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    BletchleyGeek got a reaction from Lethaface in Infantry useless?   
    @dbsapp has a point: which is that the Red Army has been very often depicted in very unfair ways. If the same standard would have been applied uniformly across WW2 combatants... which is now starting to be the case.
    A good recent book which I recommend everyone here reading is David Stahel's "Retreat from Moscow" which takes a 360 degrees view of one of they key campaigns of the Eastern Front: that of the Red Army counteroffensives in the winter of 1941 and 1942. There are many things to take home from that book, but one that struck me deeply and is 100% relevant to this thread was the analysis that the Red Army offensives were not very successful when comparing the gains made versus the cost.
    In particular, it is noted that while the Red Army of December 1941 had more or less the "right brains" at the top (Saposhnikov, Zhukov and Vassilevsky) and a good chunk of the chaff had been weeded out from the army level command (which is basically like the German Korps level), division, regiment and battalion officers and staff were in general as green as anything can be. Which meant that tactics or competent employment of combined arms were rare, and often limited to units that had came from far away Military Districts (like the Transcaucasus or Far East). If you are forced to improvise an army  - because the one you had was already destroyed in 6 months - the results will be apparent. The difference between an armed mob and a military unit is discipline, training, command and control. If any of those four factors are not up to snuff, bad things will happen.
    The best kept secret of the Eastern Front is that for most German setbacks in 1941 and 1942, the usual explanation is that they came across a "veteran" (i.e. an outfit that had been active for a few years) Red Army unit which was well supported and sensibly deployed in good terrain.
    What made and broke armies in World War 2 was having intelligent, well-trained officers at the division, regiment and battalion levels that were able to work in positive ways with their peers and with their superiors. In my opinion that factor alone trumps almost everything else.
    And still, in some situations, mass will be right answer. For an example, consider the battles for the Anzio beachhead in January 1944. There you had plenty of examples of German (German!) armed forces using "human waves" to try and overrun the allied fortified lines (there's even one CM scenario about that, see "Lancing the Abcess").  We talk a lot about trying to hit the enemy where he is weak, and so on, but if the enemy is competent, there may not be weak points to exploit, unless you create them by firepower and attrition. While the German Army bled at Anzio very badly, the US, Polish, Indian and Free French armies bled profusely over the Rapido and the mountains around Cassino. 
    So you can find examples of using infantry as "cannon fodder" pretty much across every WW2 combatants. Some of those examples have become ingrained in popular culture more strongly than others.
    Are these examples of military genius? I wouldn't say so. But I think that even Napoleon - a military genius and one-man-staff for the Grande Armee - would have had a hard time to overcome reliably and any given Sunday problems like having to crack the Anzio perimeter or breaking out of the Korsun pocket.
  2. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Lethaface in Infantry useless?   
    My response to your original post 'infantry is useless in CM' would be 'than you didn't learn how to play CM yet'.
    Anyway regarding the stock campaigns of CMRT, imo sometimes the point of a mission is to show the strengths and weaknesses of the depicted forces. And or maybe force you to still use them in suboptimal conditions (resembling SNAFUBAR 'Real Life' a little bit), perhaps in creative ways, to achieve objectives.
    For example if you throw enough infantry into the fray you can overcome very sturdy defenses, however you will take heavy casualties. The USSR campaign in CMRT has a couple of scenario's which represent that. I enjoyed them, although I can understand they're not everybody's cup o tea.

    Still most often the infantry is key (especially in complex terrain) and they are the main tool in dismantling defenses, other assets provide support.
    In more tank friendly terrain tanks can be the main asset, but they still need infantry to support them for various tasks. 
    But yes in general the infantry task is to do the dirty work: finding the enemy and endure the artillery, dying. There is a reason they called infantry 'cannon fodder', their job is to do or die not to question why 😉
    And obviously infantry are squishy, especially compared to armored vehicles and usually they don't stand a chance against them 1-1 in the open or at distance. However, go into close quarter combat in complex terrain and the infantry will dominate unsupported tanks.
    CM has a rather long learning curve, I guess it's reasonable easy to get into the game (although harder than the average RTS), but it takes a long time to master. 
    The finesses of infantry combat are among the more complicated affairs in CM, imo.
  3. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to akd in September is coming   
    Last time I checked Mexico and Canada have autonomy and territorial integrity. Haven’t occupied or annexed any part of them in a long, long time (but I’m still eyeing parts of Canada).  Cuba and Venezuela also seem bizarrely free of US troops or proxies, despite their hostility to US gov.
  4. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to 37mm in Fire and Rubble   
    We'll agree to disagree over whether "slight delay" was an appropriate term... however I think this highlights the most likely avenue for improvement.
    Create some more forum moderators, I suspect there's not enough for a forum of this size anyway, and as part of their remit they can manage a stickied reporting thread (keeping it clear of useless discussion or fake bug reports) for each game family.
    That means you guys & the Beta testers will only ever have to visit that one thread to find issues that have been raised & we will at least know that an issue has been seen.
  5. Like
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Flibby in Trying to use real world tactics   
    Sorry to resurrect the thread somewhat, but I just wanted to thank you guys - something that I can be guilty of not coming back to threads to do.
    Having built on my skills using lots of the advice here, I am improving! This is from a recent CMBS small battle against the AI only, but it was a mission that previously I had no hope of winning, but now, using realistic tactics, I was able to do just that.
    I think the best advice was 1) To slow down; 2) To zoom down to eye level and think "would I run over there?" before placing a move order, and 3) For every movement I make a fire plan. I work out what enemy positions, or possible positions will be able to see me when I move, how I am going to deal with that, i.e. which of my over watching squads can open fire, and so on.
    It has made the game 10x more enjoyable.

  6. Like
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Rice in Pre-orders for Combat Mission Cold War are now open.   
    Hint at a game that includes the Spanish? Spanish Civil War, or maybe very interestingly, the Ifni War? The Spanish could use some CM love haha.
  7. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Commanderski in Fire and Rubble   
    Sounds like...
  8. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to benpark in Fire and Rubble   
    Similar models, with new textures and a few new things to work with. Churches and Commercial have some new adds- Central European churches, a domed building, a factory. These are based upon the footprints of existing ones.
    Yes, adapted to Central European cities. The roofs have been changed on some to better simulate urban rows.
    Berlin has it's own set of textures, which would do for most cities. A destroyed texture as well, with the windows punched out- remember talking about that one years ago?
    The flavor objects round it out, as well. Some destroyed stuff, and some things to make towns and cities look a bit more previously inhabited.
  9. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to rocketman in Pre-orders for Combat Mission Cold War are now open.   
    Steve: "final phase of the 'last minute details"'
    Me: F5
  10. Like
    BletchleyGeek got a reaction from Commanderski in Fire and Rubble   
    The screenshot that I would love to see is that showing the progress bar for the upload of the Fire & Rubble installers onto the Amazon servers
  11. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek got a reaction from BFCElvis in Fire and Rubble   
    The screenshot that I would love to see is that showing the progress bar for the upload of the Fire & Rubble installers onto the Amazon servers
  12. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Warts 'n' all in Pervitin.   
    It still amazes me that people who post stuff like this on the net think that they are telling us something new. It might be new to them, but it isn't to anyone who has been reading books for the last fifty or so years.
    "Wakey wakey" as Billy Cotton used to shout. 
  13. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to George MC in Pervitin.   
    If you want to read some research rather than hyped up stuff page 21 of this paper might be useful. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Amos-Wright-Iii/publication/230590819_Methamphetamine_for_Hitler's_Germany_1937_to_1945/links/5a86ebbaaca272017e5a77b7/Methamphetamine-for-Hitlers-Germany-1937-to-1945.pdf?origin=publication_detail
    summary from above paper:
    Methamphetamine was synthesized in Germany in 1937 and commercially re- leased in 1938. It became a popular stimu- lant for tired night workers and a recre- ational drug for young people until mid- 1941 when it became a controlled substance. It was abused by the armed forces during World War II when it was distributed by some commanding officers (occasionally over the objections of the units’ physicians) to prevent or treat the fatigue of exhausted troops and thus allow them to survive, de- spite the strict restrictions issued by the Army Inspectorate. There is no evidence
    for the claim that the use of Pervitin was encouraged by the Nazi government to cre- ate a “superman.” In fact the Health Leader L. Conti strongly discouraged its use.
  14. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to AttorneyAtWar in Pervitin.   
    ...What does that have to do with pervitin?
  15. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to RescueToaster in Pre-reading recommendations   
    Been lurking for a while and decided to sign up for the forums and hopefully add to the discussion since I'm all hyped up for CM:CW!
    I was browsing the Googles and found this bibliography file of 10 Cold War related books and figured I should share. I believe almost all of these have already been mentioned, but I like the brief description for each book. 
    I'd like to make it clear that I did not make this list - I'm just sharing (and formatted and edited it a tiny bit to make it easier to read!).
    https://img.lib.msu.edu/general/events/contest/2006/2006GrevstadBib.pdf  written by Ted Grevstad-Nordbrock
    For those who don't want to click away: copy/paste below the break - book names are in bold, author names in italics.
    “Ten Literary Accounts of a War that Was Never Fought”
    Ted Grevstad-Nordbrock
    Bibliography List:
    - World War 3. Bidwell, Sheldon, ed. (1978).
    Though non-fictional, Sheldon's work takes on an air of fiction when it hypothesizes about how a third world war in Europe might realistically start, and how it would play out. Like other books in this collection, slogging but indecisive conventional warfare inevitably leads to the use of nuclear weapons.
    - Red Storm Rising. Clancy, Tom. (1986).
    Clancy is, of course, the best-known author of the group included here. This work, one of his earliest, describes a NATO-Warsaw Pact conflict on land and on the seas.
    - Armor at Fulda Gap: A Visual Novel of the War of Tomorrow. Cook, J. L. (1990).
    Cook's illustrated work is an unusual mix of fact and fiction-of real-world armaments that would have been used to fight a third world war as well as fantastic imaginings of what the near future might hold. The title of the book makes reference to two common themes in the theory and literature describing a NATO-Warsaw Pact confrontation in Europe: the Fulda Gap, a historical passage-a "gap" in the otherwise rough terrain-from eastern Europe to the west, named after the German city; and armor, the tanks and mechanized vehicles that would contend for this strategic region.
    - Team Yankee. Coyle, Harold. (1987).
    This best-selling work intimately chronicles the efforts of an American tank platoon in defending a small swath of West Germany during a Warsaw Pact invasion. The story is based on the Hackett's The Third World War: August 1985, which Coyle acknowledges in his introduction.
    - The Third World War: August 1985. Hackett, John, General Sir. (1978). 
    This influential account of World War III is told by a British general. The illustrated edition features images of the battles, including the two terminal moments of the short war: nuclear strikes on Birmingham, England and Minsk.
    - The Third World War: The Untold Story. Hackett, John, General Sir. (1982).
     Hackett's follow-up fleshes out and expands the narrative begun in "August 1985."
    - First Clash: Combat Close-Up in World War Three. Macksey, Kenneth (1984)
    First Clash offers a Canadian take on NATO's efforts to repulse the Red Army during its invasion of West Germany. That this fiction is based in fact is emphasized through the use of annotated maps, images, and text boxes that contain discursive notes on tactics, armament, military organization, etc.
    - The War That Never Was. Palmer, Michael A. (1994).
    Written after the Cold War ended, this book describes World War III on a global scale (a war that "never was"), as told by a fictional Russian character to his old enemy and new ally: an American.
    - Red Army. Peters, Ralph. (1989).
    Peters's book is unique in that it tells the story of a conflict in Europe from the perspective of soldiers in the Red Army. This is perhaps one of the best written of the books of this genre.
    - Red Thrust. Zaloga, S. J. (1989). 
    Though no less fictional than any of the other works included here, Zaloga's text reads almost like a casebook. He offers a series of hypothetical NATO-Warsaw Pact battle scenarios in Western Europe, each with an accompanying postmortem: tactical strengths, weaknesses, and what might have been done by military leaders to affect a different outcome.
    Hope this helps some, and also thanks for all of the recommendations so far. I currently have a few of these on the way!
  16. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to IICptMillerII in Pre-orders for Combat Mission Cold War are now open.   
    To be as clear as possible:
    Cold War will release through Battlefront (BFC) in April as a completed game. All features, assets, and normal playability and functions will be present. This includes the PBEM/multiplayer functionality as it is with every other CM game. 
    In June, Slitherine will release Cold War on Steam. That release will come with a new mulitplayer feature, the Slitherine PBEM system.
    Between April and June, the Slitherine PBEM feature will be developed by Slitherine and added to Cold War. Players who own the game from BFC will have the opportunity to try out the new PBEM features and report back on any bugs they encounter.
  17. Like
    BletchleyGeek got a reaction from purpheart23 in Fire and Rubble   
    Man, that's the business of making games. I don't know what is Battlefront threshold sales to break even - 2,000 copies, 5,000 copies? Those volumes, in the context of actual war games are "best sellers".
    Hence why so much (board) war games now run campaigns on a variety of crowdfunding platforms, have "pre-order" targets (like GMT Games does), and so on. You make an elevator pitch, people put their credit cards on escrow, and then you get a sense how many more sales than the ones you already have in prep orders are statistically likely given historical sales data.
  18. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to maxmaxmax in Pre-orders for Combat Mission Cold War are now open.   
    it is 16th april
  19. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Commanderski in Fire and Rubble   
    The problem the Soviets had with that large of a force on such a small area is that they basically became a "target rich environment". The Germans couldn't help but hit anything Soviet if they just aimed in that direction. The Soviet losses were huge as they were ordered to take Berlin by May 1 (Mayday).
    The battles and scenarios hopefully will reflect that.
  20. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Dogukan in Pre-orders for Combat Mission Cold War are now open.   
    I am from Turkey so steam had been god-sent for me. 
    Political ups and downs where I live have seriously wrecked TRY against USD, and thankfully steam adjusts the prices geographically. I paid 5 times less than I would for CMSF (no hard feelings please! :P) - Previously I paid a ton of dollars for blacksea which later come out far cheaper on steam. That was a loss on my end
    Turkey is a huge potential market for the game but people would not consider even looking at the prices with USD tags on it. 
  21. Like
    BletchleyGeek reacted to General Jack Ripper in Pre-orders for Combat Mission Cold War are now open.   
    He likes us.
  22. Like
    BletchleyGeek reacted to Rice in Pre-orders for Combat Mission Cold War are now open.   
    When you buy it on Steam, both Steam and Slitherine take a cut before it gets to BFC. When you buy direct from BFC there is no cut taken. It's pretty simple.
  23. Like
    BletchleyGeek got a reaction from JonS in To our friends from the UK and the Commonwealth   
    Nightlife there looks really rough (see below at the 11:15 mark). Glasgow has a completely undeserved reputation, compared with this place.
  24. Upvote
    BletchleyGeek reacted to A Canadian Cat in Pre-orders for Combat Mission Cold War are now open.   
    Sounds like an important test case we should push on. Finish a big turn press the BRB wait a moment or two and pull the LAN connection and wait for it to time out and see if we can get bad things to happen.
  25. Like
    BletchleyGeek got a reaction from Jotte in Pre-orders for Combat Mission Cold War are now open.   
    The facts of Slitherine PBEM++ system is that you don't need Dropbox. The files are exchanged over the cloud, through Slitherine's servers. There is a matchmaking service too, where you post "challenges" which can be open to the public, or protected with a password (so your buddies can get into it but no randos). Whenever a new turn file is available, you get an e-mail letting you know about it.
    This system, in coordination with a third-party app like Discord (or even Steam internal chat system) I think is a pretty positive and a significant step forward.
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