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  1. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Vacillator in New CMRT Scenario: Carius at Malinova   
    Four years later than the last post and I've just played this as Carius and co.  Yes @George MC it is excellent.  Lost one Tiger and one Stug so far with some minutes left (I got all of the Stugs back to the village and set them up in ambush positions to back up the couple of Tigers I had there).
    Favourite moment was watching one of these Tigers bounce 88s off the turret of a tough IS2 which sneakily had made its way into the back of the village from the slopes on the right flank.  No penetration achieved by the Tiger, but it did make the IS2 go into reverse - straight towards two waiting Stugs.  Both Stugs opened fire and and penetrated the rear hull and turret.  Very nice moment for me but not for the IS2 crew...
    Thanks George - hope you can add more scenarios in Fire and Rubble if you haven't already 😉.
  2. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Chibot Mk IX in Fire and Rubble DAR: BFCElvis vs Ithikial_AU - German Side   
    probably due to some nasty aftereffect

  3. Like
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Aquila-SmartWargames in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Thats not really how distance vision and visual acuity is working. I´ve had contact with real military simulators and shortcomings are described on exactly the opposite. Due to limitations of most in-use displays - thus videogames and recordings - may have a limitation of proper farsight and distant stimulus aquisition in a visual busy environment when compared to the capabilities of the human eye. This is the reason why games like Arma provide the player with an artifical zoom in order to try simulate proper eye capabilities.
    Its the eye feature called accomodation that is shifting the lens in order to adapt the focal point on the retina/fovea centralis in context to distance. Thats how we manage to accomodate close and distant focus. A healthy eye without lens, bulbus, retina, muscle anomalies is able to accomodate into the infinite. What you´re describing sounds more like what shortsighted individuals may experience who can´t accomodate their focal point to distance properly. Also there is often haze which becomes more noticeable on distance.
    Low resolution textures don´t make it more realistic. Grain doesn´t make it more realistic, (radial) blur and field of depth are resembling this but are nowhere realistic as this effect appearance and strength is tied to the videogame POV and not player eyes´ fixation and accomodation.
    Nevertheless the screenshots you´r e mentioned look good. It looks like the Tilt Shift effect in Reshade. I would like to use some sort of depth of field effect alongside @37mmScreenshots profile. Problem is that it is tied to screen position and not ingame distance. Not sure if there is a way for Reshade to "read" CM´s ingame distance... would be definitely great.
  4. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Ithikial_AU in Fire and Rubble DAR: BFCElvis vs Ithikial_AU - German Side   
    Small Update - The Shooting Starts
    KG DoubleD exposes itself down the main street opening up on the building at the end of the street. The aim is to knock it down to see any movement going on behind it. 4x 75mm guns should do the trick in a minute or two. Any additional casualties caused are a bonus.

    And it looks like one of the HE rounds impacts the side of a tank of some description. No smoke yet but a nice blind shot none the less!

    Meanwhile the Soviets discover that I reached the Beer first! No confirmed casualties as KG Hapless keep shooting over their heads. Granted the PzIV is trying to shoot over the PzIII.

    Meanwhile no further contacts on my far left (northern edge of the map) so I'm probing further towards Obj Jaegermesiter with some sacrificial lambs scouts.

  5. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to benpark in Fire and Rubble DAR: BFCElvis vs Ithikial_AU - German Side   
    Here I am thinking you are talking about the scenario load time. Ugh.
    Yes- the two giant Berlin maps take a while to load- not that long for me, I'm maybe around 15 minutes for the two massive ones- but that is the same for any nearly 3kx4k maps out there with lots of objects populating them. I have endured longer waits than most any cumulatively now, I suspect. So, you will only experience that load time if you want to chop it up in the Editor 3-D view, or simply to see what has caused me early-onset arthritis- in which case, the load times come with the territory(no pun intended). The older screenshot of the maps only shows a portion of one, so there's a good deal of coverage of Sector Z spanned over 2 maps.
    They are truly best used for chopping up into smaller battles. They are included in game content in part as well, so they are playable- and the load times are what you would expect there for anything comparable in CM size-wise vs. load time. And they are not the only big maps- the battle of Berlin was only part of 1945 in the east.
  6. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Ithikial_AU in Fire and Rubble DAR: BFCElvis vs Ithikial_AU - German Side   
    Meet to Volkssturm
    While we wait for the action to kick off let's play a game. Who can guess all the small arms in this UI screenshot? I've cobbled together a few UI elements here so no, this doesn't all belong to the one squad. Middle column are just more K98's.


  7. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Ithikial_AU in Fire and Rubble DAR: BFCElvis vs Ithikial_AU - German Side   
    (Budbaker has his comics… but I’m not an artist so expect memes)
    Welcome to the Fire and Rubble German DAR as I take on BFCElvis and his pesky Soviets in a very late war May 1945 urban engagement in Berlin… and it’s somehow snowing. The war has effectively ended but my guys didn’t get the memo, so our adhoc combined arms force is going to push forward into no man’s land one last time.
    The mission is a simple meeting engagement. Secure Objective Jägermeister and Objective Berliner Weisse, while holding our own starting Objective, codenamed Vodka. The Soviets deploy around Jägermeister.
    The map is a very small slice of Benpark’s absolute monster 2x master maps covering the centre of Berlin. Honestly each master map with no units took my PC around 25 mins just to load in 3D preview mode. The part of Berlin we’ll be fighting over is towards the north east corner of the eastern map. If I’ve got my bearings right, I think we’re close to Alexander Platz and a hostel I stayed at back in 2017… I digress.

    The map from above. Well... the right way up because I'm from Australia... (I took the picture looking south <facepalm>)

    The forces…
    To show off the variety of new kit I’ve done away with forming a coherent force for a little bit of everything. Command and control is going to suck.
    These small forces are organised into small kampfgruppes of between a platoon to a company in strength.
    KG @benpark – In honour of the mapmaker himself, he commands the central force which is a company of Waffen SS Pioneers with enough demolition charges to level a few of his meticulously placed buildings. Part of his force will however need to remain behind to cover Obj Vodka if it all falls apart. The bulk of the force will advance. (Benpark's force highlighted in the picture below).
    KG @mjkerner – Commands the Fallschirmjager who will be the main infantry force trying to take and hold Obj Berliner Weisse. (Picture of the KG that will take the beer objective).

    KG @Hapless – Will be working in tandem with KG Mjkerner to secure the beer. This adhoc Panzer Platoon (more on that later) includes a Panther, PzIV’s and a PzIII. Yep a PzIII. For all the grief I gave poor Steve I had to include at least one in the DAR.
    KG @DoubleD – The other adhoc Panzer Platoon is kitted out with 2x JzPz IV/70’s (including one of the ugly versions), a Panther and a Panzer IV. They will be initially responsible to heading up my left flank to get into a good position to effectively cut the map in half. Oh and something new...

    KG @Bootie – The local Volkssturm unit. Initially will be responsible to provide security to KG DoubleD who will be exposed in an urban environment.
    KG @Josey Wales – The adhoc Armoured Car unit. Will be holding back for the moment but will be used as a mobile reserve depending on the situation. Oh and some weird ones...

    And I’ve just noticed a bug. Every single unit is set to typical/default ‘Green’ experience. The joys of betas.
    The Enemy
    We’ve picked forces in the editor and not the quick battle generator so some variety can be included in the DAR – particularly on this side. Benpark has ensured it’s roughly balanced. I’m expecting a solid Battalion (+) of Soviet infantry coming at me and probably a company or more of tanks. Probably Lend Lease heavy….
    We’ve sort of agreed to avoid major spending on off board assets and focus more on the visible units.
    Da Plan
    KG Mjkerner and Hapless have the initial glory as they race to secure Obj Berliner Weisse, (Green and blue). If Hapless can get his tanks into position first it will be a big help as we wait for the foot slogging infantry to catch up.
    KG DoubleD probably has the most crucial task of trying to cut the map in two, (Red). That major street running through the centre of the map will be key. It’s closer to BFCElvis’ deployment zone so I’m expecting Soviet tanks to roll past it or already be on that road by the time I arrive. But if I can split up to Soviet armoured force or I’m real lucky and BFCElvis plays cautious and leads with his infantry DoubleD’s JzPzIV’s will have a field day.
    KG Bootie (white) and his Volkssturm will cover KG DoubleD, while KG Benpark (orange) will advance with the intent of pressuring Jagermeister. KG Josey Wales will remain behind in the deployment zone ready to move to where he and his armoured cars are required. Either helping Benpark around Obj Jagermeister, or to backup Hapless and Mjkerner around Obj Berliner Weisse.
    The map….

    That’s about it for now. Feel free to post any queries below but obviously no promises that I’m allowed to answer anything. Also, the usual caveat that all screenshots you see here are taken from a beta so everything you see is subject to change. I’ll try to avoid the placeholder art where I can but who knows, maybe we’ll have purple Panzer IV’s in the final build.
  8. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to benpark in Fire and Rubble DAR: BFCElvis vs Ithikial_AU - Soviet Side   
    There are quite a few areas that have damage to that level, but the entire master map will have varying degrees- otherwise they wouldn't be feasible (loading times, fps). The QB maps all have an extra detail pass on them, as well as scenarios (where most people will see them). For those looking for very destroyed portions for chopping up for QB, etc., they are there.
    As far as using your own building mods, those could work still. There are a few roof differences, if I recall to make them better for city rows- but the base texture, minus roof should still work.
  9. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to JeanApple in Trying to reach out to the Developer for Interview   
    Greetings, Im trying to reach out to a member of the development team.  My name is Jean Marciniak, co host of the podcast Single Malt Strategy, a strategy gaming podcast I do with Matt (thehistoricalgamer) and Eric (Tortuga ), its a podcast where we discuss the latest strategy games and the strategy industry as a whole.  We also host interviews with some of the most innovative and renown developers in the strategy gaming community.  I am trying to reach the Press department of Battlefront in regards setting up an interview.  Does anyone have contact information for a member of the team? 
    Who We Are:
    YouTube Links:
    Matt (HistoricalGamer) - https://www.youtube.com/thehistoricalgamer 
    Eric (TortugaPower) - https://www.youtube.com/tortugapower
    Jean (StrategyWargamer) - https://www.youtube.com/thestrategywargamer
    Single Malt Strategy Links:
    Spreaker - http://www.spreaker.com/user/9172420/episodes/feed
    Apple Podcasts -  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/single-malt-strategy/id1148480371
    PlayerFM -  https://player.fm/series/single-malt-strategy
    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2YMkUR638whzsK2QD19RjW?si=9XLld5uyQ4qgnRWNJZ9siw
    Thank you
    Jean Marciniak
  10. Upvote
  11. Like
    BletchleyGeek got a reaction from Lethaface in Ministry of Defense video   
    Congratulations to the BFC team for what I think is the best endorsement for a simulation like CMx2. I can only hope that besides the $$$ stream coming via the contract, you guys also get  some feedback on the sim, the kind of feedback that "nerds in white lab coats" can generate, and that helps you make CMx2 (or future ones) better.
  12. Like
    BletchleyGeek got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Ministry of Defense video   
    Congratulations to the BFC team for what I think is the best endorsement for a simulation like CMx2. I can only hope that besides the $$$ stream coming via the contract, you guys also get  some feedback on the sim, the kind of feedback that "nerds in white lab coats" can generate, and that helps you make CMx2 (or future ones) better.
  13. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek got a reaction from Holien in Ministry of Defense video   
    Congratulations to the BFC team for what I think is the best endorsement for a simulation like CMx2. I can only hope that besides the $$$ stream coming via the contract, you guys also get  some feedback on the sim, the kind of feedback that "nerds in white lab coats" can generate, and that helps you make CMx2 (or future ones) better.
  14. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Thewood1 in Ministry of Defense video   
    That is a myth from years ago.  DoDs and MoDs are much more sophisticated, in general.  There are different types of training systems needed and trying to lump them together in some mythical defense organizational buying conspiracy belittles both the developers of the simulations and a large number of military personnel involved in getting them into the process.  There are procedural simulators, ergonomic simulators, operational simulators, etc.  They all have a place in the training chain.  None of the "off-the-shelf" and PC-based systems  I know of are blind  procedural simulators.  Games like Steel Beasts and CMO are built on providing as real of an environment as possible for what they do.  In fact, CMO is used more as a sandbox by some navies to test weapon usage, operational theories, and strategic options.
    I also want to point out that Matrix and BFC started out around the same time.  I think BFC might have been a little bigger than Matrix at one time.  They aren't some giant conglomerate, even considering Slitherine.  They are most likely less than 10 people.  But through connections they made with Close Combat, Harpoon, and now CMO, they have managed to carve out a space for themselves and established a beachhead in some MoDs and DoDs.  They partnered with a couple defense contractors to get a foot in the door.  Its something BFC could have done if they had the mind.  There is nothing special Matrix/Slitherine did other just put their head down and do it.  Companies like eSim and Matrix have put the effort into doing this and are now in the drivers seat for companies like BFC.
  15. Like
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Lethaface in Ministry of Defense video   
  16. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Heirloom_Tomato in Combat Mission of my dreams   
    Shock Force 2, with conditions. Play as the Canadians, and when purchasing, set their equipment to poor. This will give them the base Leopard 2C tank, equipped with very early thermal vision. In a completely ridiculous test, 12 Leopard 2C tanks against 12 T72M1 Turms-T tanks on a flat map, at 2000 meters apart, after just one turn there were 11 dead Leopards and 12 dead T72's. Pretty balanced. The Canadians also do not have any top down attack missiles when purchased with poor equipment. 
    As for the rest, most of what you describe can be edited out, not purchased or simply not used by you when you play. You don't HAVE to purchase a UAV, or use precision munitions when calling in off map assets. You can also set the battlefield conditions to limit the effectiveness of the thermal sights; fight during the middle of the day and under extreme heat. 
    While not your dream CM setting, it is as close as you can get with what is currently available.
  17. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Ithikial_AU in Fire and Rubble Update   
    What you get when you set your equipment quality to Poor.    (Because this is the internet -> That was a joke).
  18. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Bud Backer in Fire and Rubble Update   
  19. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to marklaker in The outpost   
    Currently reading the book, authored by Jake Tapper.  Story of COP Keating.  Very good read.  My son spent 15 miserable months in that AOR with the 173rd, a year prior to the main event.  We were just discussing the book a couple nights ago and he told a story of sitting atop a cold windswept mountain watching the COP get pounded with mortars. Said they were only a short trek away as the crow flies, but given the terrain it would've taken them hours to reach it.  Ironically, he found himself in nearly the same situation a short time later when on what was supposed to be his last few nights in country, he and 18 members of his platoon were attacked on a remote OP by 100+ Taliban in the early morning hours under the cover of fog. Son said it was the longest hour he could ever imagine.  His squad leader was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions that day....and I thank him silently every night before going to bed for bringing my boy home.
  20. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Falaise in Red thunder and Covid -19   
    I come back to this thread and my subject will only concern Red Thunder !!
    It's been over a month now that I'm fighting in the East and can give my first impressions. My surprise is to see how different the game can be from Normandy and Italy
    It's easier (much easier) than in Italy.
    For once we even tremble with a panther or a tiger!
     My surprise is the SU 76, I took it for a "tankette". Bitter meeting when one is German. Great surprise also the Soviet snipers.
    Frankly, I have only one regret is not having bought it before !!
  21. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to JM Stuff in Fire and Rubble Update   
    So People let us begin with a beauty of the nature...
    I propose to make a cure to see If you and you have a good taste to test some merveillouse things like this... not in one time please !!
    First a light taste to begin with a Jupiler (is fresh) and is my favourite in usual time, than a Stella !! (dont drink to much this one personly this give me headeache the day after) and perhaps a White Hoegarden ! white trouble colour and light lemon taste !!
    Than you are able to begin two beautiful weeks !
    Monday a Kasteel
    Tuesday a  Duvel
    Wedsneday a Leffe Blonde or Brown you have the choice yes the Belgian give you the choice !
    Thursday a  Mardsous
    Friday a Westmalle
    Saturday a Kwak
    Sunday a St Feuillen
    Mhhh the week is finish and I dont have finish the list, than we begin with another one !
    Monday an Affligem
    Thuesday a Chouffe
    Wednesday a Chimay Blue Red White you have the choice again pfff !!!
    Thuesday a Trapiste
    Friday a Tempelier 
    Saturday a light one untill all this list Pale Ale
    Sunday already, ok a Tongerlo
    I think two weeks is not enough I will recommand 3 weeks but dont drive to much and drink to short !
    New week new taste...
    Monday a Forge
    Thuesday a Kapittel
    Wednesday a Bush not this one another Bush...
    and why not a Troubadour for the Thursday !
    Friday an Orval with or without friends 
    Saturday an Rochefort 
    Sunday a Piraat 
    I will also say that, because most of beers are from Abbayes (the brown one s) this is also in the logic that a cheese take place with the same name and are so merveillous like the liquid, with a french baguette, thank you Falaise for yours delicious french baguette ...
    and the week is over but the list not...see another beer not really from Belgium !!
    Are you able to push on the link ???

  22. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Bud Backer in Fire and Rubble Update   
    I’d love a good geuze right now... 
  23. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Warts 'n' all in Fire and Rubble Update   
    @3j2m7... Don't worry it isn't easy getting a joke across in another language. Console yourself with the thought that no one in the English speaking world brews a strong ale to match Trappist Rochefort 10.
  24. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to slysniper in Field Warrior Tournament -CMSF2   
    I am going to host a Tournament over at "A few good Men" site and just wanted to post here to give others who might not use that site a chance to get involved.

    The format will be new, in that you will be given a selected force. Your mission will be to do the best you can with the situation you have been given and the scoring will be given out to the top 50 percent from each side of the battle.

    So in otherwards, your side could be very challenging, but perform better than 50 percent of the players playing that side of the battle and you have won and will be given a point value as to how you have done.

    Winners will get a score of somewhere between 80 to 100 points per match depending on how they have performed to each other. so best player will receive 100 points, lowest winner will receive 80 points, and everyone else is somewhere in between.

    Scoring in scenarios will be your score minus your opponents score (as to how you will be selected for the top 50%).

    Each round you will be in charge of a different Nations forces, so skill with all forces will be a factor.

    The first scenario is ready, a Marine excort team with additional elite units attached are in a small town for a pick up when they are attacked by a Syrian mech recon company bent on their distruction.

    quick and intense (battle will be 10 -15 minutes in length.)
  25. Like
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Fizou in Ost Front Books   
    Sorry about that link @BletchleyGeek, I didn't see that shipping was restricted to Sweden from that page.
    I'd really recommend you send him an email as per the description below and I'm sure he'll get back to you in a couple of days and explain how international orders are handled.      
    "Please ask anyone interested in the Black Cross/Red Star series to just send me a short e-mail with the header ”Want info on Black Cross/Red Star”. The e-mail should be sent to me at vaktelforlag@gmail.com"
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