmann Zobel (commander of the 8/II/Pz.Rgt 6) ordered the two platoons to withdraw."
  22. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Macisle in Why so little community content?   
    Lots of good points in this thread. Two more things to add:
    Having two briefing presentation options, one with and one without graphics, might help. The with option would be like it is now. The without option could be a layout that looks complete with only briefing text, like say, the text on top of a stock wallpaper graphic with all the other graphic frames removed. Taking away the workload of having to provide graphics (with ever-increasing expectations) might help more designers opt to go the extra mile to make their work public. A big part of the reason that there are not more public scenarios is that the workload increase from private to public scenarios is HUGE, while the payoff for making a scenario public may be minimal, or basically nothing. So, unless you really enjoy the whole process of producing a public scenario and don't require any real feedback or acknowledgment, you are likely not to opt to go public with your work once the novelty of doing it wears off. It's really a question of time investment vs. reward. Once you know your way around the Editor, you can create very enjoyable content in a very small amount of time using house rules to cover any rough edges. So, say, 30 minutes in the Editor might give you between 1 and 3 days of entertainment. And, if you go big and do like 60-120 minutes of setup, you might get weeks or even months of fun with a private monster battle.

    But, if you decide to go public with it, instead of 30-120 minutes of setup and days or weeks of fun play, you are looking at days and weeks of setup and personal testing, producing graphics, finding testers, getting feedback, tweaking, testing. In other words, you've just added a job to your life, the payoff for which might be little to no feedback and no money. So again, unless you get adequate personal satisfaction from the whole process and don't require much or any reward beyond that, it's not a hard call. I would REALLY encourage players to learn the Editor and get into making personal scenarios, though. Once you know your way around well, you've got unlimited play value in your CM title and it's not hard to produce very enjoyable, scenario-like content. Working in the Editor can become an enjoyable hobby in itself that even rivals the fun you get from playing the game.
    As for things that might facilitate more public scenarios, basically, anything that reduces the designer workload/time requirement would help. Being able to copy-paste map sections and copy-rotate buildings in the 3D view would be an epic time saver. However, that seems like a mighty amount of work on the coding side.
    For now, I'd say the no-graphics briefing layout option could be a good, very low-cost way for BF to take some of the workload off both would-be and veteran designers. That could yield some fruit in the way of more public scenarios.
  23. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to RockinHarry in Why so little community content?   
    Well I think I´d pulled everything from the V4 toolbox for my Enter Germany mission published at SDIII. Not much of that is actually be seen as most of it is more under the hood and used mainly by the attacking AI. I´d received very little feedback on that, obviously cause the mission concept hasn´t been grasped by players really much. It´s sort of a puzzle solving mission, not to everyones liking obviouisly. Also the player is initially on the loosing side, which might cause some frustations at first 10 turns or so. While this might be the case, it´s actually the chosen style of "loosing" for setting the stage for a later powerfull counterattack. There´s lots more under the hood, but also few things visible, like detailed micro contouring the map and partial modding of map objects and tiles. Maybe bits to much for a rather small mission like that, but I like it that way. 
    V3 and follow up V4 did lots of ruining my planned Westwall series of missions. Mainly due to the AI´s possession of fighting the pillboxes before anything else which IMO is some the fubar´ed features in CMX2. Another big issue is mortars and arty killing pillbox occupants with ease, with lots of direct penetrating kills. Near misses also are ridiculously effective. Well.... half a dozen WIP missions put on hold was the result. 
  24. Like
    BletchleyGeek got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in Update on Engine 4 patches   
    It is a relativistic calendar, currently at about 0.6c and accelerating...
  25. Like
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Oliver_88 in Update on Engine 4 patches   
    I am now, to be honest, getting tad dispirited and impatient for the patches or news about their progress.
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